stone turned into sand / flycatcher

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The sun had set, rose and finally set again by the time Roeflame had processed through most of her shock, had wretched all she could at the memory of her estranged mothers corpse. She had been brought back to camp blood-stained and battered, eerily quiet when she faced Howlingstar. Under her silence something was simmering, sinister.
Dewfrosts final act in life had been something great, she had been her daughters savior.
As Roeflame slipped out of camp under the waning moons cover, she knew what could be her final act in this life would not be so good-natured, she would be her mothers avenger.
While there was no love to fuel her grief, something had been stolen from the tabby molly. The right to her own closure, the right to speak with Dewfrost ever again.
Slipping out of camp had been easy enough, her gaze slitted by determination- until the whisper of a rustle from somewhere close behind her stops the tabby dead in her tracks, letting silence hang in the air for a moment as her jaw parts, the wind pushing her followers scent right into her senses.
Frustration blooms in her chest. "I don’t need a babysitter, anymore." Normally her tone would be light-hearted, but tonight there was a chill in her voice. Finally, she’d turn to face a familiar blue warrior, her deputy.
"You should be asleep by now, anyways." Everyone should.
How she had managed to slip away from Burnstorm undetected but not Flycatcher was an irritating mystery.

/ @Flycatcher

After the incident with Roeflame's mother, Flycatcher kept a close eye on his former apprentice. He knew the situation with her mother had already been complicated and he had suspected it had only gotten worse in the wake of her death. Whilst Flycatcher had not known what to think of Roeflame's mother - especially her part in abandoning her kits - he had to commend her bravery and sacrifice for protecting her daughter in the way she had.

Roeflame had said little since the passing and whilst everyone grieved in their own way Flycatcher kept his eye on her. He was mindful to keep his distance though, deciding only to step in should he sense something was wrong. When he saw her slipping out of camp, careful to move unseen, Flycatcher followed along silently after her. He was doing well to keep his distance until a rogue leaf underfoot gave him away, and Roeflame turned in the direction of where he was standing, coldly reminding him she no longer needed a babysitter. He padded out slowly from a bush and gave Roeflame a glance over, rolling his eyes slightly when she mentioned he should be asleep by now. "So should you," He reminded her, not unkindly. He blinked once before sighing. "What are you doing out here, Roeflame? Sneaking out of camp like isn't like you."

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Where the older warrior rolled his eyes, Roeflames own creased with growing irritation, she could see he had no intention of leaving her be. Maybe if she made a run for it…
Sneaking out of camp like this… it isn’t like you.
Now, Roeflame scoffs, tail flicking dismissively as memories of her slipping out of the camps entrance in secret as an apprentice clip through her mind. "I’m taking care of something, it’s a one-man job." She flippantly replies, looking away. The tabby knows a reply like that won’t keep the deputy at bay, but if she pushed him far enough away, maybe he would grow tired of her antics and leave.
It had worked plenty before, why not now?
"I don’t need your concern, I’m grown." She keeps her gaze astray, doubting she could keep a frosty exterior if she had to look in Flycatcher’s eye. He had always been her role model, and the warrior silently wishes it had been anyone else who had stopped her.


She tries to just dismiss him with a flick of the tail, but Flycatcher is persistent, and an answer like that will not get him to simply leave. "Do not tell me not to be concerned," Flycatcher retorts, giving her a sharp glance. He's not truly angry of course, especially having known what she was going through, but did not appreciate being pushed aside. "After everything you've been through lately how am I not supposed to worry?" Flycatcher said, looking at her pleadingly.

In regards to things she had faced recently, it didn't take much thought for Flycatcher to piece together what she was doing out here. Or rather who she was looking for out here. "You're looking for that rogue, aren't you?" He asked, raising a brow.

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Moon-bathed optics are able to remain glued to a withered shrub as Flycatcher persists, her figure a statue spare for her feathered tail flicking to and fro.
She parts her maw to argue when the tom asks how he’s not supposed to worry. After everything she’s been through.
Yet, the next words to come from the deputies maw cause the tabby warrior to freeze entirely, ears snapping back. Her malice discovered.
"…and what if I am?" Roeflame finally mutters, forcing her gaze back to his, Flycatcher the one cat she couldn’t bring herself to lie to.
Suppressing a swell of unexpected guilt, Roeflame tilts her chin upwards, ready to be defiant, on the defensive.


At last she turns to face him. Caught out in the truth of her actions, her question to him all but confirms what she is truly doing out here tonight. Her chin his held upwards, defiant in that moment, though Flycatcher has no intention of acting the aggressor in that moment.

"I wouldn't blame you if you were," Flycatcher admitted. Grief could do strange things to a cat, make you act in ways you might not usually behave. Roeflame had always been a bit bold and impulsive at times, but this whole situation with her mother and the sudden and abrupt way she had lost her life only seemed to have heightened those feelings. "How are you planning to go about this, Roeflame?" Flycatcher asks, genuinely curious despite the nagging edge to his voice. "You have no idea where that rogue is and yet you're going to stomp around looking for them? What if other rogues catch you or get an idea of what you are doing?" A sudden, horrible thought crosses his mind of Roeflame being attacked or surrounded by rogues, leaving her to her injuries as callously as they had swept through and claimed their camp for themselves. "What if something happened to you?"