Not enemies, not enemies... a mantra repeated in his mind as he dutifully kept to SkyClan's side of the border, padding slightly apprehensively. Over his shoulder he stole glances to the group that followed him; all cats that would at least not cry out in condemnation of him if he made one little slip up. Inwardly he thanked the deputy over and over and over for not having him drag one of the, Stars forbid, lead warriors around- what an idiot he would look if he fell on his face or dithered so much he accidentally fumbled over the border!

Trembling, he offered the rest of his patrol a nervous smile as he padded toward a pine tree, rubbing his scruffy flank against it. Part of being a good warrior was trusting your Clanmates, that he knew- and he saw no need to tell any of them to be kind. He'd only ever known Tallulahwing, Figpaw, and even the relative stranger Johnny to be pleasant- though he would keep an eye on the new daylight warrior, just to check he was getting on alright... and that there was nothing nefarious storming behind his eyes. Luckily, that was becoming a dwindling suspicion.

penned by pin ✧
The ribbon bedecked torbie strolls a few foxlengths behind Twitchbolt, rubbing her cheek demonstratively across the bark of their fir trees. She tries to give the young warrior an encouraging smile when he glances behind them. Stars, ain't he grown! She seems to remember him bumbling around camp, trying to please those infernal parents of his... the thought causes her to cast Figpaw a long, searching look. Her golden-pelted apprentice is soon to join the warriors, too. If Figpaw were to catch Tallulahwing staring at her, she'd only smile enigmatically in return.

"We should still keep an eye out for Howlpaw," she says in a low voice. "Y'just never know... maybe she... came back this way." Hesitant. A fine theory, except no one knows which way she'd gone in the first place...



Figpaw pads at Tallulahwing’s side, oblivious to the anxieties her patrol leader was facing. For a brief moment she catches her mentor’s gaze and thinks nothing of it, only giving a toothy grin in return.

The mention of Howlpaw makes her heart skip. After… everything… it was hard to have faith they’d find the tortoiseshell apprentice. Even when Figpaw herself had gone missing they had managed to find her within a day, but it’s been sunrises and they barely have found traces of the girl. Figpaw hates to assume the worst, but the image of the apprentice laying cold somewhere in the wilds wouldn’t leave her mind.

Still the marmalade tabby nods, she’d look out for a scent, scraps of fur, anything.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.


As the Thunderclan border came into view, Johnny made sure to go over his mental checklist. There was the obvious, like rescent the borders, but they were also still on the lookout for missing clanmates and the potential threat that had taken them, not to mention he wanted to catch a glimpse of these Thunderclanners they were sharing a border with.

Clan politics was still very new to him, and the patched tomcat was curious to see just what kind of cats they called neighbors.

He gave a nod at Talulahwings suggestion as he moved to rub his sent along a nearby shrub. They were all hoping that Howlpaw managed to beat the odds, but the more days went by, the less likely it seemed that they were going to catch her scent or see her running back to them through the pines.


After speaking to the last Skyclan patrol on the border, every cat in Thunderclan knew that Howlpaw had gone missing. Howlingstar and Flycatcher had informed everyone to keep an eye out for the apprentice while they were out and about, and Flamewhisker intended on doing just that. She was leading the patrol along the Skyclan border, when a fresh wave of the kitty pet clan started to rush into their side of the forest. Instinctively her fur prickled, but she forced it down. Skyclan wasn't necessarily their enemy, but she still couldn't forgive them for the battle over the squirrel.

The Lead Warrior would rise her tail in greeting, and trot over to greet them. Even though she didn't particularly enjoy small talk, she wouldn't treat them like Shadowclanners. Those thieving vermin didn't even deserve a glance in their direction. "Hello, I hope your patrol is going well. Has Howlpaw come home yet?" As far as she knew, nobody in Thunderclan had found any signs of her yet.

Life moved on regardless of the individuals caught up in it or how they felt, so when called up for a patrol he would go and of course he would intend to take his apprentices along with him. Even if things between him and Lichenpaw remained rocky. They would just have to suck it up and move past it. "Don't stray too far you two." He warned as he followed behind Flamewhisker. At least it was just a patrol by the shared border with SkyClan, so he felt as though he didn't need to fret nearly as much.

It wasn't long until they came across the SkyClan patrol and he offered up a polite dip of his head in greeting to them. "Hello." He didn't bother with saying more considering that Flamewhisker was already asking them about Howlpaw. He'd rather wait and hear what they had to say about that unfortunate matter. "Poor Little Wolf, I can't even begin to think how she's feeling right now."

//Obligatory apprentice tags @LICHENPAW @sandpaw