Starting acting strange | Quietpaw

Mar 15, 2024

Quietpaw Kittypet X Loner

”I Sent My Therapist to Therapy”
Male, He/him | Windclan apprentice | 7 moons old

Solid black male with low white

When Quietpaw was just a kit his father left him at the windclan border with a promise that his family would come back for him soon. His crying alerted a windclan patrol but no matter how hard they pushed be couldn’t speak. To cope with his loneliness he hangs on to the belief his family will come get him soon, it gives him the drive to face his fears. To speak. His anxiety is suppressed by doing things that a child in a regular family would do. Quietpaw is aware he needs to move on but is afraid his anxieties will prevent him from being a regular cat in his clan. As he gets more comfortable as an apprentice he becomes more hesitant to leave. (Haven’t gotten past this part but it’s going to create different coping mechanisms for him later probably more clan focused) Quietpaw’s main focus is to make friends and do ‘little tasks for his family’. Genuinely wants to get better mentally and not be afraid of everything.

Quietpaw is a little crazy but the crazy is mostly kept as internal thoughts. But it can make him switch up from being completely anxious mess to a mild functioning mess. Is a hardcore rule follower and tries to be as ‘respectful’ as possible.

Gaines one moon every 13th started at 7 moons.

  • A sweet boi
  • not a threat
  • kin chicken little and Bruno
  • Theme song
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