starting to look a lot like christmas! & snowman


from neverland
Jul 8, 2022

hanging out with peter pan
Long, black-furred legs moved across the freshly laid snow with a front leg, pushing snow together in a pile nearby. A pink tongue stuck out in concentration as they tried to pack the fluffy snow together with their from paws, tail waving in the air behind them and orange eyes steady. It had been a few weeks now since the fox attack and they were allowed back outside of camp. Allowed to return to duties, and be a normal cat once more! Though now they sported some amazing scars now through their white bodied fur and today was determined fun day. Things in camp have been tense with the arrival of Hyacinthbreath, Spiritpaw and Bonejaw with her family. That and the attack on the patrol not too long ago, Smokethroat was just now waking up, and everything could just use a bit of ease.

Young Raccoonpaw moved backwards on their hind legs, using their check and front legs to sweep up snow from nearby. Their nose was running with a pale green as they had been outside for quite some time now and their paws felt numb from the cold. "Come on, make a ball!" They muttered to themselves as they packed together even more snow. Pushing along a lopsided chunk of snow with a front paw, and gave a small huff in frustration as it didn't look at all how they wanted it too.

// @koipaw @Minnowpaw

( ) "Raccoonpaw?" A quiet and almost inaudible mew would come from behind the apprentice, Minnowpaw watching her friend with a curious glimmer in her golden eyes. Between her paws lay a few tiny stones that shone brightly in the sunlight, treasures from her recent trip to the frozen river.

"What a-are are you doing? M-Making a snow d-den?" She would leave her stones and move over to the misshapen ball of snow they were working on and give it a delicate sniff.

His dark, thick coat hung to him, weighed down by the moisture from the snowflakes. Ravenpaw shakes it out weakly, hoping that there will be something on the fresh-kill pile when he comes back. There's a water vole clenched in his jaws. It's scrawny, but hopefully it will be enough for him to take a nap.

Stopping to shake some clotted snow from between his paws, Ravenpaw's ears prick up when he hears Minnowpaw's voice, and Raccoonpaw. He hadn't seen the older apprentice outside of camp in a while. When he turns around to check out what they're doing, he blinks incredulously. "Don't catch a cold," He murmured, noticing the running nose of the other apprentice. He doesn't really know what Racconpaw is doing either.​

They know they’re not supposed to be out here while they’re sick. Crappiepaw just can’t find it in themself to care when the healers’ den is just so stupidly boring. They don’t want to sit around and wait for their body to decide to get better—they aren’t even sure they’ll recover from their sniffling and coughing, anyway.

The calico is out trudging through the snow, face drawn into a tight expression. They’re not mad, just annoyed. They hate this stupid wet white stuff that’s fallen from the sky. Snow. Why does anyone like it? It’s so stupid.

They spot Raccoonpaw and a couple other apprentices and stalk over to join them, raising a paw to poke at the… snow thing that Raccoonpaw is creating. "I wonder how big you could make it," they murmur. What if they made a ball of snow large enough to block the river?