pafp STRAIGHT TO VIP ⸝⸝₊・kit shenanigans


There is just one glaring error in being so very curious about what others are doing every second of the day - you're made acutely aware of their much bigger amount of freedom.

Eveningkit all but stomps over the clearing in camp. All the toys in the nursery provide fun only as long as you're actually engaging with it; stop and stare for just a moment, and they'll remain unmoving on the ground, waiting for the next set of eager paws to breathe life into them. Even fresh-kill would be more fun because it used to live, but she can already picture the disapproving look of her mothers for just coming up with the idea, let alone trying to execute it.

She needs something new to play with, something to actually ground her for more than five minutes.

Yellow eyes pass over anything that moves, akin to a hungry predator who's hidden in plain sight - that's how she feels, anyway. Ready to pounce. Unwilling to show mercy.

"Hey!" And sure enough, she finds her victims. The tabbied backs of Owlkit and Pebblekit stand out amongst the backdrop of RiverClan, calling out to her. "What're you doing? I want to play too!"

  • 3rauDdy.jpeg
  • OOC please wait for @PEBBLEKIT. @owlkit. !
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´
  • Love
Reactions: PEBBLEPAW

( ) "yeah, ferngill basically said i'm as good as an apprentice already," the bragging tone echoes from a snow dappled kit as he demonstrates his hunter's crouch. beside him, owlkit watches, and pebblekit can swear he sees the awe in his eyes. ferngill really had said that, or something like it anyway, but owlkit needn't know the specifics. pulling out of his crouch, the tomkit rasps his tongue down his chest, grooming with an air of pride.


it's a loud sound, the vocals that come from his sister, and peb will turn with some surprise. the ghost pale she-kit stomps over with as much weight to her tiny paws as she can. every day, the babies are growing bigger, and every day peb has watched with glee. eveningkit wants to play, and stars damn him if he denies her.

"hi eve!" he greets his adoptive sister, golden eyes shining. "i was showing owlkit my hunter's crouch. we're practicing to become apprentices." flicking his tail, he nods to his fellow, fantasizing for a moment them both as strong and scarred warriors. "do you wanna join? or... do you wanna play something else?" he'll humor the girl, because she's lichentail and hazecloud's kit. he wouldn't otherwise. obviously. he's too old for games.

  • // " speak "

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    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.


Kits were truly stars sent to brighten the lives of those whose paws were rooted to the ground. Feathergaze had yet to meet a child who wasn't a beacon of warmth in their own way. She'd been in the middle of grooming, one eye kept on Pebblekit and Owlkit as the former made great declarations about his hunting prowess. Oh, he said that now, did he? she thought, chuckling quietly. Eveningkit stomped purposefully over, not one to be left out of any potential fun. The silver molly sighed, enjoying the sunlit afternoon. Sharpened tendrils slithered along the edges of her mind, threatening the peaceful scene with thunderous thoughts. It's broad daylight in a camp full of warriors. They are safe. They are safe.
Kits and young apprentices were some of the only beings that Claypaw softened her heart for. Not those older then her, not the challenging looks that her peer-aged apprentices gave her, the stinging ones that Otterpaw kept flinging upon her flank. No, she never softened her hearts for those characters, those who knew the strife of their life as well as she. But she kept those soft spots for the innocents, the kits and apprentices who didn't know any better.

The mollie exhaled as she returned with another piece of land-prey, vision turning and ears twitching at the hey! from the kit's lungs. She peered on for a moment, her brain slowly restarted and churning to a peak. Kits of Hazecloud's and Lichentail's- okay, that was one or two cats she wouldn't deny. Lichentail respected and defended her, and who could be mad at Hazecloud, of all cats?

She didn't acknowledge Feathergaze, who stared on, instead stepped past them to speak to the gathering of kits with a neutral voice. "Your hunters crouch? I would like to see, if you'd let me." Claypaw stated, sitting not too far off. "As long as Eveningkit would like to play 'practice becoming an apprentice' too." Amusement found Claypaw's tone then, her eyes flicking between the grouping of kits.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.