still here ━ blue

Mar 22, 2024
Jaypaw had been busy training with her mentor, and she had learned a few new skills that would help her hunt. She had just recently gotten back from her training and she spots a familiar figure in the distance, her plumed tail swishing behind her as she moved forward. Light steps move stealthily across the ground, as she creeps up behind Blue before speaking. "Boo!" The apprentice would respond with a purr in her attempt to scare the other blue toned feline, as she offers him a soft smile. "How was your day?" She would inquire lightly.

While she gives him a moment to respond, she would observe him with her forest hued gaze as she purrs softly. "I learned a new hunting trick today, want me to teach you?" Jay would question, a small part of her eager to show off to Blue and also show off her new skill. He's a little taller than her which causes her to look up a little, but she doesn't mind as she meets his blue gaze. "You have deep blue eyes, they're pretty." She would murmur before realizing she'd spoken her thoughts out loud.

OOC @Blue Freeze Pop
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Coming to Skyclans’ had been one of the best decisions he has ever made. Blue has yet to see the camp itself, he was saving that for a few sunrises from now when he could get his parents to trust he would come back. Because he had stayed so late that one night they had wigged out on him and he hadn’t been allowed past the fence for what seemed like forever. Though thankfully he managed to sneak away when they were eating dinner and he was out in the forest once more, wondering to see if he could learn this new terrain.

Blue had spotted to watch a squirrel run up a tree and he wondered where in the trees it had gone. Then nearly sprung several feet off the ground as a feline shape came swishing into view. His fur bristled though and his gaze went wide before he quickly relaxed when he realized who it really was that had come up. Blue grinned widely, “You gotta show me how to do that, nearly scared my pelt off” He mused with a shake of his head.

Though Jaypaw was someone he was glad to see. Flora had been teasing him nonstop since his arrival to Skyclan and it was more than normal- he could do without a night of it for sure, “My day was- good! I got trapped inside for a little while there cause mom is freaked out I’ll never return but clearly she knows better now,” He said with a small shrug of his shoulders. Though he went to ask her how her day had been, if the forest had been treating her well, but then she mentioned something.

Blue had never hunt before. Never really stalked his toys either and he was more than curious on how to do it. The young blue tabby blinked with round eyes, “A hunting pose? Oh! What does that entail?” He asked in awe and his tail waved behind him in excitement. He was more than ready to get started if this was something important!

Though then Jaypaw seemingly spoke her words out loud and it had his pelt heating up quickly, and Blues fur bristled slightly with his own fluster. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing of intelligence came out other than- [/color=#3d5aa0]thank you![/color]” In a not so easily hide squeak.

Watching as Blue jumps from his skin and fur bristled, her cheeks puff out as she starts to giggle at him. "You look so silly when you're scared." She would state through giggles as she takes a deep breath, an tufted ear flicking as he goes to respond to her inquiry on his day was going. Her toes wiggle against the forest's grass as she tilts her head when he mentioned being 'trapped inside'. Twolegs were so weird, how could they just trap someone inside their nest? It was like some overbearing or overprotective mom who wouldn't let their kit have their own playtime with others their age. She sniffs the air slightly at the scent of twoleg food from his twoleg parents cooking their dinner previously as she leans forward, sniffing him as she scrunches her nose slightly.

"I'm glad that you had a good day. Hopefully, she knows better next time." Jaypaw would murmur after listening to how his day went. He seemed to want to ask her something after, but he seems more interested in the new hunting pose that she learned. "We hunt for our food like the squirrels and stuff, so we learn how to be as stealthy and use our enviorment to catch them." The apprentice would explain as she raises a paw for him to watch her as she crouches down, her tail laying motionlessly yet faintly hovering over the ground. Her entire body lays close to the ground in a almost perfect stance as she glances at Blue mid-stance.

"Hyaa!" She would then pounce forward and attempt to gently pounce on the tom-cat with her newly learned hunting stance, using her front paws to pin him on the ground with a smug look on her lips. "Thus you are my new prey, my skittish bluebird." Jay would respond before releasing the tom from her clutches and allowing him to get up as her green gaze focuses on him, the still smug smile dancing on her lips. "Do what I did now! Keep your body low to the ground, you're a hunter now: not the prey."

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Blue wanted to ask her how her day had been, learn everything there was to her routine and what she did in her free time. Though his own scatter brain had been too hyper focused on the prospect of a hunting crouch! He wondered if it was something he could do at home- maybe try it on his toys? Or his parents? Blue didnt know but he’d have to think more on it later.

Jaypaw went on to explain that they hunted for their food and his eyes went round. He’d never had a piece of prey before. Was it good? He liked the wet food mom gave him and their treats but it did compare to a mouse or squirrel? He had so many questions running through his mind that he had watched her crouch down, lowering herself to the grassy ground. She had her tail faintly off the ground and looked so graceful that he was unaware of himself being her prey.

So when she leapt at him, he didnt have time to react and was pinned to the ground. Blue looked up at the grey she-cat with round blue eyes, “That was so fast!” He murmured with awe and the flushed at her nickname for him. Though she got off of him and he was able to get up from the ground, rolling over, and Jaypaw prompted him to try next.

Blue suddenly felt this wave of nerves wash over him and he adverted his gaze downward. What if he did bad? He didnt want to make himself a fool in front of her! That would be the end of his existence surely. But yet, Blue pushed himself onto his paws and gave a small, focused look as he tried to lower himself like she had. Though it felt awkward and his tail lashed behind him out of his attempts to focus, “Like this?” He asked and glanced up at her for a moment.

His posture wasnt low enough and he was awkwardly trying to balance his weight around his paws, and then he tried to take a step forward before his paw slipped and he found himself sitting instead of crouching. Blue cursed softly and glared down at his own paws, “Or nevermind i guess!” he complained in annoyance with himself, but then tried again. Though he found it hard to keep his tail still.

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Jaypaw puffs her chest out in pride as Blue states on how fast she was at her pounce, using a paw to cover her smile at his compliment. Yeah, this was a perfect idea. " You'll be able to do it one day as well. " The blue marbled tabby would respond with a purr, watching him as he gets back on his paws and watched as he attempted to do a hunting crouch similar to him. It was messy with all sorts of mistakes and he seems frustrated but he doesn't give up after the first attempt. Her forest toned gaze watches intently as she rubs her paw on her chin. " You have to balance yourself and sink into the ground. "

His second attempt is much better than the first without the excuse of his tail and she does a 'hmmm' in thought. " You have to learn to keep your tail straight, otherwise the prey can see it. " Jaypaw would murmur as she repeats her position slowly so he could watch and learn. Her legs bundle underneath her but are firmly planted, haunches down to the ground and tense ready for a pounce with her tail low and without movement. " You're the hunter, and in our world: mistakes mean you can't eat. You'll starve. " Her words may seem harsh but its the reality of it, they had assessments and she wanted Blue to be as ready as he could before he received an mentor.

They may have freshkill piles but apprentices always had to feed everyone else (elders and queens) before themselves. Apprentices were the second line of warriors and would be protecting, hunting and fighting for their home. They couldn't make too many mistakes though sometimes they happened. Prey could be sneaky but it was best to learn the proper form and practice over and over before you ever officially hunted.

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Balance myself and sink to the ground? That seems impossible! Blue felt like his body wasn’t listening to him as he was moving around. He was about to give up and mention maybe they should save it for another day, but then Jaypaw sank down beside him. Showing him how to stand and balance himself, and that he had to keep his tail still as well. The blue tabby glanced back at his tail and huffed softly in annoyance with himself, and then nodded with some understanding to what she meant.

Jaypaw then mentioned that if he couldnt hunt, he would starve and he looked at her for a moment. His brow furrowed slightly and then the young tabby spoke out loud to the marble she-cat, “Do you starve out here, Jay?” He asked with worry lacing his voice. Was that a thing out here? They starved? Was there not enough food to go around for everyone? He had food at home of course so he never had to worry about feeding himself.

If you want i can bring you some food from my house?” He asked innocently and reached out a paw towards hers and gently placed it on top of it, “I dont want you to have to starve,”

After her second attempt of showing the tom-cat, she observes him as he glances at his tail with a hint of annoyance and nodding at her words. His attention seems caught on something else whether that be her words about the life out here or still the frustration towards his tail. " Huh? " Jaypaw responds partly confused and a paw is soon resting on top of hers, his blue gaze meeting her green gaze and she blinks in confusion. " No, no. I don't starve. " The blue classic tabby would remark as she quickly corrects the tom-cat for her words as she gently touches her nose to his cheek in thanks.

" I mean like we have to hunt and feed our clan, otherwise those who are in camp will starve. " The apprentice states with a tilt of her head, her gaze focused on the tom. Hopefully, that helped explain it better that it wasn't her starving. Their clan relied on the warriors and apprentices to hunt, protect and fend for the clan in different ways more than one. She laughs softly as she shakes her head at his offer on bringing food from his house, it had a weird scent and she much preferred squirrels. " I'm fine, thank you though Blue. " She would respond with a gentle smile as a soft purr following after.
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Oh. Oh he- Blue could feel his coat heat up with his own stupid assumptions. The white and blue tabby cat felt her touch his cheek with her nose and this only worsened his need to now be swallowed up by a hole in the ground. Maybe he could hide under a tree for the rest of his life or something. He gave a small inward eye roll at himself and he blinked at Jaypaw, but nodded regardless, “Oh! I-I..of course, anytime?” He said softly and awkwardly with a slight shift on his spot.

The cats at camp starved so they had to hunt for them. So there was others who couldn’t hunt? He didnt know that. Though then again he had yet to see camp at this point in time and he wondered if it was interesting. With that many cats around it probably never got lonely, right? Jaypaw probably had her whole family and what not around her.

Do you have any family in the clan with you?” He blurted out suddenly as he tried to fill in the air with questions about her. Blue wanted to get to know the marbled molly, she was so fun and interesting to him. Someone besides Flora who would put up with him and his weird need to always be anxcious about everything under the sun, “I-I dont! Obviously- but Flora is kinda like my big sister?
