It has not been very long since the gathering commenced. He can still feel how heavy his heart weighs inside of his chest, how badly he feels at the news that he has lost yet another sister. But despite his grief, life goes on. He had learned that when Morningpaw had died, when Emberstar had lost nearly all of her lives in one go. He had thought he had so much more time with both of them. He had been assigned to a hunting patrol. He makes his way through the forest, closer and closer to the ShadowClan border, moving through the shadows as only his dark pelt would allow. He lifts his nose to the air and through the stench of the thunderpath, he can smell something else. His head snaps to the source of the scent and he finds a mouse crouched under a tree, nibbling on a seed it had found on the ground. Immediately, he drops into a hunting crouch and creeps forward, one ebony paw in front of the other and despite the soft landing of his feet padded by fur the mouse looks up. They make eye contact and the both of them freeze for only a moment before suddently bursting into action. The mouse takes off and so does he in pursuit.

He catches up easily, pouncing and landing on the creature, dispatching it quickly. He is turning to leave, to clutch his catch proudly in his jaws and return to find and rejoin the rest of the patrol. Surely their own hunts were going well? But he is drawn to a pause when suddenly a twig snaps. His ears flick, alert he turns his attention to the tunnel he had found himself at and he peers cautiously aside, setting the mouse down for only a moment. "Hey! Who's there?" he calls and his voice echoes off the walls. It makes him sound louder, more imposing, and his ears press against the back of his head for a moment before he forces them forward again. If whoever it was was an intruder he would have to look menacing if he wanted to drive them off..
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Within the dark marsh of shadowclan Tornadopaw had been dragged along on a hunting patrol as well. Chilledstar insisted, wanting to keep her moving and active but her focus was nowhere to be found. The loss of her mother remained at the forefront of her mind most days. Leaving her in a rut of mourning where she wished to do nothing more than curl into a ball and remain tucked away in the apprentice's den. Granitepaw's humiliating public display of her mediocre hunting skills also played a part in her recent reclusive tendencies. For she found it hard to shake his biting words that rang true. Perhaps she really was just a misplaced kittypet pretending to be a forest cat.

She'd branched off on her own to gather some time to herself. Citrine eyes partially searching for prey although not trying as hard as she should've been. By stroke of luck she startled a lizard out of hiding. Blinking in surprise Tornadopaw snaps into action, her movement hindered by her still aching paw. Utilizing an awkward swift limp she chases after the reptile, snapping a twig as she reaches the tunnel by the thunderpath. The little thing slips past inaccurate paws, taking advantage of her misjudged pounce. A scowl illustrates her face until her ears pick up the booming sound of another voice. Snapping her attention forward she notices the familiar thunderclan tom. "Burnpaw?!" Her voice is as excited as it is confused before her attention is drawn back to her escaping prey. "Q-quick! catch that lizard!" Tornadopaw pleads, staggering forward a couple of steps as the reptile ran towards his paws.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

"Tornadopaw?" he asks, confused and surprised. It was Shadowclan's territory on the other side of this tunnel, but still, he cannot help but wonder what a coincidence it was that she was here at the exact same time as him. Almost like fate. He cannot help but think that perhaps they were destined to meet like this. Before he can think anything else though, she is shouting at him, asking him to catch something. "Wha-what? Lizard? Oh!!" he looks down and sees it running towards him and quickly he slams a paw down, claws catching it deftly in a hook. He grabs it with his teeth and pads forward, further into that tunnel so that he can drop it at Tornadopaw's feet.

"What are you doing here? And are you okay?" he had noticed her limp, the way she wasn't putting much pressure on one of her front legs. "What happened?"
If you don't like me, that's your problem
She watches on in silent anticipation, unaware of the breath she was holding as he snapped into action after finally noticing the scaly creature whizzing past. A sigh of relief flows from her maw, tense shoulders sagging a little as she limps forward to meet him halfway. A grateful, partial smile touches her lips as she sits down, looking the lizard over before glancing back up. "Thanks," He saved her hide by catching this scrawny little thing. It was hardly a meal, but at least there was something she could take back without others commenting on her lack of contribution. Even if it was at the paws of another. "I owe you." Tornadopaw murmurs, using her aching paw to scoot the lizard a little closer with a grimace.

Upon hearing his first question she sighs quietly. "Chilledstar dragged me on a hunting patrol...I just, needed a little space so I branched off to hunt." She knew they meant well, caring enough to keep her close. But it wasn't enough and she doubted it ever would be, not when she so desperately wanted Snowmask back. The second and third question caught her off guard, citrine eyes growing a fraction wider than normal before becoming solemn in appearance. "I um, I fell and twisted my paw when hunting." Burnpaw was someone she considered a friend, although she was unsure if he felt the same. But at this current time she needed someone to confide in that didn't live in her clan. "It was a simple mistake, I could have cleared that jump easily. But after losing my mom I haven't been able to think straight, everything is all hazy, ya'know?" She voices, vocals daring to tremble at the remembrance of such a gruesome scene.

Her gaze breaks, trailing to her paws as she blinks away the sting of tears threatening to develop. She sniffs, curling her tail around her single good paw as she looks back up to meet equally yellow eyes. "B-but uh, what about you? Hopefully you've had better luck than me."
When I let it bother me, that's my problem