pafp STAY ALIVE ⇢ ˗ˏˋ wingmaning epic style


Feb 8, 2023
"Hey, hey. Come here, dude. Yeah, you." He's referring to some guy he doesn't even know the name of, if he's honest. Every word that's about to come out of his mouth is going to range from assumption to one-hundred percent made up. Wyrm offers the other a sweet look– kind, but pitying eyes, slight worry in his lips. He sits back on his haunches so he could spread his forepaws, implying an embrace, as if this wasn't literally the first time he's ever spoken to this dude. "We're buddies, c'monn. You know you can always talk to me!" It's half-whined, like he couldn't believe his bestest friend ever didn't... trust him?! Oh, how could you. He's so engrossed in his own mental performance of despair and dismay that it nearly brings a tear to his eye.

It doesn't matter if the idiot actually went in for a cuddle or whatever the hell. (I mean– it does in the regard that it'd be uncomfortable, but it'd entertain him enough to get over it relatively quick... shudders aside). No, he doesn't need any of that... but if they so much as drew closer to him, he'd of course, take it as a sign to get going. "Tell me, tell me, what's happened between you and your honey, huuuh?" Drawled as his voice sinks into a comical baritone that was clearly out of his actual vocal range. "Tell me– Anything ya need? I'm your guy, your pal" He'd aim to visciously clap the other over the shoulder, but like, in a bro type of way. His smile is sweet enough seeming to maybe (hopefully) get some answers. And well, if he didn't, he'd know who's too damn boring to bother in this place.

[ Please wait for @Ashenclaw <3]​

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Large paws moved across the dirt ground of the clearing as a small mouse hung from blue tabby jaws. At first the words spoken to him when right over his head, assuming it was another cat or something, but then it got clearer. Green hues looked over to that this cat he didn't remember the name of right off the bat. They didn't really interact all that much and he felt a bit guilty with not knowing his name. Ashenclaw looked behind him for a moment before to Wyrm again, and twitched an ear as if asking if he meant him. He did.

The blue tabby paused in his walk for a moment before trotting back to the prey pile to drop the mouse and return to Wyrm with a furrowed brow. "I don't think we've talk until this point," The rather blunt tomcat pointed out to the other with a gesture of his front paw. Though then Wyrm asked about himself and his 'honey' per se. Ashenclawn flattened his ears against his square-sized head, did everyone know about his massive mistake?

Shifting on his paws, he gave a glance back into the clearing uncertainly before back to Wyrm, "If you could go back in time, that'd be really helpful," He responded rather dryly in an attempt at making a joke of some kind. Though Ashenclaws' sense of humor was rather- lack luster. Though he did give a frustrated sigh through his nose, "But if you meant it- could you talk to Orangeblossom? Shes pissed with me," Ashenclaw sound desperate and he mentally cursed himself for it.


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Just look at 'em, wondering if he's truly the guy Wyrm was talkin' too. Duh-doy, like, who else was having a semi-public dramatic couple fallout right now? They claim they've never spoken before, which is totally true, to which Wyrm meets with a roll of his wrist. "Semantics, my dear." he tells him. Way to kill the mood. Though, they get quiet real quick which Wyrm mentions his little problem.

Interest effectively piqued, his brows quirk upward. Not knowing who a guy was meant he didn't know how they'd react. This was cool. More than cool, really. Somethin' in him does want any offer of help he could get, though, and that sort of desperateness was the perfect sort for him to exploit!

Wyrm allows himself to nod along, pale curls on his head bouncing along with the motion. Yes, very sympathetic, yes, so pity. It's a shame what had happened, whatever it was. He'd kinda been hoping this guy would explain that to him first, but it's fine for what he has in mind. Improv has always sort 'f been his thing. With the final ask for help, the tom would crack a grin, sharp-toothed, glinting all charming-like. "You've got it, my guy– Shh, shh!" he'd interject before Ashenclaw even had the chance to tell him anything. "Don't worry, I know just what to say."

And, so conveniently for him, the deputy is barely a few fox-lengths away. With a pep in his step– seriously, he skips all the way there so you know he means business, the tom approaches, tail in a methodical sort of sway. "Hey, hey!" he calls, and he'd stop by her with a slight pout, shaking his head sadly. "I heard what happened..." Just minus like, every detail. "It isn't his fault! Slate put him up to it!" Rest in piece, guy. He's one of the few cats Wyrm actually knows the name of, and thusly, is going to be thrown under the metaphorical monster.

[ bullshitting to @orangeblossom :3 ]​
"I don't think hunting along the border would be beneficial, not after the last Gathering and the accusations between ThunderClan and RiverClan. We're staying out of it; if any of the other warriors get any bright ideas they can come to me so I can tell them no myself." Orangeblossom meows to @SLATE as they cross the camp, a shake of her head accompanying the words. Meddling in the affairs of their neighbouring Clans, even accidentally, would not be worth it at all. Not when newleaf was just beginning.

A hum and a hello heralds the arrival of Wyrm and Orangeblossom turns towards him, blissfully unaware of the conversation he'd been having with Ashenclaw moments prior. He'd heard what happened? With ... what, exactly? Brown eyes flick towards the blue tabby in the background, gaze souring briefly. Oh. That's what. Wyrm, very loudly, protests that Ashenclaw hadn't been at fault, and that Slate had put him up to it - Orangeblossom nearly, nearly, slips on a purr of incredulity.

"Oh really?" She meows, more amused than anything. She looks to her side, where Slate has likely stiffened indignantly. Whiskers twitching, she continues, "What did you do this time?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

❪ TAGS ❫ — If he was quite honest, Orangeblossom was becoming one of the very few SkyClanners that he actually could tolerate. Level-headed, strong, and focused; the deputy and him were alike in many ways, much like him and Silversmoke, only they didn't share a history with one another and she wasn't as grating to work with. In fact, Orangeblossom was helping him understand many things about clan life, such as politics regarding other clans and how SkyClan should approach them.

The two had been engaged in discussion when all of sudden they—or Ora, more so—are beckoned over by that one irritating daylight warrior, Wyrm. He had been the one to introduce twoleg sugarstuffs to SkyClan and, consequently, get cats hooked on them. Now what did he want? Slate was confident that the orange and white molly wouldn't stand for any nonsense and would quickly cut off any bullshit that spewed from Wyrm's maw.

Speaking of which... "It isn't his fault! Slate put him up to it!" He had only been half-listening, really, as he figured that this wasn't any business of his. So, when his name was mentioned, Slate's amber eyes flashed indignantly. "Wait, what?" The former rogue scoffs. Orangeblossom meets his gaze as well, expecting an answer from him, though it doesn't seem as if she's taking whatever Wyrm says seriously. "I don't—" He pauses, tearing his attention away from the deputy and back onto Wyrm. "What the hell're you talkin' about?"
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"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

This might actually be the end. He might actually die today.

Ashenclaw watched as Wyrm assured him it would be fine, that he could handle it, amd approached Orangeblossom. Though the next words out of his mouth had the large tomcat wanted to be swallowed up by the ground. This was going to make it so much worse. So, so much worse. The large tomcat ducked his head down, maybe if he could sneak away or something it would all just die down. Teh regret of asking Wyrm for help making his pelt burn with an uncomfortably sensation.

Orangeblossom was already so upset with him. Now Slate was in the picture! He gave a groan and put his paws over his head- maybe his twolegs would take him back and save him from this awful expierence.


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