pafp STILL BLEEDING [wc] check ups

"Oh, come on, Addervenom," Cottonpaw's voice is just barely muffled by the tugged apart cobwebs hanging loosely from her jaws. Her eyebrows are knitted together, frustration evident both in her words and on her face. "I know - I know, that you are 'able enough' to go hunt, but you have no idea just what those rogues could've had under their claws!" The medicine cat apprentice leans back onto her haunches, unwilling to trail after her pacing brother for the upteenth time. With Wolfsong tending to his little ones in ThunderClan camp, and thus visiting them in the hollow sparingly, Cottonpaw had taken it upon herself to at least keep fresher, still weeping wounds clean and dressed. Her brother, however, seems intent on making that difficult.

She takes the sparing moment to wad the webbing back together, lips pressed into a frown. Her tail twitches, "Just sit still. I'm more than certain Sunstride will happily send you off after your scrapes have been addressed."

[ pls wait for @Addervenom ! ]​

The tiger striped tom is light on his paws, floaty movements appearing as if he hardly touched the ground. An oddly graceful thing to behold given his muscular bulk. But it was precisely the quick pace he needed to keep out of range. Dancing effortlessly around his littermate as he fakes a left before leaping to the right, prancing fleet footedly out of reach. If Cottonpaw wasn't so adamant about slapping ivory webbing across his hide Addervenom might have found this little game of cat and mouse mildly amusing. However, that was not the case, and he found himself growing increasingly annoyed the longer his sister persisted. "I keep telling you I don't need it, you're not listening." He grumbled irritably, tail lashing like his namesake.

Unless Sunstride or Sootstar herself ordered him to remain still long enough to have such shallow scratches dressed then he would continue to dodge Cottonpaw until he could get away. "Go use that stuff on someone who actually needs it. Surely there are others with far greater wounds." He argued. Amber eyes narrowing carefully upon watching her finally do something other than chase after him.
»»———- windclan warrior / nine moons old / he/him ———-««

marmotpaw & 10 moons & female & she/her & windclan tunneler apprentice

Marmotpaw is growing weary of the soot-siblings quarrels - all of them are loud, or rude, only the other soot and cottonpaw bordering on tolerable to her. It is only out of respect for the herb-scented she-cat that she does not shout, voice waspish to raise her qualms - no, instead mismatched gaze levels a disgusted look upon addervenoms frame and speaks levely. "Just get treated already so the rest of us can be seen," she's not usually one to speak up - at all actually, but her head stings something fierce as it drips blood down her cheek and muzzle, and her scars twinge painfully from her sudden scramble to escape. She'd been completely caught unawares after all - one moment leaving the tunnels, the next fleeing for her life alongside the rest. She can only how that the stars have seen fit to keep her blue one safe as well - she hasn't even had the time to check.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: for reference she got scratched good right above her eye, but no other injuries.
    tw/cw: —
  • a shockingly tiny she-cat with pale blue and cream ticked tabby fur, save for a single patch covering her right eye that is brown instead, and mismatched green-orange eyes. she has heavy scarring along the entirety of her left side, from her face all the way down her chest, belly, and flank; which has been there since kithood. she is a twitchy little thing, known for her bad attitude and an unfortunate habit of biting when startled.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#9ab973]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

"I've never been great at listening," Cottonpaw says, though boasting about her ruinous encounters does provide her a spot of embarrassment. She tries to follow his light footwork again, however her brother is not a stranger to cat-and-mouse games and fakes her out again. The grey furred she-cat is almost defeated, huffing a, "And let you get infection?" in his direction as he tries to ward her off. "Cobwebs are everywhere, Addervenom. It won't hurt you nor I any for you to wear some -"

Another voice pipes up just as she begins her frustrated pleading, and Cottonpaw tilts her gaze towards Marmotpaw. She spies the other's injury relatively quickly, and if not for attending to her brother in the moment, she would've moved faster to help her fellow apprentice. However, given the tunneller's urging, she can't help but feel bad for focusing on Addervenom. She shoots her brown furred brother a glare before addressing the she-cat, "He doesn't like help," she murmurs. She continues with, "I've got no herbs with me, but sit still - I'll give it a good wash and patch it up for now." Cottonpaw doesn't have the confidence to say how bad Marmotpaw's injury is. It doesn't look awful to her, however perhaps if Wolfsong were here, he would say differently. ​