camp Stare without ever seeing ✶ Intro


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024
During her downtime between her duties Owlpaw usually prides herself on keeping up appearances around Skyclan. Frustratingly, she has found herself falling behind from keeping up with this self imposed duty of hers. This just wasn’t acceptable in her eyes and the only way to redeem this blunder was to return to the routine that she had created for herself.

With a stretch she leaves the apprentice den and sits down outside by the entrance of it, watching her fellow clanmates going about their daily activities. It was a hobby of hers to enjoy sitting down every so often and watching what everyone else is doing, imagining grand reasons behind their routines. From an outside perspective it appears that she's upset from the sight that she was witnessing. Her wide eyes staring at her clanmates as she focused on watching everyone's movements, mouth curled into a frown. Her ginger ears twitching every so often at any new sound introduced to her. Her being displeased couldn’t be further from the truth, she just found herself too lost in her imagination to complete the task she had set out to do.
Glimmerpaw tended to keep themself busy, so socializing wasn’t their strong suit. Even when it comes to their family, it felt too awkward to keep up a conversation with any of them. Their dad…wasn’t the best, and their mom is leader now. How are they even supposed to feel about that? Happy, probably. But it still feels wrong, in a good way. That’ll be them, someday. (Even if their brain likes to tell them otherwise…they’ll become more.)

When they spot one of their two sisters lost in thought, they ponder if they should actually try and converse. They’d feel bad if Owlpaw caught someone’s ire staring out into space like that, though. They take a spot next to her, gently patting one of her front legs. “Is everything alright, Owlpaw?” Glimmerpaw asks. If she’s not…maybe they’d offer to hear her out, even if asking would make them feel strange. Something they need to work on, it seems.​
The feeling of a paw patting her front leg was the thing that ended up breaking her trance like focus. Blinking for what felt like the first time in minutes she stared at her sibling, waiting for her brain to connect with her eyes. “Oh, Glimmerpaw! What are you doing here?” It wasn’t that seeing Glimmerpaw was a bad thing for Owlpaw, it was more that it was a surprise to have them be the one to strike up conversation. Her tail lightly tapped her siblings side as she looked away to glance back over at the camp. Was everything alright? Truthfully, she hadn’t given it much thought. She would rather deal with messy things like her own thoughts and feelings at a much, much later time than now.

“I just wanted to sit down and watch everyone, like when I was a kit. You should try it sometime, it’s pretty fun.” Everything seemed easier then, it was a lot more fun to imagine what warriors were doing before the concept of becoming one loomed over her. She lapsed into silence again, watching a group of kits run around, causing who knows what kind of mayhem.

“It’s.. a bit strange, mum being leader, huh?” she spared another glance at her sibling, repaying the tap on her front leg from earlier with one of her own. She kept her paw against her siblings for a second before moving it away “what about yourself? Are you alright?” Owlpaw found it much easier to deal with others feelings than her own, it felt simpler to her. Besides she hadn’t really spoken with any of her siblings about their mum becoming leader, maybe now would be a good time to start.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 "Yeah well, being leader doesn't mean she won't still put hexes on us," the bi-color feline chimes in, seemingly having manifested from behind Glimmerpaw as if they were hidden under all that downy fur. Giving their friend a cheesy grin, they drag a wild-hearted gaze to their sister with an explanation on their tongue. "One of the warriors told me months ago that if you get on her bad side, she'll curse you... hopefully being her kit means you guys are safe."

Plopping down confidently to take a seat like they were invited to the conversation, they realize the Owlpaw was just prying at their sibling for details on their feelings... Oh... was this meant to be a litter-mate only discussion? Unaware of the nuances of having siblings, they look between the two with jaw hung open in contemplative dismay. "Wait... am I interrupting? If you wanna talk about your feelings, I won't tell anyone," they promise, raising a paw to their chest as if taking a pledge of honor.​

eggpaw & 10 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

" Heya' owlpaw, glimmerpaw! Taking a break? " eggpaw is quick to greet, wide smile and shining grey-blue eyes as he flounces over. Yet anther growth spurt sems to have hit the boy, long limbed as he already is. That hardly stops the cream furred tom from squishing hismelf down beside his siblings, humming along with the conversation. " Yeah.... Wait - mom can curse people? That's so cool! D'ya think she'll teach me that? " he asks edenpaw, taking the other apprentices words at face value and staring at her in utter seriousness. Of course, it only made sense that Orangestar could cast curses - she was the best mom ever, and he knows she's going to be the best Leader ever too, even if it was really awful that Blazestar was... well, you know, dead.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

Owlpaw could have sworn there was nothing behind Glimmerpaw a second ago, to be fair she hadn’t been that alert about her surroundings. That was another thing she was going to have to get on top of, her current lack of awareness could be unfortunate if she’s on patrol or training. Her eyes narrowed as she examined the bi-coloured feline, Edenpaw, she had seen them around Glimmerpaw and they seemed friendly enough. Hearing Eggpaw prematurely drew her out of her thought process on what her opinion about Edenpaw was, to her recollection though it was positive. She turned her head to acknowledge her brother only to find that she had to look further up than she was used to, much to her dismay.

“I don’t know what warrior has been telling you that but I would stop listening to them in the future” despite the harsh edge to her tone there was a smile starting to form. As much as she wouldn’t admit it out loud she shared Eggpaw's view on the concept, it would be pretty cool and she would absolutely want to be taught that if that was the case. “I wouldn’t ask mum if she can teach you to curse anyone Eggpaw, it may be a secret” she watched her brother, she knew trying to predict his response was a losing battle but she couldn't help it.

Edenpaws question regarding if they interrupted caused Owlpaw to shake her head “you’re not interrupting at all Edenpaw, I’m sure you won’t tell anyone since you’re so scared of being cursed.” She meowed teasingly, smiling at the feline before sighing “I was just asking if Glimmerpaw was alright, with all the… changes that happened around here lately I haven’t really had the opportunity to check in.”
Glimmerpaw readily accepts the vague answer given to them, nodding their head. Though, they still don’t get the whole staring thing… “Hmm, I think I’m alright. I’ll leave the staring to you.” They smile awkwardly. “And I was just passing by. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t staring due to… something else.” Not that they can think of a reason you would other than spacing out, but they’re not a medicine cat, so who knows?

They’re just as surprised when Edenpaw and Eggpaw both join in on the conversation, jumping a bit at their sudden appearance. They quickly gather themself back together, though. Glimmerpaw eyes also narrow as Edenpaw jokes about Orangestar being able to curse others, and Eggpaw actually believes them. “I… what?” Glimmerpaw stammers, though they let it pass by as Owlpaw handles it for them.

They then let out an airy sigh as Owlpaw reiterates what she was saying before they were interrupted. Glimmerpaw feel a little bad not being more emotionally available before this, now. Maybe they really do need to practice being open more from now on. “I’m handling it fine. It’s weird but… It was going to happen eventually, just happened sooner than expected. I wish I got to knew Blazestar more before he passed, but there is nothing I can do about that now.” Glimmerpaw shrugs, obviously not that affected by current proceedings.​
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A feeling of embarrassment rushes over Owlpaw like a tidal wave, hot and violent. Had she really been staring that much? “Why else would I be staring?” she huffs, giving herself a moment to calm down, realistically she knows that Glimmerpaw didn’t mean anything bad by it but it still stung all the same.

Perhaps it was a blessing from StarClan to have Edenpaw and Eggpaw join the conversation, it provided a good distraction for her. She would rather muse this thought another time though, she stared at Glimmerpaw, curiosity and concern chasing each other around in her mind as she listened. Glimmerpaw was a puzzle that she could never seem to figure out, that’s probably just because she doesn’t pester her sibling about their feelings enough.

“I’m glad that you’re handling it fine” the statement itself was rather blunt but Owlpaw did mean it with sincerity, honestly she wasn’t too sure what she would have done if Glimmerpaw said that they weren’t handling it well. “If you got to know Blazestar better it just would've made things worse for yourself, right?” she wondered out loud, not realising that particular line of thought didn’t stay locked away.
“I think it’s normal to have those wishes though, it’s strange not seeing him around camp anymore.”
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