private Start of something new || Scorchedmoon

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

It had not been long after the meeting that Snowpaw was soon dragged off to her new duties, well... moreso to be shown about the outside of camp. As she pushed her way through the underbrush into the open terrain, snow and mush greeted her yellow gaze while a cold sting nipped at her nose. Her gaze drifted towards Scorchedmoon before pausing to take in what they could see, whisker twitching slightly before quickly following after the other, the newer scents overwhelming her senses.

"What will we be starting off with, Scorchedmoon?" she asked curiously to the other, she knew the others were eager to start their training, and from what she had known the first day was always showing the territory to newly made apprentices, and perhaps she was hoping silently to herself the two would do more than just explore the territory, even showing some hunting positions would be nice, or even a fighting move. Her ears perked to hear what the other had to say in response to her question, freshly fallen snow crunching underneath their pawsteps as they walked, Snowpaw still getting used to the new overwhelmingly surroundings.

@Scorchedmoon !!
Scorchedmoon was quick to get into action, happy to already have an apprentice to train. It was only so long ago that he was made a warrior himself, but he knows how dire things are right now. Besides, maybe it will even be fun! New experiences always give him more appreciation for life. He’s aware that he has to take this seriously as well, but the less stressful, the better. He might get some looks from others, but he’s not about to let those downers get him in a bad mood too!

They go through all of camp, and he shows off the Burnt Sycamore as well, taking it slow as he knows how much of an assault on the senses ShadowClan territory can be. Scorchedmoon then takes Snowpaw where the Thunderpath lays, not close enough to be in danger but making sure the territory across is visible. “Well, first, I figured I’d try and point out where the other clans are! But after that, I want to you know what you’re interested in!” Learning more about what kind of apprentice Snowpaw is itching to be seems a good starting point as any.

“I’m best at stealth myself since my coat is lighter than most of ShadowClan, and I’m sure that’s part of why Chilledstar paired us together, so if that’s what you’re wanting to learn the most, I’m good with starting there! But if it’s something else, I want to know.” Scorchedmoon gives the white apprentice a warm smile, and then tries to paint the best picture of the other clans as he can. When he finishes, he awaits her answer to his question.​

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Yellow gaze drifted down to the hard rocky surface of the thunderpath, its stench stinging her nose before flickering her gaze back onto Scorchedmoon who promptly made his response to her questions. Well, at least they'll do something more than just look at the territory which was covered in mush and mud. Playing a game of 'pointing out the other clans' first and she squinted with a hum. "Can you actually see them all from here?" she asked him curiously but paused as she listened to what else he had to say to her.

She would be learning stealth due to her fur being so pale, which made sense they didn't exactly blend in well within her surroundings, but how would that help her out in the long run? Frowning she just kept faith in Scorchedmoon, he knew what he was doing, Chilledstar wouldn't of given him an apprentice if he didn't. "What about fighting? And hunting?" probably normal questions other apprentices ask their first time out too, but she was quite curious as to what he'd say to her. Scorchedmoon seemed more brighter than she was and honestly, she wondered if Chilledstar also paired them together to make her less...gloomy.
When asked if you can actually even see all the clans from their territory, Scorchedmoon shakes his head. “Nope! The trees are way too high for that. I’m just gonna try my best anyways.” He puts on a silly grin as he aims his tail towards where the most trees are. “Over there is ThunderClan! They’re one of the two you’ll actually be seeing on patrols. Further away then is SkyClan, the clan that’s full of Daylight Warriors, or cats who go to their Twolegs at night! Don’t ask me why they do, but they do.” He feigns a sick look before he continues.

Next, he points towards the other side. “That way is WindClan, the other clan you might see. They’re the bad clan of the bunch, don’t trust them. They’re not all bad, but…” They’re still all under Sootstar, and caution is needed. “Well. Either way, try to be nice to them. Let them make the mistakes. And then behind their territory is RiverClan, the water dwellers. And those are all four other than us!” He hopes that Snowpaw will be able to remember them, but he doesn’t mind reminding her if need be.

“Fighting and hunting will happen too, of course! Hunting is more important to start with, so we can do that today too, if you’re not too tired!” Scorchedmoon knows that walking around their entire premise can be a lot for someone so young, so he tries to be mindful of that. Of course, he isn’t sure just how passionate of an apprentice Snowpaw will be, so he once again awaits what her response will be.​

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw listens to the cheerful words of her mentor, pale yellow eyes scanning the horizons before nodding to what he had to say with a soft hum. Thunderclan, Skyclan, Windclan, and Riverclan... there's a lot of them but luckily it would seem that the only two they bordered were Thunderclan and Windclan so those two will be the ones she will concern most about remembering since they'll see them on patrols and such...

Next, he would answer her question about fighting and hunting and even suggested they started learning hunting first, but expressed that they didn't have to start today. Yet, for Snowpaw she wanted to get a bit of a head start on the others and despite them walking across the whole territory, she thinks she can spare a bit to get something other than a territory tour in. "Yea, I'll be up for learning a little bit" though she know she shouldn't push herself too much considering she had several moons to learn all of this and sharpen her skills.[

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 4 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.