STARWALKIN [open/star-gazing]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


The sun had fallen by the tim Quill returned to camp from his evening hunting patrol. The spring thaw had done the territory well in the last few days and many of his clanmates -including himself- had come back with a catch. The chimera tabby made his way toward the freshkill pile with languid steps, strides relaxed and unrushed. It was a cool night but the lack of a breeze made it one of the nicer nights they'd seen lately, and as he deposited his catch with the others- a fat junco he'd snatched right out of its nest- he didn't find himself drawn to his nest.

The crisp, clean air had him feeling refreshed and awake despite his hunt, and he made his way over to patch of moonlight, settling down to look up at the sky. And there they were. Little white flecks against a clear, blackish-blue sky. No clouds, a sliver of moon lighting up the land around him. Quill had always liked the stars even before he'd joined Skyclan. Often as a kit he'd wished to be among them, up in that endless void where everything was still and silent.

It looked... peaceful.

It had been a while since he'd been able to admire them like this- or maybe he was envying them? He wasn't sure. Maybe before he had, but now? Now it wasn't so bad. The noise Skyclan made wasn't the kind that made him crave the dark and quiet. He liked to listen to his clanmates talks, found the bark of orders familiar and the gentle chatter and laughter that constantly rang in the background a comfortable ambiance.

The quiet tonight though was almost lonely.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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The night was cool and silent, not a single snore could be heard in camp and that was rather a feat with how badly Ashenclaw snored in his sleep. The last patrol for the day had come back and that was taken as a signal for her to start to get going. The white and cream cat stood up from her spot outside the apprentices' den, she had been nursing her pride after her failed hunt earlier that day. Shaking out her coat, she trailed along the outside of the clearing and then slowed to a stop when she spotted a familiar tabby pelt. Of course, her own curiousity got the best of her and her paws sort of moved on their own towards him.

"Whatcha doin'?" She asked upon approaching Quillstrike, and her green gaze glowed under the sliver of a mooon. Bananpaw turned her gaze upward at the sky and tilted her head slightly to the side, "Finding the answer in the stars, Quill?" She gave a playful smile and sat down beside him, also looking up into the sky.

The stars seemed brighter out here. The night was quieter. Back in the twolegplace things where loud, always moving always doing something, but yet here it felt like that world never existed. That everything she knew behind those four walls wasn't actually the world and more so a shell to keep it from her. Bananapaw gave a tilt of her head to the side slightly, resting her temple against Quillstrikes shoulder, "Its nice out here, its so much quieter than home,"

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Chrysalispaw wished he could say that gazing up at the vast Silverpelt granted him with some arcane wisdom, or imbued him with the answers to the questions that had none. Perhaps if he peeled past the pearlescent pages, it would be spelled out in stardust and ink. Not that he'd ever had the patience to sift through a temporal tome, as if he expected all the solutions to be spilled at his paws. The quiet seemed to yawn more than settle lately as if a serpentine mouth suspended in wait, a tension held by paper-thin heartstrings and cords. It persisted as the thawing snow gave way to the blooms of spring, and as the green emerged from the grasp of grey. Even the garden could not accommodate him, growing into his new snakeskin too soon, yet he still clenched the daggers of his youth with a tight fist.

Chrysalispaw wordlessly sat next to Bananapaw and curled his tail over his paws, gracile figure lightly brushed by the breeze, as it tugged at willowy and preened fur. He was grateful for these times when the cold did not bite and merely nipped like the beast had lost all its teeth and was reduced to a demure sort. Mismatched glare softened in the wake of the stars' splendor, wondering briefly if Starclan could see him from down here. Would they be watching out for him? Or did they set their sights on some cat much more important? He wanted to be important for Starclan, too. Even now, it seemed a world away from his stead on the earth, as if he would never reach the heavens without the wings of the sprightly sparrow. (Did birds believe in Starclan? Probably not, even though they could probably meet the dead halfway.) "... The stars are cool, I guess." He mewed, his tone lacking the usual adder-fanged venom that it usually bled with.
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"You won't find answers there. They would only give you confusing riddles." Fireflypaw quips aloud as he moves to join the others, having been rustling through bushes to find marigold anywhere he could. When he came up with nothing, Fi joined the group with nervous gaze towards Quillstrike. From his own experience, it was a bit confusing and irritating to talk to StarClan. So far, he didn't really have any changing opinions- they were all messengers who watched over everyone, but they were no Gods. They were normal cats who let nature take it's course. Seating himself, he chuckles. "Y'know?"

Well, what he hadn't been expecting when he had burst from the warriors' den in a flurry of matted fur, deftly stepping over heads in a surprisingly neat manner in order to avoid accidentally crushing some poor sod's skull flat, was a whole gathering of faces. Stunned for a moment, likely having given himself away by his reckless movement as soon as he had broken into the night's frigidity, the frazzled tom let his eyes sweep over those who gazed upward. He caught only the tail-end of Fireflypaw's words, talking about riddles or something... Chrysalispaw, who looked a little calmer than normal sat with them too. Really, though- above all his vision lingered a little too long on Bananapaw, and the shoulder she was leaning against.

Feeling his pupils beginning to burn a hole in Quillstrike's back, he choked out, "Oh, uh, sorry, I, uh- I'm not interrupting- I'm not... I'll be out of your fur in a sec," before taking a deep, borderline-gasping breath and setting wide-set eyes upon the sky. Was there some... calming quality to the purled pearlescence of Silverpelt, knitted into the navy? Some trancelike spell that had lured them all out here, had... hypnotised them, somewhat.
penned by pin ✧
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There was only a moment or two where that lonesome feeling persisted, and then his gaze was being brought earthbound once more by a familiar voice: Bananapaw. The shecat was around a lot lately, but he didn't really consider that a bad thing. She was nice, and he supposed he considered her a good friend by that point, the two of them having gone through most of their apprenticeship together.

She took a seat beside him, leaning against his shoulder just before Crysalsispaw and Fireflypaw seemed to materialize alongside her. The pair were two more he considered closer to him in terms of standing- he may be a warrior now, but when he thought about himself and the cats he was closest too, a large portion of them sat within the apprentice circle still, cats he'd grown and trained alongside with. On a spectrum he saw himself far closer to them than he did cats like Redstorm or Silversmoke despite the fact that Quill was now a warrior as well.

It was just a name after all. He was still the same cat he was last week.

"They are cool." he agreed with Chrys, an assuredness in his otherwise lackluster tone before he addressed Firefly and Banana. "But I don't talk to them. I feel like that'd ruin it for them, you know? The peace and and quiet?"

If there were warrior ancestors up there as well, he imagined that's probably why they'd chosen to live in Silverpelt after dying- for the peace and quiet the stars seemed to emanate. Even on earth when storms raged or clouds blocked out the sky with loud rumblings or howling winds, far above them the stars stayed quiet and unbothered, wrapped in their dark peace.

"That's probably why they talk to you in riddles- your ruining their sleep."

Meant as a joke toward Fireflypaw, the words fell humorously flat despite his attempt at humor. It was the sort of thing that could easily be taken as an insult, but the majority -if not all- of the cats present probably knew him enough to see it for what it was.


Just then, Twitchbolt decided to make their appearance.

As sudden as their new namesake they burst from the warriors den behind the grew, causing even Quill to turn and look in the toms direction. Mismatched eyes gave the frazzled looking cat a once over as if inspecting them for any actual sign of danger before seemingly finding themselves satisfied. A nightmare then, maybe? It wouldn't be the first time the other had been driven from their nest in the middle of the night over one.

What was strange though was the phrasing they chose to use in that moment. Interrupting? Interrupting what? Confusion bled into his gaze for just a moment as the other looked up to the sky to try and distract themselves, and Quill quickly gave a dismissive flick of his tail at the idea.

"Your not interrupting." he informed them easily, knowing that being direct was the best way to ease his friends nerves. "I haven't seen the stars since before the winter storms started, but the sky was clear tonight so I wanted to watch for a while. You should sit with us."

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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Moving her head from the tabby toms' shoulder, she looked in the direction of Chrysalispaw joining them and she gave a bright purr in seeing him. Her two favorite boys; Quillstrike and Chrysalispaw. The tawny and white she-cat ran her tail along the chimera' toms' back as he spoke abou the stars being cool, a high honor coming from Chrys, before perking up her ears at Fireflypaw. She couldn't help her little giggle in response at Fireflypaws' quip with them speaking riddles- sounded about right. Why be straight forward? Maybe they where just entertainment for the stars above? Who knows really, they could be doing numerous things up there in the sky or they couldn't exist at all.

"The stars are very cool, yes, and that must be so annoying!" Bananpaw took turns in responding to Chrysalispaw beside her and Fireflypaw on the other side of him, "So you've like seen these starry cats-," She was in the midst of asking a question to Fireflypaw, genuinely interested in his stance on Starclan as who else would know more than the medicine cat apprentice? Then a voice from behind spoke up and she turned her head over her shoulder to see Twitchpa-bolt.

Bananapaw found herself leaning in closer to Quillstrike as she stared at the twitchy tomcat. Watching as he asked if he was interrupting, and then Quillstrike objected to that he was just fine. She snorted through her nose and turned her head away to look back up at the sky, though didn't give a verbal greeting to Twitchbolt or anything. She continued then to turn to Fireflypaw, "Tell us what its like to talk to them!" Her gaze was bright as she looked to the pointed cat with a wave of her tail.

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Twitchbolt joins them suddenly, apologizing and babbling as he always does in his anxious little jitterbug ways. He doesn't mind his friend's company, pats the ground beside him in invitation to the young warrior to join them. Though, Quillstrike is quick to reassure his friend that all is well. Bananapaw, on the other hand, pesters him with questions out of curiosity. What is it like?

You're ruining their sleep, "You're darn right, since they disturb mine." Fireflypaw chuckles softly, folding his paws beneath himself comfortably to rest in position. With whatever atmosphere is going on between the two new warriors, Firefly can't find it in himself to be curious in this moment. It wasn't any of his business, after all. Shrugging, he listens as Bananapaw asks him more questions.

Tell us what it's like to talk to them! She exclaims, and Fireflypaw directs his eyes upwards to face the stars despite not being able to see them. As if praying that they'd stay the hell up there and not bother him with some weird prophecy again. Still, the confusion is evident when he thinks about it. "Annoying? I've only seen 'em once. Met Haku, the guy I was named after. He didn't talk very long, I didn't get to really talk to him. But when I woke up, my entire body was sore. For holy cats, they sure to inconvenience you during your own beauty rest." He says the words, but doesn't truly mean them. StarClan was.. Odd, to say the least.

"But really, She preaches that the stars is only a host. Everything returns to Mother when it dies."