STILL, WE ARE | deersong

No poem befits it, no words could fathom, no strands of a heart could ever retell. A tailored fragile tale it was. Two opposites collide, blood spilt, and jealousy’s coveting jaws. Thistleback’s hooded gaze settles on her form, deeply, madly, unexplainably in love.

An irrevocable thing, a strange dastardly thing. Unconditional by all means. It wasn’t hard to wonder what was to love of her. Be her mocha swirling curls that twist and dance with every step, or her eyes painted by the heavens, or her way of words so strange but so very much Deersong. She was the mother of his children, his half-tail angel, a powerful yet gentle queen. She deserved the world, and by the gods she’d have it.

Thistleback had arranged a sitter for the kits this afternoon, had groomed his fur so finely it was as though he had sharpened his fur like a dulling knife. Not a hair out of place. Between his jaws, a firefly snow crocus. A white petalled flower with golden in the middle. He’d approach Deersong silently, aiming to prop the flower behind her ear.

" Bird. My beautiful morning star " he greets her, " I’ve asked Morningbird to watch the little scorpions. " he begins, grey eyes shifting toward the snowy exit of camp with a sideways smile.

" might I ask the prettiest lass in Skyclan on a date, tonight. " he talks around a cheeky smile. Their schedules, he as warrior and she as deputy- had driven a wedge into their time together that wasn’t sleeping.

  • @~Deersong~

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) If she was being honest, Deersong was so exhausted as of late. With the tense atmosphere that had invaded their home, the paranoia that now clung to Blazestars' coat like a fog she couldn't break through. Even now, as she sat watching a few warriors trot away after evening reports, a paw would come up and gently rub her temple as a sigh slipped past her lips.

Her whiskers would flicker as a flower was suddenly placed beside her ear and as she looked up, aqua would meet sterling silver, and all of the anxiety and worry she had felt just a moment before evaporated like mist in the full-leaf sunlight. A blush, pure and sheepish, would color the cream cheeks of the deputy as she took in the sight of her normally spiky-furred love.

She purred, a sound both of adoration and invitation would lull from her throat as he asked her on a date and the giggle that bubbled from her rang with happiness, "Of course, Gem. I'd love nothing more." She would lean forward and brush her muzzle against his own, finding further comfort in his scent and moving to rub against him in affection before she blinked up at him in a manner so flirtatious that she hoped it would remind him of their courting days.

"Lead the way, Casanova."

The stress webbed across her lovely face by a spider of gloom. Her duty, a jagged weight on her shoulders, caring for kits made it heavier. One could marvel in the way she does not stagger, instead- she was ever so graceful.

Her countenance once pressed by matters of the unknown, shift as though the tide pulls from shore. Thistleback relishes in the fact that he could make her feel just a bit more at ease, that she was able to release that burden and he’d always be there for her.

Her jovial laughter, it was amazing that it didn’t summon spring itself. She reaches out to him, and he instinctually falls apart from it all. Mentally devoured by his affections, it was bizzare to think there was once a day he had been hesitant to her touch. Once a touch starved stray, now spoiled by it.

casanova, a snort erupts from his nose softly. " hardly " he jests with a purr like a claw hammer through gravel, his path sluggish and pulling toward the edge of camp.

" I found the neatest thing. " he leads carefully through the dimly lit trees, the snow crunching under calloused paws. The forest is deeply quiet, his mind painfully loud. He stops suddenly, casting a glance toward Deersong before tilting his chin up toward the sky.

Halfway up the pine, a gnarly hollow carved deeply into the bark. It’s outlined with ice and nettles, his grime lined smirk falls.

" It’s an old owl nest I’d wager… " he thinks aloud, before sinking his claws into the cold bark and climbs swiftly. Littered with mice bones and deep scars in the wood, the smell of pine sap is powerful. Thistleback pulls himself into the hollow and hooks his neck over the lip to peer down at her.

" be careful, my love " he speaks these words so effortlessly it’s perhaps more instinctual.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) Her head tilts to the side, curiosity glimmering within her gaze as she smiles and follows after her mate faithfully. The stillness of the air around her, the noises of the earth muffled from the fallen snow that now crunched beneath their paws as they walked. She looked back and seeing their joined paw prints left in the snow stirred something within her chest that caused a small smile on her face.

When Thistleback stops, she follows his gesture and looks up at the old pine that they have reached and her eyes widen with an almost child-like awe at the owl hollow. Her tail lifts in excitement as her mate climbs up the tree with skill, and she giggles as he clambers into the nest and then peeks out like one of their children when they were eager to explore the outside for the first time.

Bunching her muscles, the deputy would launch herself into the air, climbing up with expert ease and grace. She licks her mate's nose as she reaches the owl nest and waited for him to step aside before climbing carefully into the space herself. "Far out, Gem." She would coo as she looked around, genuine awe glowing in her eyes as she sniffed around, "How did you find it?"