private Starshine shines in you, darling / twilightshade


they’re the tear in my heart
Jan 18, 2024

There was a rapid beat of feet against the ground as paws moved through the forest at a rapid pace. Breath blew out in clouds as the figured ran over the paved path of snow that lead from Shadowclans’ camp to into the pine forest beyond. A laugh echoed through the air as the young brown and white tabby bounced up and down on their paws. A chuckle left their lips and they crouched playfully as they came to a skiddering halt.

C’mon Twi! Youre such a slow poke!” They called out to this blue and black chimera. Another laugh bubbled up from their chest but it was more nervous now than anything else. Why did they invite them along for this hunt? Skywish was never good at hunting, still barely able to do so, and their friend was one of the best they have ever seen.

The brown tabby cat jumped up and down with slight jitters as they came to a standing position as they waited for their friend to come. Twilightshade and Skywish had been friends since they were apprentices, back when Sky first joined Shadowclan, and it made Skywish happy to know they could still count on them even after all this time.

The prey is all going to be asleep by the time you get here,” They taunted back to the other and gave a small snicker in response to their own words. The young Shadowclan warrior flicked their tail back and forth playfully.
You could have said it was a race... Mismatched eyes watch in mild amusement and annoyance as Skywish races through their home without a care in the world. The pair have known each other for a long time, but it wasn't too long ago that they became friends. It had taken some time on Twilightshade's part. Unused to the notion that even an apprentice who was moons younger would go such lengths to defend them. However, such a thing made them grateful. Had Skywish, Skypaw back then chose not to stand up for Twilight or continue to train with them, then they wouldn't have been able to foster the relationship they have now. One again, Skywish had asked for their company.

It was supposed to be hunting, not a race. What if I just took my time? It's not like Skywish said please hurry up. "And you're making too much noise!" To keep their friend Skywish in suspense and to get a bit back at him, Twilightshade took their time reaching the brown tabby. If Skywish appeared to be annoyed by them taking their sweet time, Twilightshade would pay no heed and pretend as if daggers were not being thrown at them. Even though Skywish taunted them, all the blue black chimera would do is lean forward and smirk, "I'd rather them sleep than run away from your voice." Drawing back, Twilightshade would take a few pawsteps forward.

Ears flick at the sound of movement. A maw parts to catch the scent of their hunt. Skywish is practically forgotten as they focus on the task at hand. Once again, Twilightshade is unaware that this is why Skywish desperately seeks them out. To see the blue black chimera so focused, ears flicking, tail wiggling, claws unsheathing, and whiskers twitching. Now! Seamlessly, Twilightshade weaves towards their paw without a sound. The poor thing has not noticed the feline approaching. It lets out a cry as jaws clamp down on it.

There is only a moment where rustling echoes before it dies down. A snipe hangs limp from their jaws, as they return to Skywish. Oh. Right. I forgot. Cheeks begin to feel hot as they drop the snipe, "Sorry. I sort of went ahead again."
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The young brown tabby gave a laugh at the other stating they were making too much noise. Skywish swished their tail behind them and had stuck their tongue out at Twilightshade. Suppose they were being too loud for hunting but hunting had never been their best suit. They were much more for making nests, picking herbs or something like that. Fighting was so-so, but they could defend themselves if they so chose too.

Finally Twilightshade joined them out in the forest, taking their sweet time as always, and Skywish had something to say- something snarky or dumb. Then the blue and black cat suddenly was focused, tail wiggling and claws out. Green hues watched with awe as the young warrior lunged into the forest and there was a soft cry out as the prey died.

Skywish felt their fur bristle at the sight of the ever so seamless catch. Starclan behold the great power of Twilightshade, they had always been better at hunting than themself. They could only hope to be as good as she is one day, but that was besides the point. The brown tabby approached their friend and smiled sweetly, “You have to show me how you get so good at this,” They mused to them and nudged their shoulder with their muzzle, “You’re always so flawless with your hunts!

The Shadowclan warrior then broke away from their friend in search of other prey. They sniffed the ground as they tried to pick up something from the snow covered ground, huffing as they tasted nothing, “How do you even pick up a scent with all this snow!