
Days pass, over and over, and it's always the same old motions - hunting, training, patrolling, as if there's nothing new remaining under the sun. Scattered conversations thrown in, plenty of meaningless little interactions every day, and Twilightpaw simply follows along, no real desire to make any sort of waves. It's all the same to him, really, just a means to an end, and so he continues to entertain such a monotonous reality without protest. Lacking any sort of drive, he's content to simply drift about from task to task, often accomplishing only just more than the bare minimum so that he can continue to coast along to wherever life takes him. He's found himself retreating from the company of his clanmates, preferring to remain on the sidelines as an onlooker rather than an active participant even in his own life, though with the change in weather the cold has seemed to wake him up a bit, in a manner of speaking. While it's nothing concrete, Twilightpaw has found that he's been feeling a bit less languid these past few days, closer to how he had felt back when he was still a kit. Barring anything else, it's a start, and this new sort of clarity is nothing unwelcome to the apprentice.

Lately, prey has been scarcer than usual, and so more often than not he's found himself assigned to hunting patrols, having to go out and skulk through the marsh only to too often return empty-pawed. Despite appearances, Twilightpaw isn't intentionally missing his catches - rather, lack of experience, no motivation to really thrive, and slim pickings have all created the perfect storm to thwart even his semi-earnest attempts. It would be disheartening to another cat, he thinks, to utterly fail so often, but he takes it in stride, just as he takes everything else in stride - with the same breezy attitude and no real growth with respect to his shortcomings. Luckily enough, he hasn't been assigned to hunt today, instead being tasked with shoring up some of the nests in the nursery with some extra moss to help protect against the cold of leaf-bare. The cold chills him down to the bone, scruffy pelt not quite adapted to the temperature, and Twilightpaw is quicker than usual in gathering just enough moss from outside the confines of camp so that he can at least escape the wind sitting half-way into the nursery. He works slowly, focusing as much on fixing the nests as he does watching other cats move about camp, heading out or coming home. It's interesting, seeing how others spend their time, though sometimes when his gaze passes over a group enjoying one another's company the apprentice feels a strange ache within, always spurring him to move onto something else instead.
Small tasks keep the colony running smoothly, Needledrift had always been told that. Small tasks are big tasks that are finished before they become problems, even if the task in question was exacerbated by the weather. It wasn't quite cold enough for snow yet, but that didn't stop the wind-chill to whip through the marsh cats' coats and chill them right down to the bone when they weren't tucked away in their dens - and even then...

Needledrift herself had been given a small task for today - moss collection. The apprentices were working on fortifying the nests for the queens and elders and Needledift, being plum hunted-out, had decided to help, though dry moss in ShadowClan territory seemed to be an oxymoron. It had been an ugly trip out and back, evident by the post-rain drudge that clung to her paws now. A few scraps of dry moss were held in her mouth, as tightly as she could muster, with some softer ferns to accompany her middling horde. To the nursery she went first, pleased to see at least one apprentice trained on their task. Her mint green eyes squinted into a friendly greeting as she approached the rosetted tom and her tail curled into a resoundingly chipper hello. Hopefully her little stash would be of service?
she smells like lemongrass and sleep
siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Siltpaw has never been very social. Where it had once bothered her, she is now content with her lot in life. She is no longer so alone - she has friends, even if it's only sometimes and their chatter is idle and meaningless. It's better than having nobody. And she has granite too, of course. With expectations n longer weighing her down, it is instead the weight of hunger gnawing at her belly that has her laying on the sidelines - conserving energy ad warmth until she's assigned to another patrol. Gaze lingers on twilightpaw, who seems hard at work, and needledrift, who seems to be... supervising, maybe? They are some of the less familiar clanmates to her, and so she observes them with dull green eyes, watching, learning.
As he works, Twilightpaw keeps his gaze mostly focused on what's going on outside of the confines of the nursery, though a particularly stubborn knot of moss catches his attention for a moment. He works methodically, not exactly efficiently, tongue tip just peeking out as he manages to tease out a small stick that had been tangled up within the clump of moss. Even he couldn't leave something like that weaved into the nest of some queen and her kits, despite the rather lackluster job he's done so far with the rest of the nests. More concentrated than usual, by the time Twilightpaw looks back up Needledrift is already fast approaching, and for a moment he fears he's going to be called on for some more intensive task before he notices the moss she carries. Blinking slowly, his paws hardly stop weaving as he gives her a dip of his head in acknowledgement. "Oh, thanks for the extra bedding," he drawls out, moving to scoot it towards the rest of the pile. Not that he was particularly enthused about spending more time weaving nests, but since she had gone out of her way to gather the materials he could at least pretend to be grateful.

Twilightpaw carries on with his work, as slow as ever, though it's not long before he turns back to Needledrift with a small tilt of his head. "Do you want to join me? Unless you've got more important duties to tend to, of course." The offer slips from him almost carelessly, though he tries to muster an encouraging smile to go with it. If Needledrift helped, then surely he'd be done much quicker, and hopefully he could go back to doing nothing much as usual. As he's looking to the warrior for a response, he catches sight of Siltpaw out of the corner of his eye, seemingly watching them as he had been watching the rest of camp. Twilightpaw finds that he hardly knows his fellow apprentice - not that he really knows Needledrift, either, in all fairness - and after locking eyes with her for a moment he simply inclines his head in a sort of knowing greeting. There wasn't really in use in calling out or waving her over considering their quite tangible lack of closeness, though it felt rude not to at least acknowledge her in some small way.