STERNER STUFF [ ✦ ] featherpaw

When she thinks of horseplace, she thinks of the time she had been much younger than she was in the present moment. She thinks of a time before the clans, when she had been just barely older than Featherpaw was now and she thinks of the first time she had come here, the first time she had laid eyes on a creature like a sheep or a horse. She had been in utter awe. That such a creature could exist and not be a danger unless provoked was strange to her. At first, when she had come here, she had kept her distance. But then she had met a barn cat and he had shown her everything there was to see. He had told her about the dogs that come out at certain times of the day, he had shown her all the best ways to gather wool, the best spot to perch on top of the horses so that they didn't mind a cat was sitting atop their backs while they lazily moved about the field. But that was the past, and there was no more use in thinking about ghosts so Bluepool focuses in on the present, on what she was doing here and now.

Featherpaw. She had stolen her apprentice away from the barn and she had taken her to a pasture that was empty. The grass sways in the cold breeze and while she fluffs herself up against the wind she does not make a remark on it. Soon, their movements would keep them warm and if Featherpaw complained about it it would only mean she would need to press her harder. "WindClan is about to be tested in a way we never have been before" she says to the smaller cat next to her, her voice wistful as she looks out to the horizon, in the direction of home. "You'll need to be strong Featherpaw. Much stronger than what is normally asked of a cat of your age." he should be focused on the early stages of training, on making friends within the clan and having fun, not surviving a civil war. And yet, here they were. Despite how much she dislikes the situation they have found themselves in there is nothing she can do to fix it, to change the difficult road that lay ahead of them. All she could do was ensure the young cat was at least slightly prepared. "Sootstar's cats will fight dirty, and I doubt they will show us any mercy" she thinks of her sisters voice screaming after her as she fled, but most of all she thinks of the cats who had not made it, cats who she was certain she had seen fighting alongside them but who were nowhere to be seen now and the only place she can think they are is at the bottom of the gorge. Anything else, she knows, is mere wishful thinking.

"So today, we are going to spar like we have not before. I was going to wait until I could show you a few more moves, but you need to learn quickly, and there is no better way to learn than by doing" experience was a better teacher than any mentor could ever hope to be after all. With those words she turns to face her apprentice, her golden eyes narrowing into slits and her body dropping into a defensive position. "Attack me" she instructs suddenly. "Come at me with everything you've got Featherpaw, I want to see what you're made of"



Stronger than a cat his age should be, Bluepool had said. Featherpaw regarded her mentor with an even glare as she spoke, unspoken emotions whirring behind her deep, dark frown. Did Bluepool think she didn't know what she should be? Fit to be a deputy's daughter, a blooming talent with whip-crack paws, fast as a flighty rabbit?

For once, though- he didn't question her. She was probably right, if he really took a look within himself- the other apprentices his age had not been much concerned with fighting until they'd had to face it. Did that mean they were what he should be?

No, it couldn't be right. They were Clan, cats, warriors-in-training- the games, the fun, it needed to end the moment they had stopped being kittens. Featherpaw had been ready for that- her expression hardened with a deep-set resolve. Much stronger- that was what Featherpaw had been prepared for, for as long as he could remember.

I doubt they will show us any mercy. Featherpaw grew cold, but she walked still with stony confidence, inescapably concentrated. She watched her mentor levelly as the silver molly spoke; guessing where Bluepool's objective lay was not difficult. She spoke of battles, of fighting for your life, for being a blazing brand of strength- this was training. When Bluepool uttered attack me, Featherpaw didn't flinch.

"I am strong." With a lash of her tail, Featherpaw asserted it. Maybe she hadn't the physical strength of a grown warrior, but she was sure she had the will of one. When you did nothing but hone your claws and sharpen your tongue, how could you not be strong?

Still, Featherpaw was aware there was much for her to learn- still so much for her to know. If this was how Bluepool could best teach him, Featherpaw had to trust his mentor's judgement; he was a lightning-eyed bolt as he surged forward, hissing with electrical crackle, attempting to spring and barrel headfirst into Bluepool's throat.
✦ penned by pin

She is unsurprised by the ferocity that Featherpaw meets her challenge with. Never was their any doubt in her mind that her apprentice was one who would not shy away from battle, but never had she expected to have to ask this of her so soon. If Bluepool had it her way, this lesson would not have come for a long time yet. Featherpaw would have known peace, running across moor land fields and building up endurance, speed. It is sad to her that this would not be the way it went, sad that Featherpaw would have to fight against cats who were once clanmates, cats she had once shared a home with that now would kill her if only their jaws met her neck.

She can see what Featherpaw is aiming for the second she launches herself in Bluepool's direction and, to her apprentices credit, she is fast but Bluepool is a seasoned warrior, fully grown, quick as a whip, and with the knowledge of countless battles tucked away in her mind. When Featherpaw gets close to her, when she can see the young cat's teeth in striking detail, she ducks. As soon as her head moves the shadow she had been casting moves too, so that the sun is shining directly in the apprentices eyes, blinding her.

Bluepool uses that moment of uncertainty, of pain, and she slams into the smaller cat hard, knocking her off balance and into the dirt. "Always be aware of your surroundings, of where the sun is, of what is under your paws. Use your environment to fight if you must. This is a dirty way of fighting, but when you are faced with cats who greatly outmatch you and who would kill you then you must do what is necessary to live" and to protect those that you love she thinks. "Do not allow yourself to fall for such a trick again, now that you know it" she advises "Now get up and face me again, we will do this until the sun goes down" it would be hard, grueling work, and Featherpaw's muscles would not thank her for it later, but she would be stronger for it, and she may just survive the battle that was yet to come.

It all happened in a fragment of a moment- he was hurtling on target toward Bluepool, and then his world was awash with white. Sight bleached, it only took another fraction of time for a fierce strike to send Featherpaw crashing to the ground in a tangled heap. Her ribs heaved painfully as yellow eyes eked open, stains of sunlight dancing polka-dot around the edges of her vision. Featherpaw's eyes narrowed at Bluepool so severely it appeared as if she was regarding an enemy.

Owl-sense ears angled to attention, horned upon her head and swivelled to the sound of Bluepool's instructions. At bullet-fire the teachings met her ears, all as Featherpaw tried to claw herself back to her feet, still woozy from having met the ground so hard. Hurt them before they hurt you. He was learning how to do that, truly, at last. If he was not careful, they would hurt him first- they would use daylight against him and knock him to the ground. Do not allow yourself to fall for such a trick again. "Right."

Featherpaw was on her feet once again. Facing Bluepool again would not be easy, her mentor had made that very clear- even so, Featherpaw kept himself as steady as he possibly could, ridding himself of his dazed blinking. A snarl crossed his expression, and he nodded sharply. She surged forward again, as fast as she could, this time careful not to face the sunlight- skidding forward, she struck out as hard as she could at Bluepool's legs, attempting to knock the seasoned warrior off balance.
✦ penned by pin
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She is glad when the defeat does not seem to deject Featherpaw too much. Some cats she knows would have been put down by falling for such a trick as the one she had pulled, would not want to be knocked down again. But her apprentice seems to understand the severity of the situation at hand, the desperate need to learn as quickly as possible. When Featherpaw goes for her legs, she can immediately see the young cats plan of action and she cannot say she disapproves. Trying to get an enemy knocked off their feet as quickly as possible is always a good bet.

"Good!" She calls out encouragingly even as she trips slightly. Instead of allowing herself to be knocked off balance though, she uses the momentum from her fall to pitch herself forward with a sharp cry, aiming to instead, once again, knock Featherpaw off of her feet.


Bluepool was more experienced, much more experienced than she- it was no surprise when her strike was not powerful enough to knock her mentor off her feet. A growl of frustration buzzed from Featherpaw's maw, even as Bluepool praised him. A harsher grunt of annoyance puffed through his lips as his mentor split her jaws in a battle-yowl and knocked him to the ground. Featherpaw huffed at the impact, wincing again. It was a little more than just a dull ache, now...

Irritated, he shook the dust off of his pelt, once-pristine. In battle, though... she supposed she shouldn't be concerned with looking presentable. That was for politics, wasn't it? No one would take you seriously if you looked a state. Getting to his feet once more, perseverance and perfectionism fuelling him despite the building fatigue in his eyes, Featherpaw aimed a sheathed strike across his mentor's eyes- a dirty tactic, to target such a sensitive area. But that was what Bluepool wanted, wasn't it? Savagery, no mercy... because they wouldn't offer her mercy, either.
✦ penned by pin
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