camp STORMY MOODS // offering a game

The wind was starting to become quite the hindrance. Wildheart couldn't even begin to count the number of things that had struck him during the morning hunt, and eventually enough was enough and he had opted to return to camp. He settled himself down just outside the warrior den and he took the time to remove the debris from his pelt. Though after sparing a glance at the camp's clearing it was evident that he wasn't alone when it came to seeking shelter from the winds. So many bored and frustrated faces, maybe it was time for a distraction.

"Oi! Anyone fancy a game of two truths and lie? Or perhaps a few rounds of 'this or that'?" The calico tom would give them a choice, and honestly he was content with either.


The wind was certainly a nuisance. Shinepaw had hardly left the apprentices’ den since it really picked up, worried that flame-tinted fur would act as a sail and carry him away with the breeze. It felt nice when it was head-on, the gusts flattening his pelt to the point where it looked like the learner had just been drenched, but any other direction proved difficult.

So, when Wildheart made the grand gesture of offering a game to pass the time, sky-blue eyes hardened in thought as the eager cat weighed the risks. Shinepaw hadn’t played any games since he’d become an apprentice, intentionally avoiding the pastimes in an effort to appear more ‘adult’ (which only showed his age), but now a warrior was offering it. Did that mean it was okay?

Deciding to chance the risk of being carried away into the clouds, Shinepaw stepped outside, turning to face the wind before waddling sideways towards Wildheart. Flame-drenched cheeks turned red with embarrassment at the strange display, but it was better than being buffeted by something he couldn’t even see. Eventually reaching his target, the shaft of sunlight sought shelter before sitting with a sigh. “I’ve played two truths and a lie before, but I’ve never heard of this or that before. What is it?” He asked, pretending the strange way he’d arrived hadn’t just happened.​
Wolfwind has never been the type to catch a ton of naps. Her free time is often spent pestering others are looking out for any work she can do, but for once, she spends her time burrowed inside of the warriors den, figured being fucking assaulted by the air itself was a worse fate than being insanely bored. Worse comes to worse, she can sleep.

That's what she'd told herself, anyways, but she was quickly beginning to reevaluate that assessment the longer she stayed tucked inside the den, tail over her nose, hoping (praying, really), and pretending as if the wind didn't make what she thought was a well - fortified den feel like a kit's craft project. She's actually thankful for Wildheart's existence for once, it being an excuse for her to nose her way to the den's entrance and busy herself with shenanigans. She's great at those. An apprentice even stumbles their way toward them, despite the bluster. Must be a slow day, even if the wind sure wasn't.

She doesn't bother sayin' she's in, or anything like that. If games are afoot, nine outta ten times, she's in. Games expert that she is, she's the perfect candidate to explain to Shinebug. She leads through example, loudly clearing her throat: " Skunk - faced dog, or a dog - faced skunk?, " She does not clarify the context of either of these creatures. " I know this guy has loads of experience with both, " she says, gesturing to Wildheart with a wicked grin.
( ) Wildheart wasn't particularly one of her favorite clanmates, but she wanted to believe that as he grew older, she could grow to move past the dislike that she had felt when he had been an apprentice. She heard his call for a potential game, and she decided to pad over curiously. Right now she didn't have anything else going on, and with the strong winds, maybe a game would be a helpful distraction.

"I'm up for whichever if you'll have me." Alabaster paws carried the Molly to sit beside her mate's new apprentice, Shinepaw. Her jaws started to open as she began to respond to his question, but Wolfwind's voice came first. Her sentence held no context whatsoever, but she still found herself wanting to respond to it. "Dog faced skunk for sure..." at least if a skunk had the face of a dog instead of the body of one, they could face it in battle easy enough. She hated dogs with a passion...

"So with this or that, whoever's turn it is chooses two things, like Wolfwind just did, and everyone picks which one they would prefer."
Wildheart doesn't get the chance to explain the game before Wolfwind did so in his stead. However he finds that it doesn't leave him miffed in any sense, if anything it saved him a lot of bother. Though he finds himself scoffing when the she-cat remarked about his experience regarding both options. "I suppose I do since I lost my tail to a dog, and from being forced to look at your skunk-like face everyday." The tom gently shook his head as he gave a dramatic eye roll. Though he soon shifted his attention towards that of Flamewhisker and Shinepaw. "Yeah, rather deal with a dog-faced skunk, thanks. Now then, lets get this properly kicked off! Kiss a RiverClanner, or share a den with a WindClanner?"
Dog - faced skunk for them both? The answer genuinely surprises Wolfwind, especially considerin' the dangerous part of the dog was the face and the dangerous part of the skunk was the butt. Switch them around, and what would they do? Stare at you menacingly? Not like there's supposed to be a wrong answer to somethin' like this, but they totally picked the wrong one. " Not sayin' I'm judgin' ya'll, but I'm judgin' ya'll, " Wolfwind says with a good - natured sniff, then turning a grin to Wildheart. " But you love my skunk face! " A skunk - face inspires fear, anyways. Skunk butt inspired stink. Once again: thinks ain't adding up.

Wolfwind is fine moving on though, and she nods an affirmative as Flamewhisker comes to sit besides em'. " S' real easy, " she tells Shinepaw. " Just think of whatever! "

At once, her gaze is back on Wildheart " WindClan. They're so damn tiny I could easily ignore them, or bury them in dirt or whatever. I could'n't avoid fish - breath from that close, though, " she adds with a grimace.