still having the same conversations // granite

siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
What should have been a happy and momentous occasion has been tarnished and dulled by the death of - well, not a friend, but a clanmate she'd at least liked to look at. And siltcloud cannot help but harbor suspicions - granitepelt had been acting twitchy of late, and then that fight- well... she wouldn't be surprised. She bides her time until things have calmed down, until most cats are tucked away in their nests, before she seeks him out. Dull green eyes are darkened with seriousness as she stares at him for a moment, trying to find the words. She settles for a simple jerk of her head, a silent inquiry to follow her, and only when he does and they are well away from all prying eyes and eavesdropping ears does she speak. Head tips to the side, her facial expression ever unchanging, and simply asks -"Why did you do it?" she's not sure what she expects him to say. Will he admit it? Deny it? Act confused? Perhaps he truly didn't commit the act, but she finds it... doubtful. She is not unobservant after all, she can easily put two and two together, especially when it comes to her own flesh and blood.

// @GRANITEPELT didn't see a ping for this unless my inbox is being stupid again so here we go!
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Siltcloud's presence isn't an unwelcome one. The two of them should be celebrating their freedom from the oppressive grip of uncaring mentors, their new dawn as ShadowClan warriors. But when he turns to greet his sister, he is disturbed by the shadows in her green eyes. Her face is pensive, and Granitepelt resents the way she searches his, as though she's looking for answers to some unannounced question.

"Why did you do it?" Her expression, as ever, remains neutral. But Granitepelt's does not. He bristles, curling his lip. "Why did I do what?" Despite his anger, his voice is cold as leafbare frost. He unsheathes his claws, letting them sink haphazardly into the earth.

She knows, and he shouldn't be surprised that she knows. Granitepelt and Siltcloud had shared a womb, after all -- had shared the misery of their mother's abandonment, of their depressing apprenticeships, of Pitchstar's death and all that had resulted from it. Siltcloud knows him, more than any cat in the forest. In the stars above.

But he does not like that she knows this about him. He cannot help but feel a sick pulse of anger, and he struggles not to turn it against her. "We aren't talking about this here," he says icily. He squares his shoulders and gestures for her to follow him out of camp and into the shadowy marsh.

His dark green eyes are narrow slits when he finally turns back to her. There are no ears here but theirs, voices drowned out with frog's croaks and cricket's songs. "He knew something," he tells her. As he says it aloud, he nods, as if to convince himself. "And he..." Granitepelt's mouth twitches in anger. "Was trying to take Starlingheart from me. He was a pathetic little worm, and ShadowClan is better off without him." He meets her duller green gaze challengingly.

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siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Siltcloud almost expects to be proven incorrect, but when they leave the camp any uncertainty leaves her. Dull eyes watch her brother carefully as he speaks, taking in his every word carefully. She can certainly see why he'd done it - though she's not sure shed have done the same. If ghostpaw had known something, it wouldn't have been just granitepelt on the line - she was as much an accomplice after all, wasn't she? "Alright,"

The second half of his story has her annoyed however - what is it about starlingheart that seems to cause him to lose all sense of rationality? What makes her so special? She cant imagine it, caring so much about someone who is not even of her flesh and blood. Has she ever felt that way about someone? Ever wanted to spend the rest of her days with them at her side? She steadfastly ignores the fact that there is in fact a particular face that comes to mind when she tries to picture having a mate of her own, instead sighing heavily.

"Just... be careful. Don't argue so publicly next time, and perhaps even I won't suspect what you've done," is all she can say - listlessly giving advice she's certain he won't follow. Not that she's ever killed someone... though there is certainly a growing curiosity these days. What must it feel like, to watch as someone falls to your paws? Its almost enough to have her finding out.