private still a sunbeam [herb patrol]

This is their first time being assigned to lead a patrol. They can’t help but feel a bit nervous, off-balance; it is nerve-wracking enough being trusted to lead others on a patrol, but to do so for the first time whilst in unfamiliar territory? They can practically feel their lungs constricting at the thought alone. "Cobwebs and moss," they mutter, tail lashing behind them in a show of irritation. They can hardly find such materials in WindClan territory when they’re sent to fetch them for Wolfsong; how are they meant to find anything of the sort in the forest?

At least they aren’t alone in their search, though. Thriftpaw and Mothmoon will hopefully be more useful than he is, but he doesn’t place too much faith in their ability to track down cobwebs. Moss should be easier to find, what with all the trees around, but even that seems a daunting task when their mind is too occupied with remembering the route they’ve taken to get through the territory. Getting lost in the forest would be a great way to ensure they’re never given the responsibility of leading a patrol again—and venturing too far into ThunderClan territory could spell even more trouble for their clan.

"Stick close together," Gravelsnap says to the others as they trot along, "and if we find anything we need, try to keep it in one piece. I don’t know what Wolfsong does with it, but he probably needs as much as we can get." With some of the injuries that their clanmates sustained in the fighting and the lack of herbs with them currently, it would be best for Wolfsong to have whatever he asks for.

// @mothmoon and @Thriftpaw
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]