pafp START THE IGNITION-sparring

May 31, 2023

don’t fear your life boy—————————————————————————
Soon Prairepaw was going to be forced into adulthood, he was going to receive his warrior name along with his siblings and bring glory to Riverclan. He personally felt that only that could happen, he was going to pass his warrior assessment with flying colours and there would be zero to no hiccups. That's just the way life fell for him most of the time. When he overslept there was rain and training was postponed, when he missed prey there was a larger piece behind it, and if he missed an attack the trip would double as a dodge. He was lucky, what else could he say. Maybe that's why he had such a smug smile when Lambpaw asked for sparring practice. Why was she worrying about it? This stuff just works out, didn't she get it?

He had followed her out to Beech Copse with a couple supervising eyes, and held his tongue until they got there. As soon as the two squared up his front fangs jutted out in excitement, they matched Lambpaw's when they did that. His blue eyes sparkled with trouble as he began to circle her "What are you so worried about with yer fighting anyway." he sized her up one more time before trying to lunge towards her small tail, trying to pull some of the fur off of it, or trying to jump past if he can't grab any "I mean, yer all big and strong aren't yah?" he always found he looked funny next to the stocky build of his family, all legs he was. But, his sister stood sturdy, he would've figured that made her a much more formidable opponent than himself.


grow and change————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
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Lambpaw is mighty nervous about her warrior assessment, if she does say so herself.

She's never had the best luck in life. Always working her hardest, but it never seems to be enough. She bears the marks of it clear on her body: her folded ear, her docked tail. An infestation of bugs when she was a kit granted her distinctly floppy ear. She was a sickly child, before she filled out. A dog for the tail; her own fault, that one was. It's hard to tell where the line is between her poor luck and her own foolishly heroic recklessness. All this to say that she's not expecting her assessment to work out very well, but damn if she won't try for it. Her injury set her back — a good moon in the medicine den didn't do her any favors — but she's training extra hard to make up for it.

She can't understand how her brother can stay so unbothered about everything. It all seems to come so easy to him, golden sunlight by with his easy grin, circling his darker sister with matching fangs glinting in the sunlight. "What are you so worried about with yer fighting anyway," he asks, eyes flicking across her as he prepares to strike. She's got plenty to worry about. It's her damn fighting that got her in the medicine den to begin with.

She waits as he darts forward, watching his strike. She shifts away, letting him graze fur, and gives a careful response to his question as she does. "'S not about bein' strong," she says simply, and lunges in return. It's easy to knock him over as he lands, overpowering him lanky form and catching him before he can get his feet under himself. "'S about balance," she says simply, small smile creeping onto her face as she catches her brother in a pin. Balance is her issue, what with her tail and all, but it seems paying extra mind to it is doing her some good. Prairiepaw could stand to pay a bit more attention, it seems.
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  • // permission to powerplay given by radish!! <3

  • LAMBPAW named for her sheeplike coloration.
    — she/her. 11 moons.
    — riverclan apprentice, mentored by clovernose.
    — stoic and unyielding. poor social skills.

    casual character, low activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 65783825_x5W8KMeJXhaF0Kc.png
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Two apprentices growing ever closer to being named warriors, two cats who have trained for months to be where they’re at today. Two siblings who are pushing one another to be the best that they can be—Clay wishes he were part of such a pair. Prairiepaw asks what his sister is so worried about in the way of fighting, and the multicolored apprentice responds with something along the lines of balance. Which makes sense, given the she-cat’s distinct lack of a tail—she’s probably facing the same issues that Mud once struggled with.

But despite her apparent issues with balance, Lambpaw wrestles her brother into a pin with what looks like ease, but maybe that’s just their difference in build. Still, the brown and white tom cheers, "Get ‘im, Lambpaw!" And fight back, Prairiepaw, he wants to add, but telling the apprentice to fight back makes it seem like he’s not, like, actively fighting back. So Clayfur settles back into silence, watching the two with bright eyes. Someday, his own apprentice will be as skilled as they are.