straight past, i don't cut corners ☾ one-shot

The wind picks up and ruffles her pelt, spotted paws press her ever forward from the comfort of sleep into the dark dappled embrace of the forest territory.
What did becoming a warrior mean? For most it was that first step into independence, becoming an adult and taking up the duties meant to provide for and protect your clan. For Moonpaw it was a little different, she felt the weight on her back so heavily it was a wonder she had not cracked under the pressure of her upcoming assessment, but above all she felt a loss like thorns in her heart. A new name meant she would step fully away from another similarity with her sister. They were kits together, briefly apprentices together and now she would move forward while Morningpaw would always remain Morningpaw; eternally frozen in time with the name of an apprentice-never to join the ranks of warriors in ThunderClan. Did StarClan do ceremonies? Would they name a cat there or did they not bother given one simply ceased to be upon death? How did you celebrate coming of age when you no longer aged?
It was bittersweet, her excitement for her own identity mingling with the realization she was stepping from the shadow of her sister’s glory. She was no longer a twin to Morningpaw, she was simply herself alone; cast out from the tragedy.
Her talk with Little Wolf spun in her mind again as she walked on her way to meet Raccoonstripe for her final test, she feels her fur prickle angrily once more at the thought of the name honoring her father, the father she couldn’t keep, couldn’t have; because of her duties to her clan. He’d made his choice, as Howlfire and Fireflypaw had also done and she would not be looked down upon for making her own any longer. Her head lifts, she is moving through the trees with slow, confident steps; her name will be more than a name.
Let it be a warning. Let it be the cry that escapes the maw of cats who have wronged her or ThunderClan. Let it be spoken with awe and fear. The moon rises, the morning sets, she will not fail tonight. It simply was not an option.