The day wound down, and he sat in his nest next to Halfpaw's, giving her a look out of the tail of his eye. The familiar sapphire flash of an idea popped into his eye, a glimmer against his pupil- he looked to her, a smile on his face. Snowy paws slithered beneath his nest, pulling out two stones from beneath it. At heart, Nettlepaw was an entertainer, a story-teller.... but he was low on ideas. And Halfpaw was good fun, she was always up for his games and distractions- a grin bright upon his snowy face, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Have I ever told you the story of these two stones?" One was deep ruddy-brown, like him- the other was solid slate-grey, with a white ring running around the centre, splitting it in two. He tapped the brown one. "This one is a friend to all, a great hero- he's powerful enough to kill a leader, I'll bet. Someone's gotta make sure he uses his power for good, though..." Nettlepaw clicked his tongue, before tapping the grey one. "And this one... well, I haven't really decided what she's like. What do you think?"

Rolling the stone toward her, big blue eyes settled upon his friend's face expectantly, unmoving. Humour glimmered in his gaze, but- there was something, buried deeply, serious about it. These stones meant something, that was for sure. But for all Halfpaw knew, it was just a story, really.

\ @Halfpaw !
penned by pin ♡
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Reactions: Halfsun

Nettlepaw's close proximity to her was something that Halfpaw enjoyed the benefits of immensely. Whenever he told her a story, she found herself leaning in to listen, interest painted on her features and whenever he told a joke, it was not hard to throw her head back and laugh. It felt freeing being around him, like she didn't ever have to pretend to be something she is not as long as she was in his presence. "When we're older, you'll fit right in in the elders den" she teases, an easy smile on her face but all the same, she leans forward when he opens his mouth to speak, her bright blue eyes trained on his snow-capped features.

The smile falls off her face as he talks, telling her the story of the stone underneath his paw. There is something about this story that feels different from the others he had told her. Something more serious. She studies every movement in her friends face, the way his eyes look as he talks. She likes to think she knows him well, that she can read every emotion in those crystalline eyes but there is something unfamiliar and foreign there that she cannot quite figure out.

When the other stone comes her way, she catches it easily and rolls it underneath her paw as she contemplates. Finally, when she has it, she settles it between them, her eyes never leaving the gray and white surface. "This one is a little rough around the edges" she starts, a softer smile lifting up the corners of her mouth. "A lot of the other stones don't like her but" and here she gestures to the other stone "He sees the good things about her and she sees all the good things about him, the ones that even some of the other stones dont see." And though her eyes still don't leave the stone, she can picture his face as she talks. Listening just as intently as she would listen to him, she's certain. "They make each other better whenever they're together. She keeps him in check and he encourages her to be the best she can be" They're the perfect team, she thinks.

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight