pafp sticks and stones i'll break your bones // checkup

maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
Maggotfur is... tired. Body aches, and stomach churns violently, and tear streaks still stain her pale face as she tosses and turns - no matter how she lays, she can no longer get comfortable in her nest. She spends hours just like this - on edge, frustrated, teeth gnawing at her cheeks. She is unsettled by the empty nests, by what she has seen and what she knows is inevitable. Today is the day, isn't it? She's warned her apprentice, told Smogstar in no uncertain terms the choice she's made.

She hardly waits long enough for the sun to rise before standing, slipping past her denmates without so much as a good morning Nothing unusual of course - she's never been one for pleasantries unless they suit a purpose. Still, it is not to the freshkill pile that her paws carry her, nor is it to the apprentice den to poke and prod her apprentice awake. Instead, she dips into Starlinghearts den, blue eyes sparing only a seconds glance at the pale tabby that serves as her best friends replacement. " Can you check on them? " She does not elaborate further, only tips her head and curls tail protectively around herself.

There is no need to.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?
// please wait for @Starlingheart to post first; this is meant to take place after the discovery thread
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She had made a promise to Maggotfur that she would look after her, and she had meant every word of that promise. She would do everything in her power. She is just waking up when a familiar face slips into her den, a familiar voice filled with worry dragging her from her still-sleepy mind as her lone eye finds the entrance of the den and who stands there. "Of course" she says, stifling a yawn as she gestures to an empty nest near the mouth of the cave. "Please make-make yourself comfortable" or as comfortable as she could anyways, Starlingheart could only guess how much sleep the molly had gotten that she was here this early in the morning.

"Marblepaw come here p-please, you'll- this- this is something you'll want to learn" she says, a soft smile worn upon her features. No one had ever taught her this, Bonejaw- ripple now- had left her far before she had ever had an opportunity at teaching such things. No, this had been something she had had to figure out how to do herself. "I'm going to put my paws on your belly so I can-so I can feel them. You'll feel a slight pressure, but it-it shouldn't hurt, if it hurts please tell me" she instructs, her tone gentle, even "Marblepaw is going to feel too- if that's- if that's okay, of course"

Provided it was, Starlingheart would gently place a paw on the queen's stomach, gently pressing and moving her paw around until she could feel a small lump "There, Marblepaw put-put your paws where mine are... do you feel that?" she asks as something kicks against her touch "Those are the-the kits" she can feel her voice cracking, can feel her eyes getting teary at the thought of new life being brought into this world, of tiny faces with sealed shut eyes staring unseeingly up at her, small not yet fully formed voices crying out for their mother.

She regains her composure, sucking in a deep breath "They feel strong Maggotfur, healthy. I-I only feel two but there may be more" some could be behind the ribs, behind their siblings, her guess could only ever be that, a guess.


  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
The sun is pale and weak when Maggotfur comes to Starlingheart's den. She feels the warrior's hulking presence before she sees her; Marblepaw's eyelids creak open, and green eyes blink the sleep away at Starlingheart's beckon. Her pelt prickles as Maggotfur's blue gaze flicks over her dismissively, but she tries not to dwell on it. She supposes Maggotfur is one of the many cats who still deeply misses Magpiepaw, and seeing her in his place can't be easy.

She approaches at her mentor's call, her eyes wide now, awake. Maggotfur lies suspended on one side, her flank tilted toward the medicine cat and her apprentice. She marvels at the soft bulge of the new queen's pale belly, and when Starlingheart places a paw there, she instructs Marblepaw to do the same.

They swallow, their paws staticky with excitement. Marblepaw lifts her paw and gently brushes the surface of Maggotfur's swollen belly. She can feel something solid under the softness of her flesh, and the idea is both slightly nauseating and exciting. "Wow," she murmurs. "They must be so small!"

Her tail curls up behind her as she withdraws her paw. Starlingheart tells Maggotfur she only definitively feels two, but says there could be more than that. Marblepaw had really only felt the one, but she supposes if she'd been allowed a little more time to knead the queen's stomach, she could have felt another. "Congratulations," she says, dipping her head to Maggotfur where she lays.

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  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
Starlingheart is quick to join her, and Maggotfur allows herself a brief moment to relax - they are not the closest of cat, but Starlingheart is as nonthreatening asa cat can be, and she trusts that at the very least she knows what she is doing. Nodding, she lays down, eyes flicking to marblepaw for only a moment before sighing. " Sure, " she says at last, tail tapping against the ground.

" ... Two? " hushed voice echoes, strangely tender. She's having ktis - two, probably, though the medicine cat admits the guess could be wrong. It suddenly feels all the more real - there is no denying it now, no pretending that it isn't happening. She is going to be a mother.

" Thank you, " she says, words bland as Marblepaw congratulates her - because what else is someone supposed to respond with? Still, it's not as bad a feeling as she expected.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?