pafp STEPPING ON MY TOES ༄ confrontation


[ 08.02.24 ]
Mar 26, 2024

࿔*:・゚༄ Ploverhop is on a roll lately. Two plump squirrels dangle from their jaw as they trot back into camp, depositing the catches in the freshkill pile.

The rest of the patrol trails in afterwards, and their eyes catch one face in particular. Darkpaw, held back from graduating and returning from his hunt empty-jawed. They bound over to him eagerly. "So," Ploverhop chirps, mirth alighting in sunbleed eyes. They give the apprentice a shoulder nudge - just a little too hard to be friendly. "How's it feel getting outhunted by a kittypet?" Their lip curls just a bit on the word, but their words remain nothing but chipper. They've heard the kind of things he and his friends have been saying. A more mature cat might be inclined to sit the kids down, have a talk with them...

But Ploverhop has never been one for being the bigger cat (physical size be damned). "Still think you're so much better than me, kid?" They keep their head high as they stare him down, a challenge accompanied by a lazy, self-satisfied sort of smile.

  • @darkpaw @Smokepaw @Sproutpaw @Mintpaw

    please wait for darkpaw and at least one other before posting!
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  • PLOVERHOP they / them, warrior of thunderclan, twenty moons.
    a large, black-striped lilac cat with vivid golden-orange eyes.
    bright and bouncy with a penchant for mischief. rarely seen without a smile.
    npc x npc; former kittypet.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Darkpaw had only caught so much- afterall, he was a reliable set of paws, but he wasn't about to be feeding all the cats that couldn't 'help' themselves. Kittypets. A grunt left him as he returned, his jaws empty and eyes narrowed. Ploverhop's 'nudge' was more like a shove, and his ears flattened. Vision drew up sharply, the smaller cat staring at the warrior. He stepped backwards, tongue turning to clean his shoulder as if he had been stung.

Vision lifted moments later, and he slowly sat. Languid eyes lifted, orange eyes narrowed but holding a still prideful and dignified stance. "At least you have half a brain, and claw, to be able to hunt. Most don't even bother." Darkpaw scoffed, his tail twitching. "But, good for you, a kittypet that knows they can do something." A grin left him at the thought. Next, his paw lifted, grooming himself without care for the threat in his face.

Moments later did his vision focus again. "Oh, sorry, were you expecting an outraged reaction? That's not my style, kittypet." A pause, then a slight 'oh' left him, grin spreading as he made a thought. "We should make a nickname for you, since you're so intent on yelling about what you are. Not to mention smacking into an apprentice who hadn't said anything about you." Darkpaw finally pushed to his paws, head lifting to stare up at the warrior once more.

And, when his companions joined him, did that sharp and unnerving smile spread across his lips. "Just remember.. hmm, we should call you a forever-kit. An everkit. Just remember, everkit, you started this."​
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Every day Sproutpaw tried his best to ignore those lesser within the clan, those without the proper upbringing or the birthright or know-how to consider themselves warriors, ThunderClanners. Every day it seemed like it was getting harder and harder to ignore them, from the warriors - and some apprentices - that surround him in patrols to his own mentor there were more and more of the kittypets within the clan. Be hadn't realized just how many there were until he became an apprentice, became friends with Darkpaw… but he seemed to know them all and Sproutpaw could only imagine how much that made him hated by those who didn't actually belong. To know that their past was still known, still moving about in the minds of those younger so that they couldn't pretend to be what they oh so desperately wanted to be.

""Starting fights with an apprentice, how warrior-like of you." Came the bored comment from the tabby lilac chimera, his eyes rolling as a wave of a sigh rolled through him. "Should we expect kits next, they'd be pretty difficult for a kittypet so maybe I should go find a beetle for you instead so you have a fighting chance." Smirk would rise to his maw as Darkpaw spoke of nicknames, dubbing the warrior "Everkit" for their behavior.

Paw lifted to his own face to brush away anything that had settled on his whiskers, head shaking as soon as he'd done so before waving in the direction of the nursery. ""Go play mossball with the other kits Everkit, we've got more important stuff than to play with you." If they were going to act like a kit they were going to be treated like one.

  • -- mobile post!
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ Like most kits her age, she had big feelings and was not yet able to properly express them. She prided herself on being very grown up to gain her parents favor; it wasn't her fault she was born the day the sun got eaten up; she didn't even do it! And yet they still talk about it all the time. So annoying! So while she does her best to listen to the older cats talk about warrior things, they still can't understand why being a kittypet was such a big deal. They were thunderclan cats now.

She hungrily watches the patrol return with yummy prey, and she greedily snatches a squirrel that Ploverhop brings back for herself. And her little red ears listen to the big cats, and her cream face progressively gets angrier. "His name is Ploverhop, not Everkit," she screeches between mouthfuls of food tail whipping side to side. "And your mentors would be embarrassed to hear you talk so disrespectfully to a warrior like this." reminding Spoutpaw and Darkpaw in a matter-of-fact way to, chest puffed out and tail fluffy. If she were bigger, Dwindlingkit swears she'd box ears.

"You should know ranks by now, and Kittypet isn't part of it," Dwindlingkit scolded, shaking her head. She drags the squirrel with her to sit next to the warrior. "It's not his fault you apprentice suck at catching prey; I don't know why you're back so soon empty pawed" she purred grinned up at the others.

  • ooc:
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    Dwindlingkit — She/Her ・ Thunderclan Kit ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point kit with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    ☀︎ Tags
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw was becoming more and more despondent with how often his clanmates were at odds these days. It seemed the former kitty-pets and their allies just couldn't stop bringing up the subject. Why couldn't everyone go back to focusing on being friends? "Guys, that's not very nice" Wrathpaw spoke with a pained mewl, hating how shaky his voice sounded. He pads up a beat behind Dwindlingkit, and finds his attention immediately shifting from Sproutpaw to his former denmate. He feels particularly stung by the child's comment. "Dwindlingkit! That - that's so mean" he says, the fur around the nape of his neck bristling, "it's hard to hunt, y'know! I-it's even harder when all the hunting you do goes right into the mouths of others...and...and..." frustration left the tom stuttering, large ears slapped tight around his head.

Darkpaw and Followpaw were doing their best, and time and again it seemed the clan was determined to put them down for it! Wrathpaw's own tummy hurt from all the training and so little food - food that Dwindlingkit so carelessly dragged around, able to eat whenever she wanted to!

Frustration boiling to the surface, Wrathpaw suddenly slammed his paw on the ground and hissed, "Maybe if Everkit wasn't a kitty-pet he'd know how to work like a real team of warriors should! Maybe the patrol would've done better if Everkit wasn't such a JERK!"

The second he said it, he felt a pool of shame weigh his tummy down. But...but he was ashamed to admit, he didn't regret it. Although Wrathpaw looked surprised by his outburst, and his mouth flopped like he wanted to apologize...he didn't. He couldn't. Because, yes, it was mean to call people awful names...but it was so mean to belittle another's efforts. Maybe that's just how kitty-pets like Ploverhop and Stormywing just are - jerks like the cats across the border. Always so quick to fight instead of just...just listening.

Why should Wrathpaw apologize when cats like Ploverhop and Roeflame wouldn't?
    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
ROARINGPAW WATCHES THE ARGUMENT UNFOLD from outside the medic's den, the kittypet comments making his skin crawl. "And yet the kittypet is the only one who caught something." He mews dryly, a comment in passing, not intending to join in until Wrathpaw starts yelling about Ploverhop being a jerk after Dwindlingkit's remark.

"Maybe you would've caught something if you didn't scare all the prey away acting like a newborn!" He yowls, eyes narrowing in disgust. Roaringpaw had never been one to control his emotions very well, illness be damned, he would collapse again if he must to defend someone with origins similar as his. "If you think a kittypet is lesser than you and they're the only one bringing prey back, what does that make ya?" He muses loudly, clearly taunting the group of nasty apprentices.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
𓍊𓋼 Things around ThunderClan have been tense, these past couple months. Since his father was killed in cold blood, since Batwing heroically went over the gorge, since Duskbird was dragged screaming into the stars… nothing has felt right. Everything has been off-balance, both within the clan and without. Falconheart's jaw is clenched, has been since he woke up this morning. The arguments, the crack that's begun to open in the earth beneath all of ThunderClan, they're all getting old. It's becoming grating, and to see Ploverhop engaging in it doesn't soothe the nervous frown that's made itself at home across his muzzle.

"Shut up," he snaps as he approaches the other warrior's side—he thinks they asked for this, provoking Darkpaw like that, but that doesn't give the apprentice the right to be so… so cruel. He blinks harshly, attempting to block out the thought of those words being directed at him. Ploverhop must be strong, to stand there and be called a kittypet and a kit, to be given a kit's name and be mocked relentlessly, without shedding a tear or two.

Still, the warrior can only put up with so much. Ploverhop has started this, but Falconheart will end it. He starts off strong, rumbling out, "They're a warrior, not a kittypet, and they worked hard for their position—do you doubt Howlingstar's judgment in making them a warrior? Besides, you don't look like you're working very hard. Any of you." Roaringpaw speaks up with a similar indignance to Dwindlingkit, both of them aggressive in their defense of Ploverhop. Falconheart doesn't exclude either of them from the glare he casts across the group. "Everyone knock it off, alright? Or I'm sure your mentors will all love to hear about how well you're spending your time." His words may seem threatening to anyone not aware of his failures, but his tone certainly isn't. His voice wavers like river-reeds tickled by a breeze, brittle and ready to fall flat at any moment. His tail whips back and forth behind him with the force of his nerves.

He wishes he had his father's presence, his eloquence in commanding cats to heed his orders. He wishes he had his mother's sharp tongue. How had he not inherited any of their best traits?

  • ooc:
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    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower had come back shortly before Ploverhop had, her own (albeit scrawny) catch hanging from her maw. The younger warrior stretched to take a rest in the sun after running through the territory for hours. Dread pooled in her stomach as she watched them intentionally provoke the apprentices. It was no secret they held distain for prior kitty-pets. Clearly. Not to mention everyone was a bit more on edge, considering the food shortage lately. This was not going to go well, she knew.

And as if it were a self fulfilling prophecy, more and more cats fell into this... nonsense. She danced back in forth on the idea of speaking up. Shocked at Dwindlingkit's brazen display, she sat up sharply. "Dwindlingkit, that's incredibly rude," she bit out. "I think everyone here could use a splash of cold water," she added under her breath. She didn't have it in her to scold anyone else. She held no authority. But Dwindlingkit and her siblings had grown dear to her over time, and she felt a responsibility to them.
For Starclan's sake, everyone certainly seemed to have far too much time on their paws lately with all the arguing that had been going on. Palefire wasn't the most level-headed cat in the clan by any means, nor did she have any love for kittypets or a desire to jump to their defense, but even she felt that all the petty squabbling had grown tiresome. They'd lost so much in the past few moons, and it had taken no small emotional toll. If Thunderclan couldn't figure out how to overcome these differences long enough to at least shut up and feed themselves, they were going to be in very serious trouble very soon.

The lilac-furred molly appeared at Lightflower's shoulder, her icy blue gaze narrowing as she assessed the scene. It was all terribly annoying, and as much as she genuinely didn't care about Ploverhop or their pointless argument that being a kittypet was somehow a good thing, she was sick of hearing all of their voices screeching at each other - especially the bold little kit who, for whatever reason, thought that it would be a good idea to stick her nose in an already-heated situation.

Palefire rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with cold disdain and aimed at no one in particular as she drawled, "There are plenty of better things for you all to be doing right now. Perhaps you should consider taking a break from being pests and doing something useful for a change." Whether they tried to defend themselves or turned their ire on her she couldn't care less. As she said, there were better things to do, and with a dismissive flick of her tail, the young warrior headed for the gorse tunnel to do what the others seemed incapable of; the bare minimum.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 15 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender, fast and agile.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment.
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // formerly mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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