camp start of something ; open - intro


the warrior, king, and poet
Dec 23, 2022
A yawn unfurled from the gray-brown tabby. His maw parted as his tongue curled and then closed once the yawn was through. His eyes were narrowed, a sign of sleeplessness once again. The insomniac glared at the sun and then at the busy camp. With a heavy sigh, he begrudgingly headed towards the center of camp. Hopefully no one would spot him. Unlikely considering her was rather large compared to the rest of the camp.

With thunderous steps, the feline peered from side to side as he approached the fresh-kill pile. His tail swept the ground, his ears pinned. The sign of a cat that really didn't want to interact with anyone...well, except for the choice few. Burninggaze was not one to share tongues with just anyone in the clan. Absolutely not. He had standards. Grabbing a piece of prey from the pile, the fluffy feline trotted away in hopes to find a secluded part of camp. Yet, today it seemed, he would have no such luck. With a roll of his vibrant deep bronze gaze, Burninggaze huffed again. "Damn."

He muttered to himself, a deep rumbling growl was deep in his chest. All he wanted was to eat in peace and then go about his duties. Either that or be lazy. Whichever suited him in that moment after he finished. His pray finally came true with a small spot, secluded from the others. He padded towards it, the goal set in his mind. As the tabby reached his spot, Burninggaze smiled. As the tom laid there, he curled his paws around the prey with his claws digging into the squirrel's flesh. His teeth tugged at its pelt, pulling it from its skin before taking a bite. Crimson stained his teeth as he ate.

Burninggaze, however, was interrupted by a voice. His ears perked and his eyes met the other's quickly. "Hm?"



"good morning," the lead warrior repeated herself, rather sharply at that. the fluffy tom sat in a secluded spot, away from the bustle dawn. it was one she often enjoyed, and was not too excited to see it occupied by the time she made it there. it was silly to claim a corner of camp for one's self, that did not mean this new arrangement was a welcome one.

nightbird glanced to the large squirrel burninggaze was completely entranced by. a large pick for a single cat to consume, but she said nothing. as long as the tom would bring back something more impressive, she would bite her tongue. prey was more plentiful after all. they deserved to treat themselves after the hunger leaf-bare had brought. "i hope you wake up by the time patrols are sent," it was only a slight jab, light-hearted even. the warrior seemed as if he was going to nod off at any moment, but it was still early. besides, maybe he could get lucky and be sent on a dusk patrol.

she settled in, not too close, but perhaps her presence would be enough for him to leave to find another. allow her to take control of the corner once more. the molly would be perfectly happy sitting in silence if not, grooming misplaced fur until it gave up and sat flat.

Berryheart met the light of dawn with a luxurious yawn, eyes lingering upon the still-asleep bodies of his patients before deftly moving past them to encroach upon the land of the morning sun. Shaking the drowsiness from his pelt, a mental path was carved toward the fresh kill pile, intent set fiery and certain- it was breakfast, and the hunger of recent sleep was beginning to gnaw away at him.

Most of the Clan were early risers, it seemed; the Clan was already heaving with faces, likely greeting each other out of their dreams. Inky's voice pulled Berryheart from his drowsiness, her dark frame standing out in the pale light- and Big lay before her, a squirrel set upon his paws. As ever, Berryheart's inquisitiveness lead him to cram his neck- to set sights upon the large tom's meal. And it was a big meal fit for a cat of his size...

"Good choice," he hummed, a nod dipping his head. Approval did not glow from his tone, but there was a subtle pleasantry upon his steely expression. Squirrel was a divine-tasting prey... he had done well to stake claim to such a plump one.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

While Burninggaze was an early riser, Lilypad was still snoring away in her nest; legs splayed out and invading the nests that Burninggaze and Frogleg usually occupied beside her. A jab of an NPCs paw would jolt her awake, her pelt puffed up and a mess despite its short length from her usual tossing and turning.

How the toms handled being nested beside her she would never know, but she appreciated the closeness nonetheless. She would shake herself out, only worsening her pelt's state, before slipping out into the dawn light and stretching leisurely. She hated mornings, the molly usually stayed up late to talk quietly with her friends until one of them knocked out and left her to her thoughts.

But as she spotted Burninggaze with Nightbird and Berryheart, the small molly would smile brightly. Was he finally coming out of his shell and socializing? Perhaps her own extroverted attitude was rubbing off on him! She would bound over, the young warrior dipping her head to the lead warrior and medicine cat in respect before plopping herself down beside Burninggaze and chirping cheerfully, "Good Morning everyone! Hope you all slept well. Have the patrols been called yet?"

She would get to work grooming her pelt back into an acceptable state, but her hazel eyes remained aimed at her clanmates, even as she comically stuck out her hind leg to groom it.

[penned by zaeya - ]