camp stars upon the sea | bone-picking?

Nov 17, 2022

He had not done this in a while.

Not since the day the river had turned against them and flooded their home. For the first few days without his hobby, Ravenpaw had nearly gone mad. The sort of mental itch that could only be satisfied by his repetitive obsessing over this one thing remained unsatisfied. But as they say, time heals the wound, and eventually Ravenpaw had dropped the practice altogether. By the time they finally arrived back at their rightful place in the territory, the hobby that Ravenpaw had so desperately coveted since his kithood had dropped entirely out of practice. In its stead became sorting rows of dried herbs and making poultices.

Not enough time had passed since his mentor's death for Ravenpaw to feel any sort of emotional closure. He had no sense either of where he lay in the circle of grief—he was fully immersed in it. Today, however, is s particularly rare sighting of the medicine cat apprentice He was curled up a fox-length or two away from his den—far enough to have a mental break from his responsibilities within, but close enough to make sure there would be no escapes. Between his front paws laid the skeleton of a rather large fish. Instead of eating it, Ravenpaw was patiently peeling away any fleshy residue from the bones and lining them neatly into a patch of sun, seemingly to dry. The bones were very small, pieces of the rib and dorsal rays that Ravenpaw had carefully cut down with his teeth. He was heavily engrossed in his activity, brow narrowed in concentration.


Despite their complicated dynamics, Petalnose did worry about Ravenpaw and how he was handling the responsibilities by himself. She also wondered how he was taking the loss, she wasn't around often after her release of her thunderclan injuries to know. She'd visit to see some of her clanmates such as Fernpaw, share some words and leave. She didn't quite understand how Ravenpaw stayed cooped up in the medicine den for the majority of his day, half a moon alone drove her antsy and snappy.

She well knew she wouldn't be able to be a medicine cat and maybe even a queen. Her hobbies consisted of sparring and tackling innocent animals to practice. There was nothing creative and peaceful she particularly got her paws into, atleast for now. So when the tall female spotted Ravenpaw picking at his meal her brow raised in bewilderment. Was this a sign of grief? She couldn't find herself properly eating since her memory loss. She decided to check in on the younger feline, ceasing her journey to the willow shade to rest after a hunting expedition. "Are you not hungry?" She rumbled, flicking her tail and turning to face him.

Petalnose had decided against asking if he was okay, knowing well it would prick negative feelings within the black furred feline. She didn't particularly want to be responsible for such and waste her time comforting someone for the moment. Although, it was a sort of check up and an exploration for her personal curiousity. She scanned the fish, realizing he was taking odd favoritism to the bones. "Is this.. for bone replacement or something?"


Fernpaw was sure Ravenpaw was sick of him by now. Sure, he'd been noticeably less talkative since his injury, less of an incessantly cheerful presence, but still- even if they were friends, surely there was only so much of him that the charcoal apprentice could take. He was doing his best not to get in the way, not to be too annoying, to help if he possibly could... although often most of his time was occupied with resting.

Ironically, his legs were beginning to ache from resting. Whether it was an actual sensation or some restless placebo, Fernpaw elected to have a small stroll in order to rid himself of the sensation. He didn't get very far before his aqua eye settled on Ravenpaw's delicate craft, Petalnose bowed over him and inquiring what the point was.

Stark-white and delicate as an ice-chip, he was envious of the collection the midnight medicine cat had accrued. "Oh, that's..." he murmured, though the tilt of his head interrupted the trickle of his thoughts for a moment. "They're so pretty," he hummed, a little enamoured. He'd never seen much beauty in fish apart from their scales... hadn't considered them before, really, these pin-bones.
penned by pin