pafp stay unfiltered and loud | first word


i come from where the wild wild flowers grow
May 31, 2024

Time has granted her blessed sight and sound, senses blossoming and developing as they should. Budkit grows day by day, plump off of her mother’s milk and doted on by the tricolored queen. Butterflytuft’s love and care emboldens the seal point kitten, allowing her curious mind to expand with knowledge and experience going on around her within nursery walls. Already she wobbles about on sturdy paws, crooked tail held aloft to aid in her balance as she climbs over moss nest edge. One day she will get to toddle further than her mother’s nest - she will get to follow the older kittens into the light where so much noise emanates from.

Until that day she is content to stay close by the gentle queen. Her mother. No one spurns as much love within her fragile heart as Butterflytuft. Budkit hopes her mom feels her overflowing love in the way oceanic eyes affectionately hold sunflower gaze; the way large mittened paws knead against downy belly as she purrs herself to sleep. The nights she awakens scared and hungry and it is Butterflytuft who is there to soothe her back to sleep. The moments she loses her balance and tumbles the multicolored queen is there to pick her back up and clean the dust from her thin pelt.

She is her everything.

Budkit scales the edge of the moss nest once more and waddles towards Butterflytuft, feeling content in her very brief exploration. She lays down beside the queen and bumps her head against her mother’s side. “Muh,” the moon old kit mumbles, trying to sound out a word she has heard the other kits call their own Butterflytufts. “Mmmaw,” she tries again a bit louder, tilting her head at the sound of her own voice. Almost there, she is getting close to saying what she longs to say… “Mama!”

Bright blue eyes stare excitedly at her mama, gleaming with pride and adoration as if to say I did it mama! Did you hear me? I did it!

// please wait for @butterflytuft
[ penned by kerms ]

Butterflytuft lays curled in the warmth of the nursery, a gentle smile on her face as she watches Budkit explore more and more of the nursery with such determination in her tiny paws. The little black-masked kit has been growing stronger every day and she can’t believe nearly a moon has already passed since they found each other. Fate brought them together that day, she is sure of it!

She purrs as Budkit wobbles closer and nudges against her side. “Hello, my little flower bud,” She murmurs affectionately, and is about to lean down to lick her head when she hears that sweet sound. Muh. Butterflytuft pauses, her eyes rounding. Mismatched ears press forward. Is that…? She stares down at her daughter excitedly as she continues to try to work out the sound, and then... Mama! Her heart leaps into her throat. "Oh, Budkit!" The tortoiseshell queen trills excitedly. "You said it! You said 'Mama!'"

Butterflytuft's daffodil-yellow eyes sparkle with pride as she leans down to nuzzle the child gently. You’re growing up so fast. She needs to tell everyone, she needs to! But oh, her daughter is so cute nestled up next to her, staring up at her with those round sapphire eyes. So instead of sharing the news, the queen stays purring where she is, wrapping her fluffy tail around Budkit lovingly.

Soon enough, the tiny point will be exploring the world beyond the nursery. That day will come too soon. Growing up always does, as she’d learned with Fluffypaw, Weedpaw, and Daisypaw. But today, she is here, small and snuggly and all hers. She will hold her close and treasure the moment while she has it.

Owlheart made a point of trying to visit her cousins and her aunt in the nursery whenever she had a free moment. It was strange to think of Honeysplash as a mother these days, not strange in a bad way, she didn't think that they'd make a poor parent or anything like that- just different? It wasn't a common thing, just whenever there was a lul in duties. She was always nervous around kits, something about that youthfulness and that inherent fragility. It was a little frightening! Today was one of those quieter moments and she took that excuse, sitting beside Adderkit as she watched Cloverkit and Weaselkit play.

Out of the corner of her eye she could have sworn that she saw movement but she was too diligently watching the young kits to make sure that they didn't accidentally try to claw at one another if the game got too heated. Was that something that kits even did? She was too out of her comfort zone here. An orange ear flicks at the sound of a kit calling out to their mother, at first she pays the word no mind. Wasn't it a common sight for children to call for their parents?

When Butterflytuft replied with so much excitement and pride the tabby had realised just how important that was. Gently flicking at Weaselkit's tail she turns her head to look at the tranquil scene. It feels too sweet to break with her own input and yet she can't help herself now that she understood the excitement and let herself experience that second hand pride. “Was that her first word?” She meows full of curiosity, wide eyes looking between the kit and the queen. “She's grown up so much already” the warrior remembers just how tiny the kitten was when she first came to camp. Not that she was a huge cat now but there were notable differences, she wonders just how big she will grow by the time she's an apprentice- or even a warrior. For now though she wanted Budkit to stay that size, for Butterflytuft's sake as she just seemed so happy looking after her in the nursery.
Doeblaze had spent the better part of her Clan life thus far in the nursery; or at least she thinks so, when she tries to mentally math it, though she doesn't doubt her time as a warrior will outpace that as a queen, in time. Regardless, she's never lost her fondness for the milk - soft nursery or its denizens . . . especially Butterflytuft, who she owes far more than she can ever hope to repay. She can try, though, and she regularly drags her freshest and plumpest catches to the holly - shielded den, tribute to the queen who had been there for her and her kits when it felt like nobody else was.

" Hello, Butterfl— " she begins as she ducks into the milk - scented warmth and downy softness of the nursery, jade eye peering through the darkness, a green chunk of seaglass softened around its edges. Her raspy mew, mumbled around her catch, is cut soundly off by a resounding kitten - cry: " Mama! " Butterflytuft beams, nuzzling Budkit between her darkening ears, and somewhat experienced mother that she is, Doeblaze can recognize the excited pride in her soft trill of a voice.

" She really has, " she agrees with Owlheart, blinking in what she hopes is a friendly manner at her son's partner. She's witnessed little scraps of Budkit's growth in the process of her kitten - fluff's darkening and the growth of tiny limbs in the glimpses Doeblaze catches in her brief visits. " Oh, how lovely, Butterflytuft, " she purrs, setting a plump little junco by the two's nest. Blinking her lone eye at the little kit, she mrrows fondly, " She's so cute. "

Butterflytuft looks up as Owlheart speaks, her gaze softening. She blinks warmly at the younger warrior, practically radiating the pride of a mother. "Yes!" She purrs excitedly, her feathery tail swishing to and fro. Her attention quickly shifts back to her child, a big smile on her face as she watches her snuggle up into her pelt. "They grow up so quickly," She agrees softly, tilting her head. "It seems like just yesterday her eyes opened for the first time. Now, she's talking, she's exploring..." The tortoiseshell shakes her head in near disbelief. One would think she'd be used to this by now, with this being her second time raising a kit and all. But no, it's all just as fresh as it had been in the beginning.

She turns her gaze up to Bobbie - no, Doeblaze! That will take some time getting used to. "Thank you," She trills softly, ducking her head to the older she-cat. She's always respected her so much, so it means a lot that she's come to visit even after her own kits have been apprenticed. She sighs contentedly as she watches Budkit once more, her ears falling back against her head. "Sometimes I wish they could just stay small forever..." And then yellow eyes flit upwards, as if remembering something important. "Oh! Where are my manners? Please, make yourselves comfortable. We enjoy the company, really."