camp STRAIGHT TO THE DOME [ intro ]


09 - 02 - 24
Mar 26, 2024
Darkpaw decided he didn't like the events that had occurred in just days past.

Orange eyes would glower at those that had defended the kittypet who Howlingstar decided would be good enough with just a test. Seriously. He knew it was getting warmer out, but that didn't mean that just anyone could waltz into camp and decide they'd like to join. And, seriously, the loud warrior who made a fool of herself speaking back to Howlingstar, of all cats? Raging at their clanmates. A hot breath left him, orange eyes narrowing.

Vision shifted, turning towards the body beside him, who was tearing into a piece of prey. "Oi." He suddenly split the silence, reaching over and hooking a piece of stray meat with a claw to pop into his mouth. "Hope you don't mind. Starving." He proclaimed, before doing just that- eating the piece of prey he had stolen. A tiny smirk found his face as he turned his vision away, easily hidden with the chewing motions he went through.

His tail twitched, thoughts still dwelling on the fresh blood in camp, and the marks of the scuffle from just a day or two again.

// feel free to be the character he yoinks the prey from! preferably an apprentice but no worries either way​
If Softpaw had any authority, she might have vouched for the kittypet that had wanted so desperately to join ThunderClan. She didn't have that kind of influence, and speaking out in front of Howlingstar might do more harm than good - after all, she didn't want to incur any of the leader's distaste or distrust. She only thought that it would be interesting, a change of pace, something that might prove positive after the wolves attack, to have someone like a kittypet prove himself.

She was half lost in her thoughts as she ate, and was startled out of them when the apprentice next to her darted in with a paw and stole the piece of prey she was eating from right out under her nose. Stifling an instinctive reply, Softpaw frowned, and looked over at Darkpaw with a small glare that voiced all of her venom for the snatching.

"I suppose you're satisfied." Softpaw murmured through gritted teeth, tail lashing despite her best attempts to keep her cool. Why in StarClan's name would Darkpaw have the audacity to take someone else's meal? She knew the older apprentice to be generally bad-tempered, but she'd never thought that he would do something like that. There was just no tact at all in the action.​

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Though a former kittypet himself, Asterfrost was remarkably quiet as the young kittypet was brought into camp. Seeking adventure, freedom - he's heard it time and time before, and came to expect it of the naive housecats that ventured into the forest. He watched that day as the young one underwent the trial presented by Howlingstar, expression hardset. Asterfrost had been granted easy access once under Emberstar's reign, but he saw no problem with kittypets proving themselves now. Especially with the recent treats - wolves, dogs, so on and so forth.

He might've felt a wave of pride in Angus for his determination, a pride not easily earned. It was most certainly not present now, as he watches one of the Clanborn apprentices snatch a piece of prey from the other. He made his approach with furrowed brows and a flicking tail-tip. "You know, the fresh-kill pile is over there." Asterfrost's tail flicks towards the pile, where there was certainly at least one piece of prey for the taking. "I wouldn't think an apprentice so close to his warrior name could be so.. lazy." Not to mention the blatant thievery, though he found it much more effective to strike the cat than the action. A disapproving scoff left the tom's mouth.

  • 2-1.png
  • ASTERFROST he/him, thunderclan warrior, 44 moons.
    of kittypet origins. family unknown.
    chocolate tabby/lilac smoke chimera w/ high white.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Palefire couldn't blame Smokepaw and Darkpaw for their bad attitudes, or their hatred for outsiders. She had a shockingly similar background to their own, so she understand better than most what they had been through. She too had been orphaned at birth, and her father had also been killed in an attack by rogues. She shared their distaste for kittypets and loners and anyone who wasn't Thunderclan. It was well-known by now that she had openly argued against Angus being allowed to stay, and had in fact been the one called upon to spar with the young tom when Howlingstar decided to give him a trial. She ended up accidentally hurting him a bit more than she planned too, but she still didn't feel any sympathy for him. Anyone here would agree that she wasn't always the most positive or kind cat in the clan, so she really didn't have any room to scold them for the bitter feelings they acted out on, which she knew came from the trauma of their past.

But behaving disrespectfully towards a clanmate was an entirely different beast to hating kittypets. The lilac-furred warrior had been resting in the sunshine nearby, running a paw over her ear lazily when she heard Darkpaw's snide comment. She glanced up just in time to watch him snatch the prey right from Softpaw's grasp and quickly devour it himself. For a moment she couldn't quite believe what she'd just witnessed, it was that ridiculous, but at Softpaw's measured reply she became irritated. Palefire liked the young girl, who was far more compassionate than she could ever be, even if her view of the world was a bit naive. "Hey," she snapped at the theif in question. "Are you serious? I wouldn't even expect a kitten to behave that badly." Her tail thrashed with annoyance, and she gave a sharp nod in agreement with Asterfrost's words. "Perhaps you should make yourself useful and go catch some prey, rather than stealing it from your clanmates like a weasel." The entitlement on display was outstanding.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
જ➶ "Or maybe he should not even get his warrior name and keep being an apprentice forever. I'm sure the elders would love a permanent helper." The nerve of some that were supposed to be their clanmates. She, herself, is an outsider. Brough in when she was only three moons old and though she has her own thoughts about kittypets and loners she would never imagine stealing the food right from her own denmates paws. Those that trained with her and bonded with her were her friends. Not someone to force to have a growling stomach because she was too lazy to get her own prey right from the pile that is not even a fox length away. Her muzzle curls at the audacity, especially since Softpaw as younger than them. Honestly that is not fair and she steps over to glare at Darkpaw before she shifts her amber orbs to Softpaw. A huff leaves her throat then as she look pointedly at the other's paws and then up to her face again.

"Don't let him just do that without giving him a good tongue lashing. He doesn't deserve anything less." Honestly she is livid and she sits down and shakes her head, not even sure why a clanmate needs to treat another like that. Everyone is pulling their weight, working together to survive. Well, everyone except Darkpaw it seems.

Sproutpaw lie in the sun as he watched the scene unfold, tail thump-thump-thumping on the ground quietly as calculated eyes flicked from clanmate to clanmate. Words were thrown around towards Darkpaw, calling him lazy, snapping that he should be useful and catch prey instead of stealing it, another apprentice even mentioned the idea of being an apprentice forever and the chimera couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Can't you see he's just helping Softpaw?" Quickly the apprentice would speak as he moved forward to stand near them. Darkpaw didn't need defending but Sproutpaw wanted to say something regardless, tired of the bickering and the empty threats cast his way. It was unproductive, annoying, and honestly giving him a headache.

"If the wolves have taught us anything it's that we should be training more for the unexpected, even if it means someone gets just one bite less of their prey." Honestly, after the kittypet was allowed within their camp it felt like more and more clanmates were going soft, turning into kittypets themselves.

  • --
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Hedgewhisker
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Asterfrost is pleased to see some of the more sensible cat's coming to Softpaw's defense. It would not do to have selfish apprentices within their ranks - a Clan was meant to work together, not against each other. Not to mention, a leeching apprentice was truly no better than the kittypets they seemed to adamantly against.

Of course, Sproutpaw chimes in with his own words that almost send Asterfrost off his cool. "Right. And who decides that? A kit barely out of the nursery?" the warrior chides. As far as he's concerned, Sproutpaw knows too little of life's hardships to speak as if he knows it. Stars, who raised these kids? "If the wolves taught us anything, it is that acting selfishly, for the benefit and care of none but your own-" the tom gestures to the stolen prey "- is what leads to death. Just like those fools that let the wolves invade." His sharp eye catches Palefire. Just because he agreed with her now, doesn't mean he agreed with her deeds.

"Besides, your valuable training time should be spent on something more useful than.. learning how to steal." The child was grasping at straws, he figured - anything to justify his little friend and his misdoings. Asterfrost would ensure that the next generation of warriors would not grow comfortable with thievery and bullying, whether it took his tongue or his claws.

  • ASTERFROST he/him, thunderclan warrior, 44 moons.
    of kittypet origins. family unknown.
    chocolate tabby/lilac smoke chimera w/ high white.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Softpaw hadn't even thought that others would notice what had happened, much less come to her defense so quickly and in such numbers. The support was appreciated, even if it was just over a piece of stolen prey - and really, it just served to highlight that unity that ThunderClan should have, despite Sproutpaw's words.

"I wouldn't waste my time on it," Softpaw says clearly in response to Dustpaw saying she ought to have given Darkpaw a good talking-to in return. She doesn't mean to be rude, especially not in front of so many Clanmates, but stating her opinion outright might have come across as such; after all, she needn't waste time on Darkpaw's antics, lest he have half the mind to continue doing them to provoke reactions. She wasn't going to give him what he was looking for.

The part that astounds her the most is that Darkpaw is older than her - where did he get off bullying her over a piece of prey that he could have easily gone and gotten off the fresh-kill pile himself? Palefire and her fellow new warriors leaving the camp unguarded had been a callous mistake in Softpaw's eyes, but one that she wouldn't let rile her up as it had some of the warriors; but Darkpaw's action had just been purposeless and mean. She didn't want to imagine what kind of warrior he might make if he kept up that attitude.​
Not only did Softpaw allow him to take it without any argument beyond a despairing tone, what a soft mannered cat, but the rest of the camp just about attacked him over it. Orange eyes shifted between a number of bodies yapping at him, harsh words, sharp ones about his manners. He picked the conversation apart, piece by piece, with a dramatic roll of his eyes. Methodical and sharp, just as he always was.

"You guys, really, I was just hungry, and it was just a small piece." He gestured to the rest of the piece of freshkill that remained between Softpaw's grips, ears twitching as he switched his gaze between the rest that gathered- Asterfrost first. "I am far from lazy, thank you. My picks of freshkill remains for those weak and unable to hunt," Sharp oranges drifted towards the freshkill pile that he had recently deposited his own piece of two on. "while I snagged but a piece from Softpaw."

He didn't justify Palefire with a response- she was barely a warrior, only three moons before him- besides a flick of his tail. After all, what he just stated should suffice, and he didn't make a habit of repeating himself often. "You have no business here, Dustpaw, do you? Really. Trying to enforce punishment upon me when you aren't even a warrior yourself. And for something that wasn't illegal, no doubt!" His tone was near bored as he turned his vision away. Shoulder bumped against Sproutpaw briefly, even though he was near double in age.

Ignoring the second statement from Asterfrost, he pushed to his paws, languid and thin body stretching. "Well, Softpaw, shall I find you a whole new catch to make up for this... 'event' that everyone has exploded into an issue?" His head turned, fixating his attention upon the opposite pelted. His face was neutral, but his eyes were scorned, narrowed gently at the she-cat. "Make it my apology." His words were dangerous- while even in tone, it could have any number of meanings, couldn't it?​
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she was tired of hearing her clanmates bicker. it was all ridiculously petty, harmful in a time where their energy needed to be focused on replacing what the wolves had destroyed. instead of doing anything that resembled productivity, they whined to each other, about each other, nightbird's ears were going to bleed at the next biting remark that hit them.

it seemed this squabble was mostly amongst apprentices, asterfrost and palefire doing nothing but adding fuel to the situation. while they may have intended to remedy whatever darkpaw had inflicted upon softpaw with their words, they had fixed nothing. nightbird didn't care if the issue between the apprentices was left unresolved until they both had starry pelts, she just wanted them to shut up.

"for the love of starclan, separate." the lead warrior's tail swept the ground as it lashed. "you're all being childish. get over yourselves and find something productive to do."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 31 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.