stranded // eveningpaw

It was time to teach the two daughters of Lichenstar and Hazecloud separately. Today's weather also made for a good pursuit of training: the heat wasn't blistering, a light clouding in the heavens to provide protection from the sun and a light breeze. Gladefrost had warned Eveningpaw that they'd be going out the day before as long as the weather fared well. She lets the newly graduated apprentice prepare for a day's training, as she rests by the shallow waters momentarily. The warrior stares at her reflection and her scarred appearance, which makes her want to physically scoff at the monster she looks at, yet she chokes it down. A few minutes pass before she finds herself with multicolored paws treading over to the apprentice den and peeking her head in, ”You ready, Eveningpaw?” They were going to be exploring the territory once more, yet this time one-on-one and talking about the warrior code, except for maybe teaching the girl some fishing. Eveningpaw seemed intuitive, yet always antsy to be on her paws. She even found herself captured by twolegs just like herself because she wanted to save Hazecloud and help Riverclan. It would be a trait she would have to learn that is good, yet needed to be sustained in some cases.


"Yes!" The reply comes from within the den before Gladefrost can even properly pop her head inside, blur of gray-and-white out into the sunlight within a flash. Preparation for a presumably long task ahead consists of making sure Eveningpaw's belly isn't empty and won't scare everything in the vicinity away with its rumbling — the pink of her tongue swipes over her mouth one last time, getting rid of any evidence.

Twinklepaw's lack of presence will certainly feel a bit odd; Eveningpaw has gotten used to shooting her a glance whenever something amusing happens, or simply commenting on whatever Gladefrost teaches them at the moment. Though... she cannot deny a bit of excitement. One-on-one sessions should show Gladefrost the best of her abilities!

Eveningpaw makes extra sure to look elegant as she meets Gladefrost's icy gaze head-on. "Where are we heading to first?" She, herself, would not be able to choose. There is no need for her to have seen RiverClan's landmarks to know they are beautiful; the serene air of Sunningrocks (whenever they take it back from ThunderClan, at least), the dangerous yet thrilling heights of the Gorge, the sparse treeline of the Beech Copse... she will have to master them all, familiarize herself with each nook and cranny intimately.
Her chambray gaze widens as Eveningpaw's tiny figure comes darting out before her head enters the den. She watches the daughter of Lichenstar and Hazecloud for a moment as she lets out a weak chuckle at the excitement from her. Gladefrost always tried to keep the two apprentices evenly together and separated, so that they could have personal and duo sessions. It allowed them to test their new skills against each other, and she could gauge their progress against someone similarly skilled. Her plumed tail gives a flick as her icy gaze meets the girl's stark contrasting gaze.

”The start of the river connecting to the river,” She responds to her apprentice's question as she guides her towards the stepping stones of the river. The river surrounds the camp like a safety net with occasional stepping stones used to enter the camp. ”The rivers surround camp and entrance to our camp, and it's where we get our prey and protection. While it's a gift, the rivers can also be dangerous. Do you know why?” Gladefrost would teach Eveningpaw on the river momentarily before questioning her to see if she knew of any dangers that the rivers brought. It would be essential to know when the waters were safe versus not. It could be life or death.

Eveningpaw has an obvious bounce to her step as she glues herself to Gladefrost's side. None of that cold exterior works on Eveningpaw; she is a master at socialization — strictly if you ask her and her only —, and no icy gaze can deter her from singing her own tune. Her mentor even lets her amusement shown, a clear display, a piece of proof that Eveningpaw is doing something right. It is a reward almost as satisfying as a compliment during training sessions.

She nods at Gladefrost's explanation, paws easily crossing over the stepping stones; formerly a barrier during her kithood. Eveningpaw doubts she will ever grow tired of the back-and-forth.

"Well, it's easy to drown in it," she murmurs the obvious. The water is thoroughly scouted by her searching gaze, as if the waves would whisper the correct answer. "Kits aren't allowed to go in without supervision, 'cause... they can trip, or be overwhelmed when the river's angry." Is that what Gladefrost is looking for? It sounds too obvious, even to Eveningpaw's ears.