wc rebels storm chaser — checking in [ pafp ]

Sep 22, 2023
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
He’d grown tired of sitting, lounging about, following a rather boring routine, bed-ridden and particularly useless to the others, including his apprentice. He breathed, helm tipped back to stare at the ceiling, dark lips curled in a taunt smile. A gradual process, Fogbound was steadier on his paws since the gathering, nearly wondering if the queen herself had made an appearance, but to explain, now wasn’t that interesting?

A silent tsk slipped out, rolling his helm to peer sideways at nothing in particular, perhaps he was staring at someone, but Fogbound wouldn’t know the difference. He caught the light tap of clawed paws hitting the surface, ears swerving toward the sound with a parted maw. Oh? Has StarClan graced me with something interesting? He nearly huffed in laughter at the mind-baffling thought. His muscles quivered, rusty from their lack of use, but familiar, easing into something familiar, did his gaze lock in the mouse’s general direction.

He grinned devilishly, surging forward with the grace of a newborn kit, hitting his head with a noticeable thump and a drawn-out groan, claws skimming the mouse’s flank as it bolted somewhere else, squeaks igniting the air that swelled with frustration, maw parted into a scowl. “Drats.” He grumbled, paw reaching to press against the throb of his forehead, whiskers twitching at a familiar scent coming from his side, did Fogbound plaster on a faux grin, helm tilted. “Now. Now. What is it I can do for you, Sunstride?” He commented.

/ please wait for @SUNSTRIDE !
thought speech