camp stay here for an hour or two // nursery move

maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
Maggotfur has put things off long enough - and the night before really puts things in perspective for her. It'd been one thing, to trudge along with hunting patrols, grumbling but still managing to catch something slow-moving here and there. It'd been another, making the trip to fourtrees and back - truthfully, she'd half expected to pass out from the strain.

Even now, limbs ache and throb from her overexertion, leaving her gait wobbling as she putters about. With sun high over head, she begins the slow process - carefully gathering up each item and placing them down in her designated spot. She's chosen this nest specially for her own comfort - as far from the other queens as she can manage, tucked aay against one of the dens walls. She's glad that she'd already thought to do some reorganizing just a half-moon before - she can't imagine how bothersome it'd have been to move everything she'd once possesed.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?
// backwritten, meant to take place the day after the gathering

There were times when the Nursery had felt like a beautiful place, a sanctuary for like-minded Queens and the kittens they cared for. Then, there were times when the Nursery had felt like a prison, a place she'd been forbidden to leave by Chilledstar, a place where her babies had not been safe from those willing to kidnap them. Truthfully, though she had spent many hours sharing tongues with Needledrift within the den, Ferndance felt little reason to go near the thorn bush without motivation.

That afternoon, wondering where exactly a dear friend had gone was motivation enough.

Shuffling through the entrance with her forepaws tucked beneath her chest, Ferndance's emerald eyes settled upon Maggotfur, squinting to see the other's blue eyes in the darkness of the den's corners. She offered a smile, the strength of it waning against her discomfort. "We'll have to move some of your things in here..." Ferndance suggested, only thinly aware that Maggotfur's nest had been drastically altered in the days leading up to her motherhood. Surely something had been kept, maybe a little stone beneath the moss? Or a shiny trinket crafted by a Twoleg? What started out as an attempt to help the Queen turned into a daydream of what could possibly be left, a desire to take a peak at any abandoned goods and take them for herself.

She blinked profusely, hoping to hide the way her pupils widened in excitement. "Or get you some new things..." A subtle suggestion lay within her words - 'Do you want me to hunt some nest-warming gifts for you?'


Gigglepaw feels as though she's long since shed the need to go anywhere near the nursery where she'd spent the majority of her life - she was an apprentice now, so what reason did she have to go where kits were? She had noted that Ferndance was standing near it, though, and padded after her mother with curiosity in her ever-blinking eyes.

"Ooh, do we get to get gifts for the new kits?" Gigglepaw asked as she pushed into the nursery beside Ferndance, looking between her and Maggotfur. "I don't remember ever getting gifts when I was little... oh, but it could be a new tradition, couldn't it be? What d'you think, Maggotfur? Do you want gifts for your kits when they get here?"

✧*:.。. Wormwatcher had been out of camp on a patrol but as he pushes through the camp entrance into the clearing, pale eyes narrow. He pauses and watches Maggotfur carry an assortment of objects into the nursery, his tail wavering with amusement. The blue tom wishes that she had asked for help but tries to find humor in the she-cat's persistent stubbornness. It is only when he sees Ferndance enter the nursery shortly after Maggotfur that Wormwatcher pads there, thin tail twisting sporadically. Admittedly, he has never been in the nursery before. Maybe he should've check it out before Maggotfur moved in, make their roust even more believable.

He presses through the narrow entrance and emerges, shoulders hunched and angular head lowered. "Hello," Wormwatcher murmurs, pale eyes traveling pass Gigglepaw and towards Ferndance. He pads forward and brushes his cheek behind her ear. "Welcomin' Maggotfur? Or trying to take some treasure she couldn't haul over?" Wormwatcher's offers a good-natured smile to Ferndance before stalking over to Maggotfur.

"This is nice," the blue tom says, referring to the nest which is a fine distance from any other queens. Without permission he sits lightly on the edge of it, as though testing the integrity of the new nest. He squints down at Maggotfur and clears his throat before hesitantly lifting an inky forepaw to reach forward and tap it against one of her striped shoulders. It's a tap of familiarity and it is a truly a sign of much he cares for the she-cat, but he's unsure if Maggotfur would rip an ear off if he attempts to be as touchy with her as he is with Ferndance. He purposefully casts a glance back towards Ferndance as he removes his paw as though asking: Do you see this? Wormwatcher mews, in agreement with Gigglepaw, "I like the idea of gifts, hm? I may have a thing or two to bring over for you, make the nest comfier... Maggotfur? W'dya think?"

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾, tags