stopped believing in happy endings } intro


Mar 11, 2024

SO WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? — Her time to become a warrior was rapidly approaching. The reality of the situation sat heavy on her mind at all times, cream paws carrying her towards the future in spite of the terror and excitement that mingled freely within her. It was only a few sparse days ago that she had hit eleven moons alongside her littermates, her warrior name so close at paw that she was certain she could see it. Or would have been able to see it, had she known what Orangestar would end up picking for her. Perhaps something like Pollenstrike? That seemed appropriate, considering her long-standing dedication to her training even in the face of her own petite form. The one thing that Pollenpaw prayed for was that her chosen suffix had nothing to do with that. She'd hate to be reduced down to just her size, even if her own prefix wasn't exactly helping her case. After all, how could you be tinier than something that could barely ever even be seen?

Just thinking about it made a frustrated huff leave her muzzle, folded ears jumping a little as she rapidly shook her head from side to side. She didn't have time to focus on her shortcomings. She needed to be focusing on her training, claws digging down lightly into the ground of the Sandy Ravine. The tabby had been practicing battle moves on her own for some time already, but that didn't feel like enough for the day. Her mentor was still out on a patrol, meaning that she couldn't exactly spar with them, but plenty of other mentor and apprentice pairs had come down to the ravine to train as well. Surely at least one of them would be free for her to test her skills, right? "Hey! Who's..." Pollenpaw paused, glancing briefly around the ravine in an effort to make note of every face that surrounded her before continuing. "Who's around that's up for a spar with me? It won't be long until I'm more than just Pollenpaw. I wanna make sure I'm ready for that assessment!" There was determination flowing through her every word, stance wide and ready even as she just waited for whoever would step forward to volunteer.

  • shorthaired cream tabby with low white and green eyes flecked with brown
    11 moons old; ages the 25th every month
    lesbian; currently not looking but open to crushes
    daughter of mottledove and beetleback
    littermate to aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    currently being mentored by dewcatcher
    easy to befriend and laidback; quick to childish anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Figfeather had always been a better hunter than a fighter. She was named for her hunting capabilities, her ability to catch birds on the ground off-guard was matched by few, if anyone in SkyClan. While they ruled the treetops she caused havoc on the forest floor, hunting like a strange hybrid of a SkyClan and WindClan cat combined.

It’s for this reason she is silent at Pollenpaw’s request, initially, anyways. She would not make good practice for Pollenpaw’s final assessment… but seems the clan was busy. Crickets chirped.

With her heartstrings tugged at she rises onto her paws. ”You can spar me, Pollenpaw.” She offers with a faint tugging smile. She wouldn’t be the most challenging, but she’d make the senior apprentice work to pin her down. ”You make the first move.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Naturally, as a new apprentice in SkyClan's ranks, Cometpaw was still getting adjusted to everything — the smells, the culture, the duties expected of him. Today, he was touring some of the territory's landmarks with a warrior. The Sandy Ravine was before them, and to his luck, it appeared that some cats were sparring. How cool!

An expression of awe shone clear on youthful features as he padded forth quietly, so as not to disturb the training session. With a glance at his chaperone, Cometpaw took a seat on the sidelines, eager to witness what would unfold next. He had never seen a full-on spar before! Pollenpaw had mentioned wanting to be ready for her assessment — the warrior test. If she could beat Figfeather, she would definitely be able to pass with flying colors when the time came, right?

  • any character could be his chaperone!
  • *

    he/him; daylight apprentice
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
A loud call catches the elder's attention from her nap, a yawn parting her jaws as she slowly moves over towards Cometpaw before slowly settling on her paws in a slow motion similar to a turtle. "Back in my day, I used to spar all the time with my buddies..." She would meow towards Cometpaw, her scarred tail curling around her paws as she went into loaf formation. A dull gaze shuffling over the apprentice, Pollenpaw and Figfeather who accepted her challenge to a spar. How would Figfeather hold herself in a spar with her mangled leg? Figfeather would most likely play on the defensive, but, maybe the female would surprise her.

"speech", thoughts, attacking

Now this is exciting! Peachpaw didn't volunteer, of course, and with her lack of necessary skills and her yet-to-be wend off plump belly, the new apprentice would clearly lose. But the thrill of a spar was something she wouldn't miss! Her eyes worked just fine. Figfeather had skills and experience that only a warrior would have. Oh, but with Pollenpaw's confidence, Peachpaw hoped she'd win.

She sat near Comeitpaw and Robinsky, giving a polite nod, but didn't pay them any mind."You got this pollenpaw," Peachpaw cheered. Her smile was wide, but her eyes were searching the other apprentice, who was due to be a warrior soon. It was definitely a good idea to get as much training as possible before your assessment. She was totally going to take notes!

Of course Orangestar thought it appropriate for Chrysaliswing to be the chaperone to one of their newest joiners. How humiliating for him and hilarious for literally everyone else.

The flame-brushed chimaera a few mouse-lengths away from Cometpaw, burning-coal gaze trained upon Pollenpaw and Figfeather's spar. Heterochromatic gaze shot daggers, though those that had grown used to his presence also grew to tolerate animosity rolling off of him like murmuring waves. Apparently Pollenpaw was close to warriorhood, though pure ambition only took one so far along the journey. The warrior assessment would test whether she could back up her mettle with her merit. Wispy tail, like feathers caught in the collier's coattails, swished back and forth in lashing impatience. He cheered for no cat in particular, though the interest of how the battle would go piqued at him, and he knew better than to fight the ever-wily sense of curiosity. The Skyclan warrior secretly hoped there would be a round two, for he itched to relieve anger through the release of fighting.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


SO WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? — The silence that initially greeted her was enough to make Pollenpaw's heart sink, the near-warrior close to pouting before Figfeather took mercy on her and volunteered. She almost immediately lit up, brown-flecked eyes glittering as she faced the other. "Thanks, Figfeather! I have to warn you though, I'm not gonna go easy on you." Though she doubted the flame-colored would want her to, especially given her leg. It was no reason for her to be underestimated, and the senior apprentice knew better than to do so. She'd never get through her assessment if she judged things based off of first impressions and idle thoughts.

Even though the crowd that gathered after Figfeather's volunteering was a little intimidating, she was determined not to back down. Her thick tail lashed behind her as she lowered herself to the ground, back legs tensed. One deep breath later and she was throwing herself forward, attempting to slip underneath Figfather and lash out at her legs - hopefully to knock her onto her back. If she succeeded, it would be perfect. Leave her opponent prone and in the ideal state for further attacks, even if Pollenpaw was hardly looking to tear her clanmate's guts out. Though, of course, that perfect state would only be achieved if she actually succeeded.

  • shorthaired cream tabby with low white and green eyes flecked with brown
    11 moons old; ages the 25th every month
    lesbian; currently not looking but open to crushes
    daughter of mottledove and beetleback
    littermate to aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    currently being mentored by dewcatcher
    easy to befriend and laidback; quick to childish anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed