private Steel Haze || Orangestar || Rusted Pride


Cheeto-Dusted and Sopping Wet
Dec 16, 2023

At this point, at least some cats must have assumed Orangestar had assigned Eggshellbloom to be her personal bodyguard. Such an idea was ridiculous on so many levels, but what other explanation was there? What else could compel the coward to sit outside her den all day?

Well, ‘all day’ may have been an exaggeration. The whelp didn’t know how long he’d been sitting in this one spot, but he’d certainly been shadowing Skyclan’s leader since sun-up. Eggshell had hovered behind a few fox-lengths, sometimes stepping forwards as if to say something before always backing away. When Orangestar had retired to her den for an afternoon nap, the former kittypet knew better than to follow her inside, but standing like a deer in headlights just outside the entrance wasn’t much of an improvement.

Yolk-stained fur felt hot as he muttered to himself, amber eyes flicking occasionally to meet the gaze of the occasional creeped-out clanmate that padded past. Why was he so nervous? It was basically official already. Just a few words, and…maybe he could put if off till tomorrow? The Scottish Fold gave his head a shake to push away the thought. If the crybaby didn’t hurry up, he was liable to get kicked out of camp before even making his request!

With a final shaky breath, folded ears gingerly nudged their way into Orangestar’s abode. There was a long moment of stillness before Eggshellbloom’s face made an appearance, an inner conflict apparently working out well for once. “Um - E-Excuse me, m-miss Orangestar? Could I - y’know - t-talk to you for a bit?”

// @Orangestar
Orangestar watches expectantly, eyes lingering on the folded ears and not much else of Eggshellbloom that has entered her den. Would he excuse himself? She's reminded abruptly of Butterflytuft's meek entrance a couple of moons ago, and a smile twitches across her scarred features for a heartbeat. It's gone as soon as he straightens, the rest of his muzzle following suit as he peers in, and Orangestar gestures for him to enter her den in full. She isn't busy for the moment (in fact, she had intended to catch a rare afternoon nap, oddly tired, but she supposes she could delay her rest for a conversation).

"What can I do for you, Eggshellbloom?" She forces her sentence out before a yawn takes her, all teeth. She blinks, as if surprised by the action, and her ears twitch back briefly with confusion. "Excuse me."

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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


As a set of buttery paws shuffled into the den, increased shaking reminded Eggshellbloom that on the (very long) list of cats he was afraid of, Orangestar ranked near the top. It had nothing to do with her personally, more her position. A ladybug could be leader of Skyclan and his thoughts wouldn’t change. Just the thought that, if the she-cat so wished, he could be cast out and sent crawling back to the twolegplace. Eggshell knew she would never do such a thing, but the fact that she could loomed over him like a storm cloud.

Perhaps that was why he was so overly-formal when speaking to her, walking on eggshells which didn’t exist. “Um, well, Miss - uh -“ The stress gripped his throat, making words come out half-formed. Where should he start? The former kittypet took a deep breath. “I’ve…You’ve let me stay in camp for a while, ever since - You know…I r-really appreciate that. You and - and everyone in Skyclan have done s-so much to help me, and - uh - “ The whelp was rambling now, and an egg-battered paw swiped away the specks of tears forming around amber eyes before he steadied himself.

“I - I’ve been thinking, and I…I want to become a full-time Skyclanner. W-Well, I sort of am already, but - y’know -“ Eggshellbloom’s paw now went to his neck, feeling the space that used to be occupied by his collar. “….Officially. G-Get rid of my kittypet name, and all that.” It sounded stupid when he said it aloud, but then again the coward didn’t exactly have a high opinion of his own oratory skills. Quickly, a head topped with folded ears bowed in respect. “I-If that’s alright with you, of course, M-Miss Orangestar.”
Eggshellbloom seems nervous. It's not unusual for him to, flighty like a bird and with shuffling paws (it drives her mental when he scuffs his paws in camp, but at least he has the good sense to pick them up properly when hunting) as he enters her den; but something about the tremble in his whiskers seems weightier than usual. Orangestar's ears prick forward, listening closer, impassive against his thanks despite the way it mollifies something in her, but one feline brow raises at Eggshellbloom's desire to join officially, full-time name and all.

"I have considered you a full-time SkyClanner from the moment you did not return to your twolegs." She admits after a long moment, tongue swiping across her jaws. "But if you want to change your name, I will do it at the next meeting."

She skims his muzzle, trying to recall what it is that a new warrior needs. If she treats him in this instance as a new joiner in earnest, it might help ... ah. It does the trick, brown eyes lighting in a silent display of recognition. She has to admit, she's a little out of touch with the warriors at the moment, but ... "... Do you have a nest figured out already?"

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


After the deep bow of a folded-eared head, time seemed to stop for the Scottish Fold, as an anxious gaze was stuck staring at the floor. Eggshell didn’t dare raise his eyes, too scared to see what Orangestar’s expression might be. A swirl of possibilities surrounded the boy's brain, ranging from fury to disgust to unfettered, uproarious laughter. It wasn't long before the boy began to regret coming in here, wasting Orangestar's time with ridiculous requests when the leader was already busy enough. It seemed Eggshell sought to lighten the load, making the decision for her.

A yolk-splashed paw took a half-step backwards in the ensuing silence as the kittypet opened his mouth; a stumbling, stuttering 'sorry' already forming within the whelp's throat when Orangestar beat him to the finish. "...Oh." Eggshellbloom answered simply, too stunned for words. It happened with Silversmoke, and had just been repeated. Always viewing himself as a parasite, it seemed the skittish Scottish Fold needed everyone to hammer the truth into him.

As the nail finally pierced his soul, Eggshellbloom's expression went from blank to bashful. The boy had never been good at taking compliments, and being called a full Skyclanner by his leader practically short-circuited him. "Um, t-thank you - y'know - thank you v-very much! I'll - it's hard for me to - um - but I -" Thank the heavens Orangestar shifted the subject, or the milksop would've mumbled till sundown. Folded ears perked up and the question, and the warrior was strangely proud of his answer, paw going to his neck as he spoke. "Y-Yes! Florabreeze helped me fix it up the - y'know - t-the other day." Being able to say he's hung out with someone wasn't impressive to most cats, but it brought the nervous wreck no small amount of joy. ​
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