horseplace STEPS CLOSER TO WAR // moving home


Like A Hurricane
Sep 20, 2022

Each night he had found his dreams haunted by thoughts of the open moorland where he had been born and raised. It seemed that even as he slept under the stars within the confines of twolegplace his heart still yearned for the open wilds. It was why his paws had carried him away from the concrete world and back off into the wilds. The journey to the moors was conducted alone, alas Sharpeye did not share in Gale's desire to leave. They had wished each other well before they parted ways, and he truly did hope that the older tom would thrive without the additional support.

The journey had taken a few days, slowed somewhat by his careful pacing as to avoid bumping into any clan cats as he skirted past the borders. Passing WindClan's territory had been perhaps the most stressful of all, but once he was past he felt a rush of relief fall across him. Now he focused on reaching horseplace, a location that had once been forbidden to him during his youth when he had been a WindClanner. A small shiver of excitement passed through him as he caught a few familiar scents.

"Looks like I won't be alone here." Gale let a smirk play on his features as he slowly approached the barn until he was finally stood in the entranceway. "Hello? Is anyone here?"
"UM-hello. Yes?" Mismatched green and blue eyes peeked from around a barrel near the loft ladder, her spotted form crouched where she had been eating a mouse that still lay partially gnawed upon by her paws. Pumpkinpatch's ears remained flat and her posture wary as she examined the tom in the entrance who seemed friendly enough but after the recent events she was more than a little afraid of strangers coming in. What if he was a WindClan spy sent to kill them all like they had Hyacinthbreath? She trembles, lopsided ears pricked back forward and she stood slowly to full height to step around the rungs of the ladder and into the open so she didn't appear to be cowering even if she truly wanted to continue doing so.
"Who are you? What brings you to the barn?"
She weighted her options, but asked her questions loudly and as confidently as she could in the hopes someone else would hear and come join her in this welcoming.


  • 57579382_RXfic4se7tosms8.png
    —⊰⋅ Barncat/Loner
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Chocolate Tortiseshell


To be regarded with suspicion was natural. Any cat with sense wouldn't approach with open paws, so the barn cat's body language and words were of no surprise. Gale maintained a fairly relaxed posture as he remained where he stood as he decided that approaching any further would potentially provoke aggression. "My name is Gale and I've travelled from a twolegplace far from here. I was hoping to settle in somewhere far from the crowded territory, and I guess I was hoping to cross paths with an old friend. You wouldn't happen to have run into a cat called Yew by any chance? I haven't seen him for a while and it's made me worried."