pafp strange behavior


She finds him... looming. Hiding? She can't tell if he's hiding or looming. How the fuck does he manage both?

A third thing, too, he's staring — she can't discern what at. Ashpaw tilts her head, snow-capped toes twitching and flexing on frozen ground. Glass-green luminaries scan the camp, following his gaze, but she finds nothing of interest. Just normal cats doing normal things. Except Snakeblink.

Her ginger brow furrows as she pads closer. Man, he's being weird again, isn't he...

"Snakeblink," she whispers. "What are you doing?"

She bites her lip and adds, after a moment's hesitation, "Also can I help?"

Even if he is weird, he is fun weird. He seems like a mean guy but he's secretly nice. He comes up with long and convoluted plans for helping clanmates, and some of them even start to make almost-sense if you listen to him explain the whole thing a couple dozen times. And he makes Ash feel safe. And that's what she's supposed to be doing, right, on her training break — helping around camp? She likes helping, and she especially likes helping Snakeblink. And all of his strangeness.

A grin comes over her face. What's the old weirdo up to this time?

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • @Snakeblink

  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and psychologically abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery
  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink

His clanmates’ comings and goings never cease to fascinate Snakeblink. Their camp is never truly still; there’s always a patrol leaving or returning, apprentices getting in trouble, kits playing or staging a grand escape, warriors seeing to their various duties. It would seem chaotic and, even on quiet days, it is. There’s none of an anthill’s ordered efficiency here, and despite rumors Riverclan has nothing of the effortless unity of schooling fish. Taken as a whole, the camp is like rain battering down on the dome of their dens: white noise with no beginning nor end. But a watchful eye can distinguish each raindrop; Snakeblink, ever observant, fancies that he can find a method to the madness.

The trick to it, he found, is to focus on individuals. Each of his clanmates follows a simple line of action, from motive to target, hunger to prey pile, duty to patrol. Those are easy to follow as long as he knows what he’s looking for, which practice has made him proficient at. It’s easier with some. There are cats who cut through the agitation like rocks in the middle of the river: to follow Smokethroat or Buckgait around, one only has to find the path cleared in their wake, and warriors gravitate to Cicadastar in a way that’s hard to miss once you’ve noticed it.

Others are more discrete but no less conspicuous to his eyes. He can only attribute his ease in picking them out of crowd to habit. Take Ashpaw, just now approaching him. She’s forest fire-orange, which makes her stand out in the more muted colors of Riverclan, but Snakeblink knows the reason he finds her so noticeable is mostly that he’s yet to kick the habit of keeping an eye on her at all times.

Ah well. There are worse things than being able to see an apprentice coming. As sad as it may be that he’s found a more tolerant audience in a traumatized adolescent than among his peers, he can’t deny that he’s grown fond of her.

”Ashpaw,” he greets at the same low volume. He glances out of the corner of his eye, signaling that his quirk of a smile is meant for her, before turning his focus back to the rest of camp. ”Good day to you. I’m looking for a new project.”

By “project”, he of course means “someone to help”, because he’s been told “target” makes it sound needlessly nefarious and he’s not willingly to call his own actions “stalking”. He hasn’t had much luck so far: too many of their problems come from outside the clan, and there’s little he can do about that.

There: an apprentice hesitating, picking up a skinny mouse from the fresh kill pile, then putting it back down, and almost doing it again before their mentor chastises them for playing with their food. The pickiness is strange in the lean season, but Snakeblink knows this particular adolescent has their eyes on one of their training companions and would have liked to share the meager meal with her, had they been able to find her. But— no, he’s not about to shove his nose in the romantic entanglements of apprentices. He hasn’t been an adolescent in many, many moons, and would rather not relive the mortifying experience.

Ideally, he’d do something for Cicadastar, who desperately needs some levity but likely doesn't want Snakeblink meddling with his (personal, Smokethroat-related) business. Or, stars forbid, Buckgait. The stress that their deputy carries on her back is taking a toll on her, he can tell, and he wants nothing more than to lighten the burden in whatever way he can. But he simply cannot find a single thing he could feasibly help her with, and a healthy fear of her prevents him from following the molly around (too much) to find one.

”And you are more than welcome to help, of course, if you have the time and willingness for it. Tell me, is there anyone you can see who could benefit from my... our 'assistance'?”

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Who keeps doing that?! He whips his head around quickly, eyes scanning the cats near him. All of them seem to be occupied with chatting among each other or eating. Either they're really good, or I'm losing my mind. I hope I'm not losing it. Slowly, very slowly, he turns his head back to the fresh kill pile. Before he could once again choose what he wanted from the pile, he felt something hit his head. It didn't hurt per se, but it was infuriating. Fur standing on end, he slowly turned his head to find the source of this annoyance. When he couldn't find a clear culprit, he hissed at the sound of laughter from the other riverclanners. Even though they're not laughing at me, it sure feels like it. ARE YOU HAVING FUN?! WHOEVER YOU ARE?! The problem is that he couldn't even guess who exactly would do something like to this to him. As far as he knew, he didn't make any enemies in the past few days. Of course, this didn't mean he was well liked by everyone. There may have been cats who just disliked him for existing, which he couldn't help. Then, there was the possibility that it was a kit. They're young, but it's still not funny to throw things at someone. Maybe I should be happy it isn't dung. He couldn't help but shiver at the thought of being thrown dung instead of rocks.

The need to eat vanished and now he just felt peeved. At the sensation of something hitting him again, he twitched. No, we are not going to lose it. No we are not gonna be a fool, make everyone stare at us. Breathe. Just breathe. Whoever it is can eat shit for all I care. Unless... it's a kit. Kit's are just curious. Patience. I have to be patient if it's a kit. This time whoever threw a rock or pebble, who cares about the difference at this point, missed him. At the sound of a thump, he tilted his head to see the rock meant for him. Someone just throw the biggest rock on me at this point.

She grins and hops a little bit with excitement when Snakeblink accepts her offer (her request?) — she gets to help! The apprentice settles in beside him, green eyes wide, pupils dilated to pull in light as she scans the camp.

Who is in need of their assistance?


Then, in her periphery, she catches movement. Something small, flying through the air — Ashpaw lets out a little gasp when it smacks Pikesplash right in the back of the head. Another follows, and the warrior is whipping his head around now, clearly agitated by his hidden attacker.

"Snakeblink," Ashpaw whispers. "I think I found someone who needs our ... services. Look! Pikesplash."

The warrior is, indeed, in need. He looks like he might just commit murder. And Ashpaw isn't sure if murder is exactly spelled out in the warrior code, but like... she knows it's frowned upon. They'd better make sure it doesn't get that far. She searches out the clanmate who must be throwing these pebbles, but when the next flies through the air, she doesn't quite catch its origin. Ashpaw's brow furrows. Hmm. "Who's doing that ... ? We have to investigate."

Quite unbeknownst to Pikesplash, he has just become clientele.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here

  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and psychologically abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery
  • Crying
Reactions: Kangoo

Perhaps as an extra touch to Snakeblink and Ashpaw's entertainment but unfortunate for Pikesplash, he might be the teaser's target but they really needed to improve their aim on that last one. Just as Wolverinefang is dropping off an unlucky vole into the pile when the flyaway rock bonks right into his forehead. 'Damn, that hurt!' The large cat hisses and drops the mole in shock. He squeezes an eye shut and scowls up in the direction of the assault while scrubbing a paw against his noggin to try to dull the sting. Because of Pike's expression toward the direction of that rock, Wolve wrongly assumes it was him and the former Shadowclanner assumes he's trying to pick a fight. What an idiot, isn't it clear how outmatched he is here. It doesn't even occur to the tom that the silver tom's just a victim himself. Wolve's been trying to play nice in his new home but if he doesn't put his paw down right now, it might evolve into something more. Plus, he was bringing them food so it feels like an additional insult. The moggy snarls out in annoyance out of his large fangs and barks Pike's way, "Hey! What the hell is your problem?!" He grits his teeth, slashing his tail around as he glares down at his "attacker."


Snakeblink turns to look at what Ashpaw pointed out. His whiskers rise slowly in a satisfied smirk, and he purrs, ”Why Ashpaw, I believe you’re right! You have quite an eye for… vulnerable parties, so to speak.”

He has to admit, he’s as stumped as she is when it comes to finding the origin of the pebbles. It’s as if they’re falling from the sky, raining gravel rather than snow: as observant as he thinks he is, his tracking eyes cannot seem to pinpoint the perpetrator. This group of giggling apprentices maybe? Or this squinty-eyed warrior…? He muses, ”We ought to get him out of the line of fire…”

Before he can solve that particular puzzle, though, Wolverinefang’s voice rings out in the camp: Hey! What the hell is your problem?! directed at the poor Pikesplash. The usually easy-going former Shadowclanner looks ready to start a fight.

”Oh my,” Snakeblink says mildly. Rising to his paws, he blinks down at Ashpaw. ”It seems the time for planning is past… unfortunately.” He does love a good scheme. ”Shall we intervene? I trust you to take point in that particular mission, my dear accomplice.”

Not at all because he’s afraid of that hostility being turned on him, of course— letting Ashpaw speak first is only logical. Who could stay angry in the face of such an earnest, orange little cat? Truly, she is a master in conflict de-escalation in the making.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Love
Reactions: Harry Styles
To Pike, he is completely baffled and terrified when he's threatened by Wolverinefang. "Wha?" He is unaware that Wolverinefang himself is being faced with a similar problem or that he has been selected as the attacker. To him, he finds Wolverinefang's anger unwarranted. I haven't even talked to you today! Why am I the one who has a problem?! Of course, he would never say it. Wolverinefang was someone he did not want to mess with. He had a feeling that not only would Wolverinefang make him eat dirt, but the warrior would also never let him forget it. Wolverinefang didn't exactly scream merciful and he was not going to test the theory. Perhaps, to his fellow clanmate, his confusion would be mistaken for an attempt to run away. It didn't exactly help that Pike immediately went from irritation to nervousness. One could argue that he had been caught red-handed (pawed?), so he was kissing up to Wolverinefang to avoid any sort of repercussions.

He lowers himself to the ground, "Nothing?" Oh, yikes. That's not confident enough. Come on Pike! Say it. With confidence. He forces himself to meet Wolverine's gaze, offering the fellow warrior a small smile, "I don't know what I did to make you think I had a problem with you, but I don't have any problems with you Wolverinefang." Phew. Okay. We did it. Give yourself a pat on the back! Maybe Wolverine's in a bad mood, so he's a little grumpy today. Yeah! That's it! I don't think I did something to him today or yesterday to make him mad. I think he's a little odd, but he's okay.