camp stop saying songbird ✧ patrols

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

To tell the truth... this moment was more dreaded than the very first time. Standing where very few paws had stood and summoned their clan to distribute work, to delegate. Sometimes they remember they are the third deputy in the history of this clan, under only it's second leader. The pressure, the reputation... this was not generations of work to inherit, but the work of them and their peers. They'd poured their blood, sweat and tears into this for fewer than half their living seasons... Their children had been born into a world so wildly different than the one their mothers had been born into. It's daunting.

"RiverClan," her rasping cry calls for them, voice cracking under the strain of commanding such volume. Already it hurt. The pale furred deputy winced, tucking her chin to glare at her paws and swallow through it. Damn it... damn this... Ravensong had assured her the wounds were closed and even under her scrutinizing in the reflections of the river, it seemed true enough. So why... did her voice ache to be spoken?

"Patrols," she continues, hoarsely, barely carried more than a few lengths on the wind. They'd foreseen this trouble, had whined to Snakeblink about it from where he laid in the medicine cat's den, nursing aching ribs. He was well enough, he'd supposed, that he could offer some help, even if she couldn't afford to send him on any real mission for several more days. Turning to search for those mossy eyes from where he lingered just outside, a silent show of his support (and ability to help should she need it).

Stars... she'd need it.

Watching her clan-mates gather close in small pockets and awkward groups, the striped molly moves between them close enough to touch and... does. Paws press at stiff shoulders, a hip juts to shove others together tightly, nose motions at those who stand afront her to shift and gather up. With a lot of pushing and shoving... Lichentail can step back with relief to see five groups. The only ones left out of place... are their peers. Smokestar lingers with an ever-steady flame gaze... Ferngill, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, Mosspool, newly named and eager to take her first strides as a lead warrior, Petalnose, free at long last from her recovery where starvation had nearly taken her. She is not immune to the loss of Iciclefang... who now shares a den with her mate, her own kittens. The thought crosses that she never thought the dappled molly the 'mother' type but... her own humiliation at Nettlepaw's prying keeps her mouth firmly shut.

No one had the right to pry.

Turning to Snakeblink with a small frown, she flicks her broken tail towards the collection of disgruntled warriors and apprentices as if to say 'See? I managed totally fine!' Even if she'd only delayed speaking by a few minutes... not nearly long enough to make the stinging subside.

"Petalnose," their voice is airy, her name spoken on an inhale to be more effortless. "SkyClan." Her eyes travel between the sturdy fighter towards one of the little groups, an offer to take this one, preferably. She doesn't wait for confirmation, to be sure she's understood, turning to Ferngill with a gentle, joyous squint at the corner of her eyes. "WindClan." Then Mosspool, a subtle nod to make sure the eager-hearted molly knew it was her turn now, "Hunting."

A tiny few selected strays stand out in a small quintet- Moonpaw and Ravensong could use the help and the medicine cat apprentice had asked, in a brief sidebar, to have their aid. "Help... the medicine cats." And separate from even then is Salmonshade, who is pressed against with a good-natured nudge towards the nursery, "Ask... Hazecloud... and the queens." The kittens had enjoyed the silly little tasks they'd been given in the past but unfortunately, Lichentail did not have the spare thinking space to find a random assignment when spring was finally here. Too much to do...

Sky blue eyes turn at last to her leader... a nervous tumult of birds wings flutter in her stomach. It can't be helped... the fear that has become nestled there every time they see him. Six lives left.... I'm not... Ready. "ThunderClan... if... that's okay..." And I'll go with you. I'll keep you safe.


oops! get shoved losers! lichentail's still having a hard time speaking
groups are as follows:

SKYCLAN .. @Petalnose ( LEADING ) @Cricketpaw @SANDPAW @Nightfish @Aspenhaze @bubblepaw @brookstorm @SWIFTFIRE

WINDCLAN .. @FERNGILL ( LEADING ) @FOXTAIL @Asphodelpaw @GILLSIGHT @claypaw @Hazewish @Hawkcloud @Lakemoon .

THUNDERCLAN .. @SMOKESTAR ( LEADING ) @BEEPAW @Shadestone @robinheart @willowroot @minkpaw @DEWCLOUD @lichentail

HUNTING .. @Mosspool ( LEADING ) @DUCKPAW @PIKESPLASH @turtlepaw @BRONZESHINE @Silverbreath @coyotecreek @otterpaw

MEDICINE .. assisting @Moonpaw and @RAVENSONG : @Maplepaw @Redpath @valepaw ➶ @Feathergaze @DIPPERFROST



Not that she'd mention it, but it was good to see Lichentail serving them once again. But a squint of her eyes told there was still a slight struggle, unsure to tell if it was from the hit she took or the shake in anxiety. It was embarrassing for the molly, she thought. So, she tried not to stare too long within the confines of thought. An awful habit to work on was her unmoving stare when her thoughts began to form about the subject. Obvious she made it when she was thinking about them. Although, as soon as she pulled it to the sky her sights snapped back on the blue furred feline when her name was called. Her dreaded name that spoke of an assumed soft feline, it seemed it was harder to pull from Lichentail now than herself. It almost humored her but she pressed it back.

Skyclan. An ally, but to Petalnose, their members are a fly in her ear. Odd traditions, odd decorations and odd personalities. One little apprentice had irritated last their paws remained in camp, thinking her clan was a damsel in distress. Thinking they needed saving. The words that proudly flowed from those lips struck her fur raised. Although, she must behave, especially with the rank that clung to her for respect. She must be a good example, no matter what she thought. Atleast, her mate was to accompany her. It would inspire her to be better.

A quick nod was served with a interested hum, turning to begin collecting her members with a signaling tail. This was an easy patrol, she just had to set her emotions aside.

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Lichentail appears to be alike to him in more ways than their shared tail defects—their voice is rasping today, much like his own, and their stilted speech and lack of forthcoming are remarkably reminiscent of Cicadapaw himself. Though surely a temporary setback for such a successful cat, he notes, as opposed to his own permanent shortcomings. He waits, tail tapping a restless staccato against the earth, limbs jittering with the discomfort of a moment without strain, without being torn to their limits or forced through tempestuous waves and bracng chill.

The deputy indicates his father and names ThunderClan as his impending destination. Displaced, he pauses, torn between veils and waiting for a tortie paw to nudge his shoulder briskly or a crystal - cut voice to command him to follow her. Not so. Iciclefang is confined—imprisoned, really—in the nursery, and so he directs his wayward paws after Smokestar and his gaggle of warriors. He has not been to ThunderClan in some time, and though he doesn't hold the first - hand grudge of those present in the struggle for Sunningrocks, his wariness towards his own Clanmates is multiplied at least tenfold for outsiders.

He steps to his father's shoulder alongside his sister, discomfort writhing in his chest. He is not as close to Beepaw as he used to be, as he wishes he'd stayed. He doesn't say that, though—he sets his jaw and straightens his spine as Iciclefang had taught him in an attempt to remedy his abysmal posture, and waits for a command, trying to be the dutiful soldier the tortoiseshell had trained him to be.


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Ravensong drags himself from his den at the mention of patrols. While he no longer attended any hunting or border patrols, he often received the leftovers for extra paws in herb gathering. With newleaf in full swing now, they would have more luck.

Yet his eyes found themselves fixed on Lichentail. Her voice was still hoarse and his stare hardened into one of concern. She was deputy, he understood he could not keep her forever. "Thank you, Lichentail." He paused, still worried for the state of her voice. "You can have a piece of honeycomb to chew while you go on patrol. Might help soothe your throat more." He offers with a twitch of his tail.

  • IMG_0250.png
    RAVENSONG of RIVERCLAN LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them" openly suffers from chronic migraines single, but "it's complicated"
  • Love
Reactions: tieirlys

As ever, Ferngil did not do a very clean job of hiding the concern set on his face at the way Lichentail's voice struggled out of their throat. Still, he diligently attended the deputy's call- first, Petalnose to SkyClan. A more amiable patrol, that one. But even WindClan wouldn't be so bad- they seemed to be trying to mend things, not barking as much over the border. If it was Sootstar that was their seeping evil... if cats like Scorchstreak still lingered in the higher ranks, then he hoped he might get on quite well, if he was to attend a patrol there.

WindClan, came Lichentail's voice- and she was looking at him. For a few moments Ferngill was taken by surprise- and then he was reminded, by his own brain, that he was a lead warrior now. Leading patrols would be a regular task, now... and though there were at least two Clans he'd rather run into than WindClan, he was happy to be trusted with the task. And... well, it took him a second to realise that Lichentail wanted him to gather his own patrol from whoever was nearby. He got there eventually, though!

"Understood," he chirped, turning his enthusiastic gaze to the little pocket of cats who had gathered near him. "With me, you guys!"
penned by pin
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Seeing Lichentail look so weak makes Salmonshade feel... weird. In the brief moons that Salmonshade had begun to get to know the blue point, she has never known the other to be anything other than... strong. Their voice is cracking and sounds hoarse as they go through the list, and finally blue eyes are upon her and...

Her heart drops when Lichentail gives a nudge to the nursery, surely Lichentail is mistaken! There is no way. There is no way. Salmonshade doesn't have time to sit and play with kittens, she has to go out and put her skills to use- "Lichentail, I-" but her voice catches in her throat because Lichentail is already on to assigning Smokestar a patrol and has no time to reassign her. Anxiety settles within her stomach. She cannot babysit- it isn't in her nature to entertain the young, she doesn't have time, she'd much rather be put on a patrol where she could walk and walk and not have time to think. Briefly she thinks this is Lichentails way of getting back at her for not talking to them during their shared medicine den visit, but she knows Lichentail is not vindictive like that. Or at least I hope not...

Salmonshade lets out a heavy, heavy sigh and finally sets off to the nursery with her ears swiveled back, the tiniest hint of discomfort in her eyes.

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 36 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
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Reactions: tieirlys

He holds the same concern his clanmates do at the sight of Lichentail, at the breaking of the deputy’s voice in her urge to gather for patrol assignments. The black and white tom lingers among the gathering cats, sun-shimmered gaze focused on Lichentail and her clipped instructions, listings of clan names and nods toward the lead warriors that would be guiding them.

Gillsight wishes for something easy — like a trek to SkyClan — in his search for normalcy, a distraction held in patrols, but it seems his normal isn’t the easier, slightly more likable clans these days. Ferngill is assigned to WindClan, and in turn, a fox-struck gaze is swept over him and the cats he stands beside. The warrior takes a sharp breath inward, dread turning his stomach at the thought of nearing the moors.

This isn’t the same WindClan, he tries to remind himself, tries to convince himself that the impending patrol will be an easy one still. No fights will be made along the border.

O-okay, “ Gillsight stammers out to the more enthusiastic lead, before wincing at the sound of his voice — at the fear he finds in an ever-stuttering tone — and moving to stand beside flame-furred patrol leader. ​
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x Urchin
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   Riverkit doesn't know the full extent of what's happened. Maybe that's for the best. He's old enough to feel it — a few short moons ago, after all, he would have been made an apprentice. If only he had been born in a different time. Maybe then he would have seen more of Lichentail's state. Absorbed more of it. Instead, all he can do is. . . hover. Kits aren't terribly useful in the grand scheme of things. A drain on the clan for the promise of a future. But Riverkit is well versed in the necessity of debt. He knows that RiverClan is pouring everything into the nursery to support his litter. More importantly, he understands that they didn't have to.

Lichentail takes care of them, and he wants to take care of her too.

It's so early and he is still quite tired. Toddling paws slipped from the nursery when a vague part of his mind knows that he shouldn't have left the nest. It's a miracle he had avoided being pulled back into the nursery by Salmonshade herself. "Lichentail?" he asks. Robin's egg eyes flit to Smokestar, wondering if he should instead implore his uncle, but then he remembers that Smokestar had said he couldn't be an apprentice, and remembers that Lichentail decided these patrols anyway, and disregards that thought. "Can I come on patrol too? I can hunt. I can help."

  • ooc:
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.
  • Crying
Reactions: lichenstar
Robinheart heeds Lichentail's call (with the temptation to tell the deputy once more to save their voice) and finds herself standing at the ready beside Brookstorm, mottled fur just barely brushing stone blue pelt. It is a temporary stance, one broken up in the oddest of manners by the currently near mute deputy. The young warrior casts Lichentail a very brief confused glance as she is herded away from Brookstorm and grouped together with the clowder of cats joining Smokestar on patrol to ThunderClan. Though Robinheart finds the manner or grouping odd, she had internally wished Lichentail to save their voice, so call this a wish come true?

One last wistful glance is afforded to Brookstorm as she is settled with her own patrol before turning her full attention to those around her. She dips her head in greeting to her patrol mates, many of whom she has worked with before, and looks to Smokestar in anticipation for their departure to the ThunderClan border. She flicks a curious ear towards Riverkit as the little one asks to join, figuring Smokestar and Lichentail would send the kitten back to the nursery, but wondering all the same if they would entertain such an offer. Robinheart would have a hard time saying no to such a sweet and determined kit - probably a good thing she wasn't a queen lest RiverClan find themselves at odds with spoiled kittens.
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⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Ravensong is afforded a small, appreciative glance, though she is more than dimly aware of how much he probably wants to chide her for an impatient return to work. Injuries to the throat were not something to be scoffed at but... she couldn't waste more time; had wasted enough to have missed another death of her leader, who now found himself the unlucky fixation of her fears. Hovering would be... a generous estimation of her helicoptering anxiety for the smoky tom. She'd take a second to steal some of that honey from her medicine cat before departing; besides... it was basically like getting a free treat, wish how sticky and sweet it tasted. Truly an added benefit to the soothing coating it would provide.

Her acknowledging glance is spirited away by the sheepish call of her name from a boy who grows ever bigger with every passing day. When had he breached the height of her elbows? Had those two weeks spent in the medicine cat's den really been at such a pivotal stage of his growth? A loving 'mrr' of question is purred as the deputy leans down to give him a swift lick on the forehead. Is he worried perhaps? It wouldn't be unwarranted, given how many crimson waves have crested his soft, un-weathered paw pads.

The unfortunate problem is that.. he asks to be included so sweetly. With baleful eyes that plead for purpose. Instinctively, her heart flutters with anxious uncertainty; the 'no' she'd given Brookstorm had fallen so easily off her tongue and yet now, the word eluded her completely. "Sweet stream...." Hesitation grips her in equal parts pain and turmoil, eyes search for Smokestar- these are his kin, even if she Pebblekit had called her mom. Even if they'd been reared with her own nestlings. He'd have the spine (and voice) to explain to Riverkit that he must stay here... right?

But he hadn't been the one to placate Horizonkit in his wailing when they'd changed his name. Had not shooed the kittens back into the nursery when they were getting into mischief. He had his own children... these were not them. "When... I get back." That would have to suffice. A.... patrol to inspect the camp barrier.... yes. It wouldn't be a lie then. It would be perfect. They could... they could stay near the camp, venture just barely outside its protective walls with a few extra pairs of paws to keep the kittens from wandering off. It would satiate his thirst for usefulness (hopefully).

And hopefully she wouldn't get another lecture from Hazecloud about her refusal to reject any tiny mewled request sent her way.

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Even though he is perfectly aware that he will not be assigned on any patrol — although he’s been released from Ravensong’s grasp, he is still on lighter duty for a few more days — Snakeblink still drifts towards the assignment meeting, mostly out of concern for Lichentail. Deputy is a role that requires a fair bit of talking, and the act has become unexpectedly difficult for her since the terrible injury that nearly took her from them. It’s strange to find her so careful in her words, and saddening to know that it’s because speech has become more physically painful than even Snakeblink’s many blunders ever could make it.

He sits near, ready to step in at even the slightest indication that she needs his… volubility, but he has to admit the technique she found to make up for her condition is quite efficient. He meets her pointed look with a tilt of his head and a quirk of his whiskers, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. It’s a little funny to see all these warriors bullied around by their disgruntled deputy in utter silence.

Each follows the hoarsely-spoken assignment easily enough, which is a relief, but soon enough Snakeblink finds a reason to step in anyway: not a confused warrior, or a recalcitrant apprentice, but Riverkit asking for more than she can give him — or even explain, in her current state.

Silent paws carry him to the pair, and he focuses thin-slitted eyes on the kit. Nearly old enough to be an apprentice, or they would have been before the new code pushed that time back another three moons.

”Ah, Riverkit, I apologize,” he hisses. ”I actually asked Lichentail to assign you to me today. There is a lot to do in camp, and with my injured ribs I am afraid I cannot do all of it alone.”

He glances at his friend quickly, flicking an ear — he hopes that this will at least turn Riverkit’s disappointment on him rather than her.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 50 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo