camp STAY UNTIL YOU’RE DEAD [✨] Skirmish Patrol Return


Though her patrol fought valiantly, ThunderClan ultimately emerged from their forest with superior numbers. Figfeather called the patrol to retreat to prevent further injuries to their pelts, her ego slightly bruised. The yowls of their oak forest enemies still rang in her ears as she led Silversmoke and Daisypaw back into camp.

”We tried to secure a few extra fox-lengths of territory for the clan. Leaf-bare is coming.” She reminds, knowing her decision to claim the small piece of ThunderClan might not be met with universal approval. ”ThunderClan drove us off, unfortunately.” Sometimes you took risks and fell short, but she didn't dwell on it excessively. All three of them had only suffered minor scratches and bruising (as far as she knew), so it had been worth the effort.

”My apprentice displayed great fierceness. The only reason I managed to wiggle out from a ThunderClan cat’s grip.” Figfeather boasts, a prideful grin spreading across her face as she looks to her apprentice. ”To think you were just a scrap of mewling fur when we found you at the border… Now you’re nearly a warrior grown.” Any look of confusion or shock on the apprentice’s face would be ignored by his mentor, who was still riding high on the adrenaline of the battle.

>> @SILVERSMOKE @Daisypaw
  • Wow
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The return of Figfeather's patrol only drew Howlfire's attention when she saw how battered they were, with a few minor scratches and ruffled pelts to show for their prior scuffle. A teasing remark forms on her lips, though Howlfire foregoes it once she hears of what happened. "You tried to claim some of their territory?" Howlfire echoed, looking for further confirmation from Silversmoke and Daisypaw to back up these claims. Surprisingly, Howlfire's expression is devoid of judgement, remembering all too well ThunderClan's past digressions at the border stealing their prey. Yet, despite that, she thinks it was in somewhat poor taste given what ThunderClan had recently endured at the paws of Howlfire's own brother.

Howlfire's gaze watches Figfeather as her fellow lead warrior proudly commends Daisypaw's actions, stating that it was because of him that she made it out from under the grasp of a ThunderClan warrior. "I am glad you are alright," Howlfire mews, her gaze lingering on Figfeather for a fraction too long, before she tears it away. She swiftly amends her prior words with a smooth, "All of you.". Her gaze then shifts to Daisypaw, giving him a warm smile. "Sounds like you fought well, Daisypaw," She said

He'd hesitated to run after Figfeather when the Lead Warrior called the retreat, yet at the end, the spotted tabby still maintained rank behind the Lead Warrior, pelt ruffled but otherwise unscathed. With the high of battle still pulsating through his mind, the journey to camp was equal parts long and short, paws ached yet begged for another chance at reclaiming what was owed by ThunderClan. Any idea of it being the right thing died a painful death. Silversmoke gawked at the back of Figfeather's head, tight-lipped yet nostrils flaring all the same at the insinuation that codebreaking had been his choice too. Even if he had stopped being the passive party the moment he tried to end a ThunderClanner's time as a warrior, there was resentment at the idea that he'd started it, that there was something he could've said or done to keep his honour intact.

The tom of two mindsets could not decide whether it was right to abandon the code just this once or if Figfeather had gone too far if he'd done too little to stop it (what could he have done other than leave her to die at the paws of an angry mob? How was that any less wrong than fighting for an insulting cause?)

He stared towards Howlfire, his gaze momentarily sharpening before he remembered himself and looked away as if the skirmish had taken his tongue. Praise for Daisypaw overshadowed any conversations of morality and a brief twinge of guilt hit him as he realised he'd had no idea how the other had fought. Stark white fur was reimagined in his mind, the only thing on in the foreimage of a leaf-fall canvas. "ThunderClan didn't wait to see if it was an accident," he mewed to himself. It was a reassurance he held onto like a comfort blanket.



Where Howlfire may have been devoid of judgement, Johnny was not. He wore his confusion and disapproval plain to see as he approached, the former far more prominent as he tried to figure out just what would have prompted Figfeather and Silversmoke to undertake a quest like that on their own.

”Of course they drove you off! Two cats rubbin’ on their trees like they own em- you didn’t even take a proper patrol to enforce the claim!” huffed the ex-lead as he padded over, bright eyes shifting from his mate to the lead warrior, trying to make sense of what he was being told. This; it didn’t sound like a well thought out plan. It sounded like two cats making an impulsive decision with an apprentice in tow, and none of that sounded in line with what he’d expect of his mate.

Silversmoke was strategic. Calculated. Surely he would know laying scent on a few trees was pointless if you didn’t have the numbers to back it up when the enemy patrol came snooping around? Did Orangestar even know about this? Surely this was the kind of decision that was made during a council meeting- where all of Skyclans representatives were present. Maybe that was old habits dying hard, though. Was it even his business, anymore? Of course it is, this is your home, your family!

”Thunderclan didn’t wait to see if it was an accident.”

But did that matter, when figfeather had already admitted that it wasn’t? Would Skyclan have waited to ask questions if they’d stumbled upon thunderclan doing the same? He wasn’t sure, but looking at his mate, he couldn’t bring himself to believe they had acted without a reason- even if it was one Johnny didn’t understand yet..

”Nevermind. If there’s gonna be consequences they won’t be from me. The important thing is you all made it back okay.” he relented, knowing that ultimately it was their Leader and the rest of the council who would determine whether this new development was good or bad. He was just… upset? Frustrated? It was hard to nail the word on the head, but he knew it had more to do with his mate than Fig and her apprentice.

He didn’t want to lose Silversmoke again, not to some poorly thought out plan, and definitely not so soon after getting him back.

He made his way over to the large, silver-spotted tom, giving him an affectionate headbutt to the chest to show he wasn't truly mad at them, just disapproving. "Take more cats next time, ya numpty." he muttered low, just for the silver cat to hear- not because he cared if the new border stuck or not, but because the bobtail couldn't fathom the idea of losing him to something to preventable.



Wow, uh- they didn't look good, did they? A ruffled tiredness dogged each of them, though there wasn't any sickening abundance of blood populating the ground. Concern, and some bemusement found its place on Twitchbolt's face- he'd not sent a war patrol, had he? It didn't seem like the sort of thing he was likely to forget...

Luckily he didn't have to ask before Figfeather began to explain to the gathering onlookers. Right, they'd tried to claim a sliver of ThunderClan's territory ... suddenly the scratches made complete sense. There wasn't much else to be said on the matter- as daring and direct as Figfeather was, she had the sense to retreat when it looked like they were losing. SkyClan lost nothing but a few herbs, and maybe a couple ticks of ThunderClan's patience.

"I think they g-got quite sick of accidents moons ago," Twitchbolt commented toward Silversmoke, a little weariness in his tone, but no bite. Back in Blazestar's day, so many of their newer Clanmates had wandered stupidly over the border that they had to tighten their strictness on joiners. He could in no way blame ThunderClan.

Still... "A little more hunting ground would have been nice, but... oh well." he shrugged toward Figfeather. Hopefully Flamestar took after her predecessor, and wasn't in a rush to escalate simple skirmishes. But, well- there was still a writhing little fragment of him that feared it, imagined a brand of fire striding toward and scorching their border with anger... calling about audacity...

Wide eyes found Daisypaw, softened a little. "There's a taste of warriorhood for you, huh?" he offered, voice a little shaky and brittle all of a sudden... but he hid his brewing anxiety better than usual, a genuine smile aiding the act.
penned by pin ✧
The call to retreat had been met with slight annoyance, and though the apprentice hadn't said anything - he wouldn't dare - he had been sure if they had been there a few moments longer that they would have been able to take the territory, been able to get more prey for the clan after ThunderClan had trespassed and stolen prey. The annoyance hadn't lasted long though, for as the trio moved through the underbrush back into camp it had faded, soon turning to pride as Figfeather spoke of what had happened. She was not one to boast about nothing, so when she had done so about Daisy's abilities he had felt his fur puff out with pride before it quickly deflated and flatted in confusion at the next words that came from his mentor's maw.

"Wh-what?" Small word came from him, the words from Twitchbolt causing him to look over to the other as maw opened for one moment before snapping shut, the meaning of them going in one ear and out the other. The adrenaline that he'd had from the scuffle at the border had dissipated as quickly as it had arrived in that moment, "Wait what do you mean found at the border?" Surely she was mistaken, misremembering for another cat somehow.

  • --
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  • DAISYPAW ♡ he/him / apprentice of SkyClan

    ♡ born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    ♡ adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    ♡ brother to Weedpaw, Fluffypaw, and Budkit
    ♡ mentored by Figfeather
    ♡ speaks in #708abb
    ♡ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ♡ penned by tikki


Johnnyflame's huffed words sounded from several fox-lengths away. The tri-colored tom strode over to the returned patrol. Figfeather could tell by the way his fur bristled that he wasn't pleased. It likely didn't help that his mate had been part of the failed skirmish either. ”I saw an opportunity and I acted. Their scent was stale where we were at.” she defended herself, her voice firm though holding no hostility. ”I had been hoping we’d be able to mark it and leave before they showed up. Check back the next day if they thought the land was worth fighting over.” She has a lurking suspicion this would not ease Johnnyflame, but she had made the decision knowing not everyone would be fond of it. She’d make her nest in it.

Looking away she is welcomed home by a less scolding voice. Howlfire padded forward them, her tabby patches of fur glinting in the sunlight. ”Yes, we did.” She nods in response to her request for clarity. Figfeather stiffened a little, knowing that Howlfire's familiar ties in ThunderClan meant she too might not be happy with her choice. Even if word did travel that Fireflyglow and she had quarreled with Burnstorm at the gathering, kin was kin. She was relieved, however, that Howlfire expressed that Figfeather was okay—that all of them were okay.

She didn't notice the way Howlfire's eyes lingered on her, yet nonetheless there was a light flutter in her chest.

Twitchbolt replied that ThunderClan had gotten sick of accidents moons ago. Figfeather snorts. ”Leaders ago now too… With Flamestar only freshly given lives and the aftermath of Skyclaw still fresh I doubt they’re in any position to escalate against us. They’ve still got the territory; they’ll forget about it in less than a quarter moon.” Maybe. Hopefully.
That's what Figfeather was relying on anyway; she did not want to be the cat at fault for an attack from ThunderClan.

Twitchbolt seemed to shrug off the defeat, grieving the loss of opportunity for more land. ”We should consider making a move again sometime before leaf-bare. With all the litters on the way SkyClan needs more hunting ground.” She meows, a bitter lump swelling in her throat that she ignored. It was difficult sometimes to speak to him as her deputy; her loss in the race for the position still stung. Still, she would not let it get in the way of performing her duties and showing him her respect. That meant passing along her thoughts to him and not always skipping straight to Orangestar's den. ”…And maybe soon, while ThunderClan licks their wounds.”

She was distracted quickly by her planning attempts when Daisypaw expressed confusion about her words of praise. Figfeather was confused—until the lump in her throat expanded and she realized, he doesn’t know. ”Oh- Um- it’s nothing, Daisypaw. I was just trying to be funny.” Figfeather lied poorly but she hoped it’d be enough to make Daisypaw not question it further anyways.
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"I didn't rub any trees," he muttered broodingly towards Johnnyflame, his ears falling flat against his skull as he murmured. Hurt filled his eyes at the implication that he had any part in Figfeather's decision-making, that if it had been him leading the patrol, he'd have taken a part of ThunderClan's territory too. There was a universe where he would've, but it was not that day. "I just... defended a clanmate." He leaned closer until he was certain only Johnnyflame could hear him, long fur brushing against the scarred neck of his mate. "We were outnumbered, if I'd let my morals talk for me, SkyClan'd look weak. Figfeather'd be dead. I..." His ears twitched, and the spotted tabby brought back to a conversation they'd had recently. Sometimes, one had to put aside their personal grievances for the sake of the clan.

Daisypaw's revelation went over his head as he listened to Twitchbolt, then, Figfeather. There was something coldly pragmatic about the way she spoke of the situation, something he could admire in many aspects yet admonish in others. Odd eyes fluttered their attention towards the other tabby, his tail lashing in his conflict. He agreed, he disagreed, it was so much, too much, almost. "ThunderClan has used SkyClan and threw it away like carrion. They owe us so much, but if they are not willing to pay then it's up to us to collect that debt," he nearly grimaced as he spoke. He truly hated the oak-dwellers, if there were any cats he wouldn't mind scrapping with again, it'd be them. "But Figfeather... that's no-one's decision to make but Orangestar's. Justifying it to us won't change that." She had treated him as an equal hours before, would she still see him as one now that he was not in complete agreement? He decided it didn't matter, that he would not let insubordination cause rue within his heart that he had not stopped it.

He stared at the space above the Lead Warrior's eyes before turning towards Twitchbolt, tail-tip twitching expectantly. Any laments held about no longer being a council member were beyond him - he did not miss discussing political ramifications such as these.

"And what have they done to us since Howlingstar removed that kit of hers from power?" Orangestar asks sharply as she joins the group, eyes narrowed in annoyance. Her brisk trot is more of a waddle now than it has been in moons, though her tail lashes. She shouldn't be surprised that she finds Silversmoke here, but she had expected better of Figfeather; and for Daisypaw, too, to have been part of it ... Her warriors look relatively unscathed, at least. Orangestar stands next to Twitchbolt, looking between the indignant muzzles of the two adults.

"Who came to defend their border?" StarClan forbid it was Flamestar or Nightbird. "And why in StarClan's name would you go straight to stealing territory rather than into unclaimed land?"

  • / losing my mind over daisy omg. poor kid
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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; currently expecting kits
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

"Daisypaw!" Fluffypaw stumbles over her own feet in an attempt to get to her brother. His dark coat looks free from tears, and though he looks tired, there's pride shining in his blue eyes. She purrs, touching a worried muzzle to her littermate's ear. "Your first battle! It sounds like you did so good." She can't imagine how scary it would be to find herself in his paws — an angry ThunderClan warrior's claws aimed at her ear, at her nose, teeth angling for her throat. She has to suppress a shudder.

Her aunt Figfeather had led the patrol, and she turns to give the lead warrior an admiring glance. She wanted SkyClan to be strong! But she says something that confuses her. "To think you were just a scrap of mewling fur when we found you at the border... now you're nearly a warrior grown." Fluffypaw tilts her head, her jaws parted just slightly. Found at the border? Her brother turns to stare at his mentor, puzzlement in his own gaze.

But Figfeather brushes it off, says it was just a joke. Fluffypaw tries to smile in her confusion. Maybe she just doesn't get it; she doesn't get all jokes, after all. And the rest of her smile vanishes upon Orangestar's approach. Though the pregnant leader looks vastly less terrifying than she had two moons prior, her dark brown gaze is sharp and accusing as she scrapes it over Figfeather and the other warriors on the patrol. She doesn't think Figfeather should have done it, she realizes, dizzy. But why? Isn't it good for SkyClan to have more land in leafbare?

Besides, she thinks, hadn't ThunderClan made it clear they'd take from SkyClan whenever they saw fit? Fluffypaw's frown turns a touch thoughtful. She doesn't know if she'll ever understand the greater machinations of what it means to lead a Clan.

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 11 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

❀‿ Sage green eyes glimmer with interest as one of their daily patrols return with… scratches and Thunderclan stink all over them. She doesn’t pause her grooming to greet them, but keeps her ears pricked to listen to the juicy fallout. It has seemed to have caused some trouble in paradise between a particular couple of former lead warriors, Johnnyflame voicing something akin to her initial reaction as well.

It wasn’t like she cared so much about the feelings of the ruder of their two neighbors, it just seemed, well… sloppy. Thunderclan has stooped to trashiness before — and would likely continue to — but she thought that Skyclanners as a whole agreed they had a bit more decorum than to send a two-cat one-apprentice patrol to steal a bit of their grass. Anyways, what would have happened if they hadn’t made it out with just bruises? It seemed unfair to Fireflyglow… Whatever, it seemed others didn’t have the same depth of consideration for their overworked medicine cat that she upheld.

What’s most interesting to her is the slip-up(?) Figfeather makes in front of her apprentice, the air quickly flooding with awkwardness to mingle alongside the Thunderclan-smell. Did Daisypaw not know about the whole…? Now that was quite the oversight, she thought. Though she would never cast an ill thought toward her dearly departed mentor, she figured that seeing how poorly her own brother handled a bit of omission about the details of their sire would nudge the other parents to lean toward candor with their kittens.

Lupinesong blinks, shifting her eyes across the adults present, wondering if any would dare to casually possibly change the context of the poor cat's entire remembered kittenhood. No one does, and Figfeather is quick to toss out a shoddily-constructed lie. Oh, the tension only heightens when Orangestar arrives, but of course she’s more concerned with politics at the moment. She sits up and runs her paws through the fluff of her tail.

"In any case, I’m glad everyone’s returned in one piece…" Lupinesong pipes up from her place off to the side, offering a placating smile by instinct to the mess of a patrol, "I’d check in with Fireflyglow anyways, stars know he’s a tad too busy to have to deal with injuries that were left unchecked. "

  • OOC: all ic opinions hehe !
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw . lupinesong
    — trans she/her. 18mo warrior of skyclan. formerly mentored by dandelionwish, mentoring stormpaw, it’s complicated
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowsight & drowsynose. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy