Though the last few days Fernpaw had been feeling nothing but a galeforce of excitement, a rushing whirlwind run-through with relief... as they neared Highstones' grasping peaks, the fiery tom was beginning to feel a creeping sense of what it was going to be like to say goodbye. The feeling had closed in on him quickly, and showed very clearly on his features, usually dressed with a charming smile and now smothered a little with thoughtfulness.

Seeing Figfeather's pale-flame pelt begin to approach him, a gaze of meadow green moved to meet sunset-blaze. There was all of a sudden a lump in his throat, one that made his words come out a little thick. "I'm going to miss you," he told her. It was quite easy to say- for all the inadequacy that wriggled within him, Fernpaw had never struggled with being forthcoming with his emotions. He was no good at concealing them anyway. And maybe it was so easy because it was so true. Figfeather was smart, direct, kind- easy to talk to, and she'd never treated Fernpaw like he was lesser, even though they both knew he was.

penned by pin
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