"Gather here for Patrols!" A bold and booming voice. Petalnose stood strong with a raised chin, confidence radiating from her known posture. "While Lichentail is hosting an assessment, I am here to briefly take on this responsibility. So listen up and pay attention!" Mix matched gaze scanned the gathering crowd, she was sure to be served questioning looks and prying questions. The blue point was absent after the call of promotion, a cause to spring confusion. Questions she didn't prefer to be interupted with, especially with the lack of dire. A flick of a claw the task was to her despite the thought upon the pairings. Seriousness she planned each patrol to take, nitpicking pairs and seperating carefully like fragile fish bones.

The council meeting made her approach Windclan with precaution, strong individuals were selected who wouldn't cower under a mere insult or cave if the patrol took an unpredictable turn, "The following will accompany Smokestar to Windclan; Iciclefang, Aspenhaze, Mosspool and of course Beepaw, Cicadapaw and Bubblepaw." Each she had trusted to follow the river king's commands and protect him without warning. The absence of her claws to serve was odd if things had taken a turn, although, last call she had lead past the greedy clan. It was difficult to stand in front of herself in times as such. Although, it was to be fair. She had to trust.

"Willowroot, you will lead near Thunderclan with Darkwhisker, Dawnstorm and Rookfang. That is along with Robinpaw, Velvetpaw and Bumblepaw." Tensions seemed to be less upon the clan, however, transgressions were never forgotten. She trusted Willowroot along with the others to reduce tensions and proceed neutrality. Petalnose was sure nothing could go wrong among them.

Less of her worries shifted to their perceived ally. Those who could be friendly or neutral stacked within her mind, "Near Skyclan will be lead by Snakeblink. Catfishleap, Bounceheart, and Ferngill will accompany you." Snakeblink she knew had the charm, she still couldn't process whether she had liked the tom or not. A funny guy was all she could put it. The others she didn't see to be a threat of character to the closeness the clans seemed to possess. She was sure all would be well.

"Lichentail will be leading above me towards Windclan again later at night since tensions are high. Hazewish, Nightfish and Crashingtide, you will accompany me with Starlightpaw, Carawaypaw, Asphodelpaw, Brookpaw and Dipperpaw." Characters she hadn't particularly knew besides her apprentice, although under watchful eyes they'd be on top of forming opinions. Not afriad she was to keep in line, this was an opportunity to learn their patrol traits personally.

"Now with leafbare here, more paws are needed to bring in food. Two hunting patrols will serve today... Petalstep, you will lead Coyotecreek, Silverbreath and Lilybloom along with Otterpaw and Swanpaw. The second I want Lakemoon to lead alongside Redpath, Stoneskip, Dovethroat and Bristlepaw." The river beginning to threat a freeze was an obvious obstacle each had to maneuver. Fish diving deeper and land prey were beginning to borrow and hide themselves from the icy breezes. The more paws the better.

Herbs were beginning to die and supply stocks were to be filled. War threatened between Windclan and Petalnose wouldn't know if the first patrol would return unscathed. More paws were to attend with Ravensong as well. "I need Moonpaw, Salmonshade, Pikesplash and Nettlepaw to assist Ravensong in herb patrol. Listen to him closely." The intelligence and maturity from the younger tom was to be respected and taken to note. She trusted them to follow his orders.

"That will be all. Report to your patrol leaders and go forth!" She dismissed, eyeing the set she had chosen and motioning her head to gather forth.


@SMOKESTAR (LEAD) (w/ @BEEPAW. ), @iciclefang (w/ @CICADAPAW ), @Aspenhaze (w/ @bubblepaw ), @Mosspool

@willowroot (LEAD) (w/ @ROBINPAW), @DARKWHISKER , @DAWNSTORM , @ROOKFANG (w/ @Bumblepaw), @Velvetpaw

@Snakeblink (LEAD), @Catfishleap , @FERNGILL, @Bounceheart

Windclan 2 (late night)
@lichentail (LEAD) (w/ @brookpaw and @DIPPERPAW )
Petalnose (w/ @Starlightpaw ), @Hazepaw , @Nightfish (w/ @carawaypaw ), @CRASHINGTIDE (w/ @Asphodelpaw )

Herb Patrol
@RAVENSONG (LEAD), @Moonpaw , @salmonshade , @PIKESPLASH (w/ @Nettlepaw- )

Hunting 1
@Petalstep . (LEAD) , @coyotecreek (w/ @otterpaw ), @Silverbreath , @LILYBLOOM. (w/ @Swanpaw )

Hunting 2
@Lakemoon . (LEAD) (w/ @BRISTLEPAW ), @Redpath , @Stoneskip , @dovethroat.

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FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Beepaw drew near at the call of patrols only briefly glancing to those around her before hearing her name called alongside her brother and her father's former apprentice, her eyes lighting up with interest when said patrol is set in Windclan. She recalls her earlier encounter with the moor rats at the twoleg bridge yet she wonders if they'll be more daring when Smokestar shows up at Windclan once more if they would try finishing what they had started, the thought itself makes her draw her claws out to stab into the cool soil underneath her paws and she has confidence that nothing will happen to her mentor especially with the cats selected for the patrol. More importantly, her brother, if things got ugly again where they had to draw blood and tear the life out of someone's body then the both of them were present... She could rely on him just as he could with her. Although, she's uncertain about Bubblepaw since they had seemed more against harming the brainless rabbit eaters.

Giving a curt nod in the direction of Petalnose, Beepaw walks a little ways from everyone else to finish fixing her pelt before she would head out with her father and the rest of the patrol. A part of her wondering if she'd lead a patrol of her own when she became a warrior, she knows its moons away but the thought of it makes her paws itch with anticipation. Her sandpaper tongue swiping across her lips as she finishes getting ready to head out with gaze lifted to see if she'd see any of those in her patrol.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed

It would be a while before Ferngill would lead a patrol, he was sure, but in truth he hardly had the ambition for it. Where he was situated now, he was happy- cats looked to him, called him by his warrior name, his true name. And though he had never wanted it to be the end, he cherished it now that he had it, and... was happy in stasis, for a little while.

Bright eyes gleamed as Petalnose announced the patrol he would be attending- to SkyClan, that wasn't so bad. Plenty of his closer friends on the journey resided in the Clan of the pine forest, and he'd have a good chance of running into them- checking up on them, like he'd done for Stormywing and Lightstrike. Dressed by a dutiful nod, Ferngill sought out Snakeblink, flocking soon to the lead warrior's side with a plain readiness in his eyes.
penned by pin
Patrols were something that Moonpaw enjoyed, the ability to help with what was going on around the clan whether it be hunting or marking borders was something she had always enjoyed, so when Petalnose called the cats to attention to get their patrol assignments, Moonpaw carefully pad forward and waited, head nodding in understanding when she explained why it was her and not Lichentail that was giving them out. The deputy was out giving an assessment, which meant that Dipperpaw could become a warrior soon and despite the fact that meant there would be one less apprentice in the den she shared with the others around her age Moonpaw couldn't help but feel excited for her and hoped that she passed.

She listened as patrols were handed out, eyes trained on Petalnose as she finally mentioned Moonpaw's name. She'd never been on a patrol to gather herbs before and once they were sent off to begin their patrols the white-furred moggie quickly found her way over to Nettlepaw, offering the younger apprentice a friendly touch with her tail in greeting as they wait to head out. "Do you think we'll find a lot of plants? I didn't think they'd grow in leafbare." She'd quietly state to the other, slight amusement in her voice.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling


An herb patrol? Nettlepaw wants to protest. He wants to hunt and patrol, not sniff for plants in the frost all day. But... he knows it's important, especially as the world grew colder. He keeps his mouth shut, lets his frustrations simmer and die in the back of his throat, unvoiced and unheeded. An ear flicks toward Moonpaw as she arrives at his side with a gentle touch of her tail.

"I don't know." Nettlepaw admits quietly. "Maybe. Lungwort only grows in the cold, right?" He recalls the purpose of the recent journey into the mountains far in the distance. "Maybe other herbs are the same." The apprentice guesses. Ravensong would probably know best, so Nettlepaw would just keep close to him during the patrol. He thinks the rest will do the same.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
As abruptly as Petalnose’s call for patrols rings about the camp, Lakemoon is there. Slipping through a reed woven den with alabaster paws itching to do something. Leaf-bare made the warrior antsy.
Petalnose is quick to begin rattling off assignments, and Lakemoon feels a pang of disappointment when her name has yet to be spoken when the lead warrior announces the last border patrol.
Nevertheless, it is fleeting, and soon replaced with content indifference as she is assigned to a hunting patrol- something more important than ever.
If the river-kissed warrior would be able to catch her mates eye, she would offer Lilybloom a slight smile, a silent “see you soon,” before her attention would have to wander elsewhere.
Seeking out her patrol companions, beckoning her apprentice to her flank, the warrior would waste no time speaking.
"Meet me at the entrance at sun-high, don’t make me have to go looking for you." Her instructions are blunt but not sharply spoken, tail flicking dismissively before she’d turn to Bristlepaw with the intent on taking him out for hunting lessons.

Dark ears flick forward at Petalnose’s call for the day’s patrols. The tortoiseshell slips closer to her co-lead warrior, listening with a neutral expression as she is called to accompany Smokestar on a patrol to WindClan. Her pale eyes narrow—only those prepared to draw their claws across their enemies’ pelts had been ordered to attend the leader on this patrol. Petalnose had been careful to leave out the less aggressive or less experienced cats, she notices. With a courteous dip of her head, she lifts snow-blue eyes toward the cats who gather. She sees Beepaw, and pads close to the brother she searches for, her voice low but sharp. “Ensure you eat before we leave. You must be prepared for anything WindClan might do.

, ”