border STEER IN A REAR VIEW MIRROR - herb patrol

When Moonpaw had asked Lichentail if she could spare a few cats to help her find and gather more alder bark - Valepaw's recent toothache a reminder that it couldn't hurt to gather more of it, especially since it didn't go bad as quick as some other things she'd noticed - she hadn't expected to be leading the patrol. It was a welcomed surprise, made her feel important and strong, even if it was weird being in charge of three others. She only hoped that those she'd be in charge of would take whatever orders she gave - which honestly wouldn't be a lot.

Before they'd left she'd grabbed a piece of the bark from the medicine cat den, opting to show it to her small patrol before they head out so that they'd know what it'd look like though she was ready to explain it's appearance to the best of her ability as well. In all fairness it looked similar to the bark of other trees as well, it was just a bark that she'd be able to point out as one of the few things she was sure about in her training thus far. ""The trees have little plants on them too, but I'm not sure if we'd be able to see too many of them." She had to have those pointed out to her a couple times before she was able to spot them herself. When they'd reached a tree she sat next to it, offering the others a proud smile clear on her maw as she showed the tree to the others. A skill they might not find interesting but one that she needed and already she'd proven she could do it.

"Now that we've found a tree we'll have to get some of the bark, like this-" She showed them, a slow process with claws out to grab hold of whatever ledge in the bark she could find then pull. When anything gave way she dug her claws in deeper and pulled until there was enough room to grab it with her teeth and yank, getting a good strip before putting it at the base of the tree. "It's not very fun, but it could probably help make your claws stronger or maybe help some other way with warrior stuff." She didn't sound too convincing but she could only hope Asphodelpaw, Dewcloud, or Dawnstorm didn't notice that part.

  • patrol tags @Asphodelpaw @DEWCLOUD @DAWNSTORM no need to wait!
  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 8 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
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Reactions: DAWNSTORM
Slate had taken her to the RiverClan border first on their first day out together. Cherrypaw still had issues with rubbing her face, so beautiful and delicate, against the crackling bark of the border trees. Every tree she stopped to mark was another few minutes of painstakingly combing bits and flakes of brown out of her cheek tufts, something her patrol-mates were probably none too happy with. They could suck it up though. The alternative meant leaving a poor apprentice all alone on the border, to be savaged by wolves or otters like Spiderpaw had been.

RiverClanners were always a welcome distraction to the mundanity of border patrols. Her feelings on the fish-eaters had never grown to the complexity of those on the ThunderClanners, where frequent skirmishes and arrogant members clashed with the ideal of Little Wolf she still held. They were nice cats, and they didn't eat the same things, so no harm there. Plus, there was no border to really trespass; even the most dandelion-headed SkyClanners would have to make a conscious effort to cross it. "Heyyyyyy," she calls across the water, tail vaulting into the air. "How's Iciclefang? Fernpaw too. And Mosspaw." She's sure there had been more RiverClanners on the journey, but her mind had caught on the three like long fur on thin branches for one reason or another.​
die with memories , not dreams .
Odd. That was the first thing he thought, staring at the bark taken from the medicine den to show them, still conflicted, teeth grinding down against his tongue, preventing him from talking, simply drained despite the curl of curiosity that reached the surface, licking at the closed lid.

He breathed, padding after the medicine cat apprentice, bi-colored hues staring with a crinkled gaze. He listened with rapt attention, still unable to curb the curiosity he held, but found listening to be a welcoming presence other than Moonpaw’s occasional quip, explaining and showing them.

Dawnstorm nodded, creeping forward to do the same, claws grappling with the bark until he found a bit of leverage, giving it a few practice tugs, ears flat against his helm, bi-colored hues narrowed in concentration when another voice broke through, dropping his paws to stare at the SkyClan apprentice with indifferent hues. “Alive.” He offered, unhelpful, but true. “Warriors.” He finally added, gaze narrowed, referring to Fernpaw and Mosspaw.
thought speech