" Scorchstreak? "

Pinkpaw finds her mentor one day in a quiet corner of camp. So she was't being too suspicious and sneaky... but so other cats hopefully wouldn't butt into her business... The territory was done burning, Snakehiss was gone, there were tons of new apprentices and warriors... Things were moving along, and everything should be normal. better than normal, even, but instead, things are just weird... Sunstride-star wasn't himself, either, though if she thinks about it, she probably knows why...

" I know Snakehiss is... was a liar... " she mews. " And a dummy, and stupid... and none of that stuff he said was true, but, um... " What if it was? Or what if... they should be worried about what he said, but for different reasons? Sootstar did that to the sun, she's sure. She sent it as a threat, or as a warning... or... something. Could she really do something like that, if she's dead? Could she do the same things StarClan did? Was she in StarClan?

" What if... Could we go to the moonstone? " She doesn't have to talk to StarClan like a medicine cat cat. She'd like to, obviously, but she thinks... if she could just be a little closer... If she could just see how things worked, she'd understand, at least a little bit...

༄༄ Scorchstreak has grown used to impromptu interruptions from her apprentice, and so when she hears her own name called in a familiar voice, her attention turns from her previous task with ease. "Yes, Pinkpaw?" The younger calico speaks of Snakehiss, and at first Scorchstreak’s expression shifts to a scowl, thinking of the fool who exiled himself over his own delusions. Pinkpaw continues on with her explanation, eventually reaching the concluding question, could we go to the moonstone?

Scorchstreak tips her head to the side, turning curious gold eyes upon the younger tunneler. "Most apprentices visit the moonstone at the end of their apprenticeship. We could go then." Perhaps that isn’t what Pinkpaw is asking, though. Does she wish to go sooner? The deputy cannot promise her a trip to the moonstone, but she can certainly ask Sunstar about it. "I can’t recall whether we’ve done this since you were born, but we used to gather smaller rocks from the moonstone to mark our clanmates’ graves. I could ask if Sunstar would like us to go get some," she offers with a flicker of her tail. The leader had only just lost his son, so conversation pertaining to burial rites may not be the best way to struck him right now. Still, the calico finds it difficult to look her apprentice in the eyes and say no.

  • ooc:
  • 77176203_fqHtotZWqpHc9RA.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
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Reactions: PINKSHINE
Pinkpaw deflates a bit, half - smile pursing into a pout. Featherpaw... she was a warrior already, but that was still far away for Pinkpaw, wasn't it? " Aw... How long till I'm a warrior? " She doesn't know if she's ready to be a warrior even, but since Sunstride's kits were, that must mean she should be soon too, or something... " Do you think I'll be a good one? " Suddenly, she feels the need to ask. Her white paw prods at the ground.

Rocks from the moonstone... something like that would definitely help, wouldn't it? Immediately, she perks. " Really? Yes please! " ...For graves. All of those cats... they deserved that too. She's sure StarClan told Bearflight already... They told him that it was never supposed to happen. That none of that bad stuff was supposed to happen and it was all twoleg meddling... but maybe if she gave him a stone, he'd know in StarClan that all of them down here knew that too. He'd know that they were thinking about him, any everyone else.

She never really did say goodbye to Lilacstem... or Larkfeather. Now's her chance. " I hope he says yes. "
༄༄ The younger calico asks how long it will be until she’s made a warrior, and Scorchstreak frowns. If she had it her way, young tunnelers would remain apprentices for a while longer, especially now that kits are held back from apprenticeship for an additional three months. She does not wish to see Pinkpaw held back any longer, however; the girl may be bouncy and carefree, but she has proven her worth as both a capable tunneler and a decent fighter. "You will be a warrior in only a couple months’ time. Tunnelers must train longer than moor runners, though I’m certain you know that already." She cannot blame Pinkpaw for being impatient, what with her friend having earned his warrior name at the last meeting.

The apprentice’s next question catches Scorchstreak off guard, and for a moment the deputy is silent. She mulls it over in her head—she did not wish for an apprentice like Pinkpaw. When she had been assigned the seemingly flippant young cat, she had written Pinkpaw off as a useless and difficult apprentice. Now, she sees the younger calico as a deeply caring and dependable clanmate. Her strengths do not lie in the same areas as Scorchstreak’s, but that does not make her any worse than any other WindClanner. "I think that… becoming a warrior will be a big adjustment for you. I think you will make a fine WindClan warrior, though." The corner of her muzzle lifts in a gentle smile, a warmth that rarely shows swelling upon her face.

Pinkpaw agrees with her idea of asking Sunstar, and the calico’s tail flickers carefully. "Is there a different reason you’d like to visit the moonstone? Why are you asking me now?" Her voice is curious, yet kind. The way she sees it, any information she can use to sway Sunstar’s decision is significant.

  • ooc:
  • 77176203_fqHtotZWqpHc9RA.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
NOTE: mobile post!

Pinkpaw nods idly, gaze elsewhere. Tunnelers had to train longer... she doesn't really understand why, but she knows that's how it is... Maybe it was the time it took to get used to dirt caking on your paws and to be convinced tunnel monsters don't exist...

Scorchstreak seems to hesitate, with the next question. Pinkpaw lifts her gaze back to her, eyes wide. Was she a bad apprentice? Is Scorchstreak finally realizing she should've been a moor - runner this whole time? Well – it's been so long... been so long that Pinkpaw wouldn't like that very much anymore. She doesn't think she would like that very much at all.

But... Scorchstreak thinks she'll be a good warrior. Well, fine... but that's how warriors say really really good, basically. Her smile stretches properly, and she stands on the tips of her toes. If she had to be a tunneler, she'd be the best one ever. If Scorchstreak's smiling, she must think Pinkpaw's the best one ever, too! " Yay! " she cheers." I... I wanna keep patrolling together when I'm a warrior. Is that okay? " Not that much had to change, did it?

And why did she wanna go to the moonstone? Well, the reason felt super dumb. Cause she knows Snakehiss is stupid, and so is Sootspot, and she shouldn't... listen to stupid cats, but... she wanted to help Sunstar. " We gotta prove that Sunstar isn't, um... cursed, " sincerely, she mews. " And maybe... even if we don't totally talk to them, they'll still tell us... y'know? " Was she making sense, at all?