STEALING OUR OWN PLACE IN THE SUN -roeflame & flycatcher

To him, this is the perfect day. If he closes his eyes he can almost pretend that everything is okay, that his uncle is still here. Emberstar is dead still, in the dream, she has to be because if she wasn't he wouldn't be here with Flycatcher and Roeflame, who in this ideal world in his head is still Roepaw, his equal. One day they would be on the same level again. For now though, he is content that she still calls him her friend, ties not forgotten when she had begun to sleep in a separate den. Soon, he reflects, he would join her with a warrior name of his own. A beginning in paving the way to becoming the greatest ThunderClan had ever seen. How could he not want to be anything but the best? To prove his worth not only to those that doubted him because of his blood, but also to himself. If he could become something greater than his heritage then there would no longer be any room to taunt, no more 'kittypet lover' jeers hissed when referencing his mother. He would protect her from not only claws but words as well. Her and all of his family.

He knows they have to be cautious, the threat of the boars is still very real, but his excitement is hard to hide. His fluffy black tail stands straight up, waving as he makes his way through the forest alongside two cats who he now practically considered family. "I bet ya I catch the biggest piece of prey today" he says to both of them, eyes narrowed conspiratorially and a rare smile lifting up the corners of his mouth. "If you both are lucky maybe I'll even share with you guys later" he says this as if he has to think about it, but there's honestly nothing he'd like better then sharing a meal with his mentor and his friend when they got back home, safe and in one piece.

// @Roeflame . @Flycatcher

With Roeflame an official warrior now it has been some time since the three of them had spent time together. Of course, there had been a few border patrols since but that was usually with other cats. This was more of an informal hunting patrol, a chance for Flycatcher, Burnpaw, and Roeflame to spend some time together like they used to. It was not so long ago that Roeflame had graduated but he did miss the presence of her on their training sessions and the banter his two apprentices used to enjoy together once they had warmed to each other. He hoped in time Burnpaw and Shinepaw might have similar warmth with each other, though with Burnpaw due to become a warrior soon, Flycatcher doubted any such relationship would have been as deep as that between his first apprentices.

"Pft, you both know it will be me who catches the biggest prey today!"
Flycatcher countered, letting out a laugh as he did so. Despite his animated tone, he kept his voice low, mindful of the present danger of the boars.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Roeflame would be lying if she said that she was doing okay, since Ragwortpaw’s death she no longer felt her armor of stone she used to keep close, invincibility was shattered.
She felt as though she was glass, and looked it too.
Despite it all, she found it within her to smile at Burnpaw and Flycatchers banter. Under normal circumstances, there may have been a bittersweet pang in her chest, but today she was grateful to simply be here.
”You guys are hilarious, but don’t worry my friends- you’ll be able to watch and learn from the master, and I’m feeling generous today!" She hums contently along, flicking Burnpaws shoulder with her tail tip as if to spark a challenge with her former peer.
Perhaps if she hadn’t been so distracted, so desperate for a good moment, she would have noticed the husky scent long before it was already too late.
"Be careful!" She’d be sure to whisper to the two before she’d disappear in a blink to begin her bunt, golden fur melting with bracken.
She’s mindful to count each fox-length she ventures- the fear of losing another loved one too great to ignore.
Had she not been so distracted, fearful..
Had she not let her emotions distract her from caution.
These are the thoughts that fly across her mind when she is suddenly standing face-to-face with a baby boar, revealed by the parting of shrubbery.
The scent of them is overwhelming now, Graystorms death a loop behind paralyzed eyes.
She doesn’t scream, doesn’t cry out. Even when the shadow of its mother looms over her, only a whisker length from its child.
The memory of bones crunching and her clanmates final gargle, the warning huff from the board grotesque nostrils.
It’s rearing. She finally runs.
It’s hot on her heels for only a heartbeat before the mother boar is able to slam into her back legs. Now, Roeflame screams as her world turns upside down as she crashes through the bracken and soil.
Her leg is in pain, but not broken- she hopes.
Still, there is nothing she can do in time as it begins to charge towards her once more, unsatisfied with only knocking the warrior down.
This time, the mother wouldn’t miss. Roeflame cries out once more as it begins to near.
She was going to die, and she wasn’t ready to.

He lets a good natured snort escape his nostrils at his mentors words, jokingly rolling his eyes. "I'll believe it when I see it" Like his mentor, he ensures he keeps his voice down, and despite his good mood his golden colored eyes flick side to side, as if he expects a boar to materialize from the shadows. Despite his nerves, he reaches out to playfully hit Roepaw's shoulder. Master? Hah! He would show her! He was determined now to go and find as much prey as he could to bring home to their clan. Then he, Roeflame, and Flycatcher could all share, just like the old days. "You be careful too" he says, tone getting serious as he watches his friend turn away. Roeflame will be fine he reassures himself. She was a capable warrior.

He is with Flycatcher, lifting his nose to the air to see if he could catch the scent of any prey for himself when he hears the dreaded loud crashing through the undergrowth. For a second, he winces before realizing that if Roeflame is making that much noise she must be getting chased already. Being quiet did not matter anymore. He watches in absolute shock and horror as a pale form goes flying in the air. "Roeflame!!" he yowls and without thinking he runs to her. Unfortunately, though, the boar has the same idea. It is not finished with the wounded she cat and it charges. When Burnpaw sees this, he moves faster, his paws pounding the earth beneath him and his heart beating even louder. He is lucky to have been closer. When he draws near, he leaps into the air and in a flash of black fur he bowls into his friend, bowling her out of the way. The boar misses him by a hair, he can feel tusks brush the hairs on the end of his tail and he has to swallow all of his fear. The creature knocks into the tree, target missed. For a moment it is stunned, it stumbles about in a daze and he knows they only have a few moments left before it regains consciousness and comes for them again. "Go! Run! I'll lead it away!" he tells the two quickly. Flycatcher was strong, he would help Roeflame get to safety. He fixes his mentor with a determined gaze before nodding in his direction and, before anyone could argue, he bounds off.

"Hey ugly over here!" he calls to it. That massive head swings in his direction, beady brown eyes boring into his thick black fur. He is not a particularly fast cat, but if he can just lead it off a little bit and then get into a tree, he would be okay... maybe. He is terrified but still he waits until the creatures full attention is on him. It snorts, as if unimpressed and then it charges after him.

Luckily, he knew this forest well enough. He immediately takes off running, leaping over fallen logs and dodging piles of stone that would slow the boar down, force it to navigate to get to him and once he had gotten a decent distance away he flies to the nearest tree and sinks his claws into the bark. The tree shakes bellow him and he lets out a frightened cry. He had not been as far ahead of the boar as he had thought.

It charges. Once, twice, then three times, and all Burnpaw can do is cling to the tree, eyes closed tight and claws aching, and hope that it would get tired and go away. And hope Flycatcher and Roeflame had made it back to camp.