Storage of plots


head space free to rent
May 19, 2023
One character plot;
You, an apprentice, have been expected to become the greatest warrior due to your exceptional skill. However, you just want to be a queen and help raise kits.

You wake up in the medicine den with a head injury. You don't know where you are, who you are, or anything that lead up to you arriving in the den. The Clan, not knowing who you are, is kind enough to welcome you in. Your memory starts to leak back, and you are horrified of your past.

You've gone down a dark path of evil, however you now regret it and want to go back.

Your character is wandering, bored... when they walk into a patch of poison ivy, and feel a fierce itching.

Your character is out walking at night after being unable to sleep... when they discover a bloodsucking tick on their fur.

Your character is cloud watching... when they reflect on their choices, and realize all the things they regret.

Your character is searching for a secret place to meet a lover... when they encounter a creature they have never seen before.

Two (or more) character plots;
Your best friend has started pursuing the heart of the cat you've had a crush on since you were all apprentices.

You've fallen in love with a cat who already has a lover.

Your mother/father is an evil cat, and you've been raised to follow their legacy. You're desperate to make them proud of you, however, you don't have the same evil nature as them.

When you were younger, an older tom manipulated you into falling in love with them. They were killed by a Clanmate. Now that you are around 20 moons, you have to heal from the relationship as a new love interest enters the picture.

You have recently experienced loss. Your mate has died from the claws of a Clanmate, who is now exiled. You swear to hunt them down and kill them

May add more over time
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