private STAY THIS SIMPLE [✦] butterflytuft

While on mountain-tops and beneath rubble, Greeneyes thought about the SkyClan a lot. He thought of the camp, of his family, and his friends. He dreamed of being home often in slumber-laced images of the warrior den and patrols.

Hardly, did he think he'd be visiting this part of camp as much as he had been since his return, white paws steering him and the squirrel he carries between his teeth toward the fallen tree; a scene of horrific loss now upcycled into a home for burgeoning life. Though being beneath the structure still weaves a sense of unease into him, he can spare the worry for just a moment, as the new lead enters the nursery to greet tortoiseshelled fur with the meal he'd brought for her.

"I still can't believe you're having kits," he tells Butterflytuft, a smile tugging at his maw. Of course, there is no ill-will in his words — his older sister has always been good with SkyClan's kits, and it would only make sense for her paws to guide her down a path of motherhood — merely disbelief over the passage of time.

Two moons had been taken from his time within the clan, a hole in the goings-on of his home he's still trying to repair, a homecoming marked by the news of Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish's incoming litter. But even past that, it feels like just yesterday they were kits themselves. Just Greenkit and Butterflykit, beneath the holly bush that used to mark the nursery's confines, a whole future ahead of them and their siblings.

"How many do you think you'll have?" he asks as he settles beside her.

In his mind, he pictures five, pictures him and Butterfly, pictures Fig and Violet and Snow. He hopes that's not the case, five, or even four — keeping watch over that many kits seemed like hard work! And how was Greeneyes supposed to be a good uncle — their only uncle, as far as he knows: did Dandelionwish have sibling? He'll have to ask, someday — to that many kits? Still, despite the young lead's worries, Greeneyes knows that Butterflytuft will be a good mother, no matter how many kits she'll have.
  • // @butterflytuft

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    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
Butterflytuft watches her brother approach the nursery with a smile on her face where she lays safe in her own nest just inside. "Thanks, Greeneyes," She tells him gratefully as she offers her the squirrel. Her appetite has been slim, but she knows it's important for the kits if she eats. So, she forces a bite anyway, but gestures that she'd like to share with him, too. She chuckles at his words and lifts a spotted paw to poke at him. "And I still can't believe you're a lead warrior now. So much has changed. I'm so proud of you." After a pause, she adds on, "Daisyflight would be, too."

She takes another bite as he asks how many kits she thinks she's going to have and she pricks her ears with a delighted smile. After swallowing, she points her nose towards the medicine den. "Dawnglare thinks I'll have two. I hope it's more, though," She mews sheepishly, ears folding back. She wants a large family, like the one she'd been raised in here. How accurate can palpating a belly be, anyway?

So much has changed, Butterflytuft tells him, and Greeneyes agrees with a soft laugh as he moves forward to take a bite of the squirrel at her motioning offer.

Since his return, it's felt like he's learned a new piece of information about SkyClan's time during the journey cats' absence with every passing moment — and somehow there always seemed to be more. Another sickness to be told about, another life he'll never see again, another story of a temporary camp; one held in shadows as rogues slept under the pine forest. How much could happen within a couple of moons?

Of course, Greeneyes knows the answer to his own question — knows how quickly things can change. He knows of seeing his friends and family one day, and grieving them the next. So much can change, and the tom is grateful that his family's recent shifts are positive ones. For once, after so much loss.

Butterflytuft is proud of him, she says, and Greeneyes can't help but smile. "I'm proud of you too, you know," he mews back. He always has been and always will be — it's something he could say of all his sisters, really. But, the tortoiseshell follows her pride up with the mention of their mother, and Greeneyes pauses, turning to look at his sister.

"Do you think so?" he asks. Daisyflight must be, but still, he worries. Still, he wonders if marmalade fur should've taken his spot on Blazestar's council instead. He casts his worries aside as he take another bite of the squirrel, listening to Butterflytuft tell him about Dawnglare, about what the medicine cat thinks.

"Two sounds like a good number," the young lead agrees, though he knows nothing about figuring out the numbers, of how a medicine cat would even figure that out. He can handle being an uncle to two, though, can't he? His sister doesn't seem to think it's enough, however, and he tilts his head at her.

"Really?" he asks, sweeping his hooked tail around himself, "You want more than two?"

  • 70927026_mk0oT2Gc8QoWlIu.png

    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
She tilts her head, eyes glittering as she smiles endearingly at him. "I know so." She is positive their mother is watching them now from StarClan, eager to see her grandchildren be born and so proud of her son for carrying on her legacy as a lead warrior of SkyClan. She shifts onto her side so that her round belly is sticking left - much more comfortable for her - before going in for another bite.

She giggles a bit and nods bashfully as she tucks her paws beneath her chest. "I've always wanted a big family, like ours is. I don't know, I just..." She glances around them at the nursery walls, a soft smile touching her lips. "I feel like I was meant to be a queen. I think I'll be much better than this than I am at being a warrior."