pafp static comes in slow -- intro


and suddenly, I'm floating
Sep 10, 2023
Shadepool had found herself more recently soaking in the water close by the stepping stones entrance to the camp, telling those that crossed her path and asked why that spot in particular that it was just the best spot to do so, a nice spot she could rest her head outside of the water and it got warm quicker due to the rocks. She couldn't say for sure if the rocks actually helped with the warmth, but it seemed to please those who had asked so far, and they had continued on their way and no longer asked questions. The bi-colored feline's true reasoning, however, was that it was the best spot for now to see her children come back to camp with their mentors. She knew they would do well, and that if anything were to happen that their mentors would come find Ravensong - and hopefully herself - as soon as they could, but she couldn't help but have that nagging fear in the back of her mind. They were no longer bound to camp, which meant that she was no longer part of their sole protection. How could she not worry when the tiny cats that she had raised for three moons were no longer sleeping next to her every night?

Worries melted however, as Shadepool heard the noise of cats coming back to the camp, and she looked up to see that amongst them was one of her children. Quickly she got out from the water and head back onto the island that RiverClan reside, pretending that she had not been waiting for at least one of her children to come back to camp, and instead quickly moved to her nest to pick out the old plant life that was dying. She couldn't help but look up when she finally heard the reeds parting, and watched as her daughter walked through, and it took all of two seconds before the mother couldn't help but to quickly make her way over to Carppaw, a quick lick planted on her head before she stepped back, a loud purr leaving her as a proud smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "How was training today? Did you have fun?" The questions came quickly before she went to pull her daughter to the side, quickly sitting down next to the apprentice. "Are you learning a lot with Snakeblink?" He was a good cat, and one she was glad Carppaw got as a mentor.

  • 36304203_I25NXhgz4HPx59S.png
    shade - shadepool
    ⋆ female - she/her - 39 moons
    ⋆ heterosexual - mates to npc
    ⋆ warrior of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
  • 35847907_6AXusrMGGDfXP2x.png
The sound of dripping water- and pawsteps- caused the cat to turn her head away from her mentor. A tiny grin found her face as Shadepool approached, and she bound over, a tiny purr of greeting slipping from Carppaw's muzzle. She tilted her head back, lookuping up at her momma with barely contained excitement. Ever since she had started training, there had been less and less time for her to simply sit and enjoy her family's company.

There was no waiting period on her total explosion of information, it just slipped right free this time. "Training is tough! But it's fun, I love training. Snakeblink is really cool and I think that I like him a lot, even if he is quiet sometimes." Carppaw's words seemed to hum with warmth, sitting against her mom and leaning against her. Carppaw's ears wiggled gently, head tilting up towards her mom, words continuing to fall like gentle rain. Well, not so gentle, maybe more like a downpour.

"Did you have fun today? Are you still stuck in camp? I would hate being stuck in camp still. I'm so glad I'm not. I really like going out and exploring the territory and learning to swim and- OH." Carppaw sat straight up, her eyes wide. "I almost caught a fish." She whispered, like it was a secret, and the fish at the bank were going to hear her and never return for the clan.

// mentor ping @Snakeblink (if u want <3)

——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean