"SkyClan, g-gather for patrols!"

Even without the cold he'd be jittering, but it was worse now with this quickened frost. In truth, it made him nervous, the same way he knew it had been concering Quillstrike. They'd murmured about it in darkness, but... well. Maybe the rest of the Clan would be able to see it now on his face, concern flitting in his eyes and refusing to leave them. And it was not normal levels of wild, topaz-sparked paranoia, but instead a sickened green disquietude. Still, he knew he could find his voice- wade through the brambles and grasp it, to speak. "Chickbloom," And this would be something new for him, most likely- but he and tht sun-splashed warrior were similar in many ways, and he knew the tom could handle it. "I'd like you to lead the dawn patrol to RiverClan. Uh, Crowsight, Dragondance and myself will accompany you."

Wide eyes found, then, a friend; he smiled at her, dipped his head, glad to find her back in her place on the council. It was a duty that suited her well, and he was glad she could wear her badge and name with pride, with no bitter reminder. "Doeblaze, um- Twolegplace, please. Edenberry, Frostbreath and Butchermaw will accompany you." It was a patrol deserving of her... and he knew Edenberry, at least, would be pleased with this assignment.

"Howlfire..." and he hoped she wouldn't be upset at him for this- her relationship with quite a few Thunderclanners was tense, he knew, but he also knew that his friend had a good head on her shoulders. With mounting tension with the oak forest, pelts rubbing static... he needed someone who he trusted implicitly at the head of this one. "At dusk, you'll take Slatesnarl, Wolfgrin and Falcongaze to ThunderClan."

Last but not least... everyone's least favourite border. Something a bit apologetic glowed in his eyes when he looked toward Chrysaliswing, probably something the chimeric tom had never received before. But maybe this'd be seen as a gesture of good will, trust bubbling beneath the surface of a relationship that had never been friendly. "Chrysaliswing, please take, uh... Ekat and Hawkspine with you to the loner lands border. Fireflyglow, if you'd like to accompany them... you can look for a couple herbs on the way, too."

/ RIVERCLAN DAWN: @Chickbloom (LEAD), Twitchbolt (@CANDORPAW), @CROWSIGHT (@LIONPAW), @Dragondance
PROMPT - maybe in this chill, the idea of eating fish is a bit more appealing...
TWOLEGPLACE DAWN: @DOEBLAZE (LEAD), (@BLOODY MARY) , @edenberry ?! , @frostbreath , @BUTCHERMAW
PROMPT - a twoleg kit runs around in the distance, wearing what looks like cat-pelts on it... (wooly hat that looks like a cat)
THUNDERCLAN DUSK: @Howlfire (LEAD), @SLATESNARL, @WOLFGRIN, @falcongaze (@Radiopaw)
PROMPT - tensions are already rising with thunderclan, and the early leafbare might only make it worse. the scentline needs to be strong- we don't want thunderclan crossing the border again, do we?
PROMPT - the chill is really getting to some of you... loudly chattering teeth might make it hard to stay alert.
penned by pin ✧

Twitchbolt's familiar call draws Howlfire to the clearing. She stretches slightly as she walked, before settling to listen to what he had to say. She was pleasantly surprised when she was called to lead a patrol - it had been quite a while after all - but was less pleased about going to ThunderClan.

Things were still tense between their clans, and Howlfire in particular had bad blood with a few of her kin remaining there. Regardless, she gave Twitchbolt a curt nod. "As you wish," She mewed. Her amber eyes proceeded to seek out Slatesnarl, Wolfgrin, and Falcongaze. "Ready yourselves. You never know what ThunderClan might try to pull as of late."
Twitchbolt's jittery patrol call is a comforting spot of familiarity amidst the ocean of frost that had rendered the whole territory brittle. His stammer tumbles over the clearing, drawing a crowd of surging pelts and sleep-crusted eyes towards him. Doeblaze merges into the crowd of warriors, her ears flicking in an effort to keep warm against the morning's chill. Pelts bob and weave around her as they coalesce into a rough semicircle fanned out around the deputy, waiting with plumes of warm breath for their assignments. She hurriedly scrapes a calloused paw over sleep-rumpled fur, trying to smooth herself out at least a little.

Chickbloom is christened with the duty of leading a patrol to RiverClan, and she nudges the golden-splotched warrior encouragingly. A little anxious, a little shaky, but Chickbloom had a good head on his shoulders and worked harder than some cats with twice his confidence. Frankly, he reminded her of herself when she first joined, unsure and yet to find her footing. Twitchbolt's olive-dotted gaze finds her in the crowd next, and she dips her head in reply to his own, a small grin sliding onto her face as she's assigned a patrol with a clutch of capable cats. Edenberry is one of her favorites among her first litter's generation of warriors, she must admit.

And it's not ThunderClan. She grimaces sympathetically for Howlfire. She has a hard enough time dealing with the forest Clan herself, and she's not directly related to them. The chocolate-splotched warrior handles it with grace, though, and as Twitchbolt doles out the last patrol, she breaks off to collect her group. Similarly, Doeblaze stands on tiptoe and finds Butchermaw, Frostbreath, and Edenberry—plus her own eternally confusing apprentice. " Hope your leaf-bare coats have grown in early, " she mrrows with a shiver. " The winds've been nasty out by Twolegplace lately. "


Daggered heterochromatic gaze peeled through the darkness, as though benighted face hid away even as he stared, angles piercing through gaunt features. Tattered ears twitched as he heard Twitchbolt call his name, and smoldering-charcoal glare only met the deputy's vaguely sympathetic twin suns. Whatever olive branch the bark-toned tomcat offered him, Chrysaliswing did not take it. The mismatched chimaera could admire the other's tenacity, if anything. If he were to be honest, perhaps the first rungs of a seedling of respect begun to germinate within his soils. He emerged from where he sat within the murk, slowly ambling towards the mouth of the exit of Skyclan's thicket-laden camp. A brisk nod to the clanmates that he would take was all that Chrysaliswing offered, as if a caliginous mist shrouded the man's every motive, percolating through an otherwise lifeless husk of a tomcat. Let's make this quick.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 31 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring Weaselpaw
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.