border STRANGER OF PARADISE | injured rogue on border


Apr 23, 2024

To Cygnet's Cry, the moon was a beacon. With his one good eye, his gaze followed the silver stream in the sky, swimming slowly against a tarred sea. It was his guide, his arrow, his steed.

The smoke point feline flitted through the gloom of midnight, as though he lived and breathed vicariously through the shadows he wove through, blending in quite well with the darkness despite his moon-stricken hues. He was more of a nocturnal beast than most, taking solace in the quietude of night, settling into the crevices where errant din did not dare to lie. Occasional flicker of a stray sound made him freeze up, before the mercenary ingressed murk once more, stranger to the mire and transgressor to the borders. Short whiskers twitched as he detected that all-too known scent of the swamp dwellers, of which he had kept his oath of vengeance closely burning to the heart's hearth. So, why had he returned for so many moons? There was little for him here, aside from being a place where his grievances came to wither and rot. Pushing through tough ferns, he came across a miniature clearing that seemed almost like a second home to the eternal vagabond. In the same grove that he and his lover always met, he waited for the familiar face of the half-toned tom, comfort gleaned only in the increments of the spaces between unspoken words. He sat, allowing the light to swallow him whole in salivating white, a grace he had rarely afforded himself. It was too risky for a feline such as him.

Cygnet told Valleysong to meet him right before the moon had regained its full sight, where only a claw's-mark sliver of shade was left on the great celestial body. They had met at the half-moon before, so this was a strange change in the routine, an approach predating the projected. He trusted Valley to come, but the smallest part of him wondered if he had been dragging the other tomcat away from his oh-so-important duties. His arrival had not been for nothing, as with his emersion he had brought white orchids in his mouth, as pallid and as ghastly as the moonbeams that glared from above. Cygnet had plucked them from a Twoleg's garden, careful to twinge just the bulbous heads of the flowers off. He had never been one to give gifts, let alone something as transient as a floret, but he figured there was little else to do to show his appreciation of companionship. Though, the tom couldn't help but feel as though he were being stared at in turn, as though the strings of tension had run just below attentive footfall, where even the most perspicacious could not evade it. Keen eye gazed around, though saw nothing... This was not the warm glaze of a lover, but rather the smoldering contention of a hunter in wait.

( @Valleysong )
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Change wasnt something that they would consider themselves fine with. Change meant things were different and if things were different then who knows what could happen. They liked predictability, they adorned routine like a badge of honor. Normally this night they’d be asleep in the depths of the Shadowclan warriors’ den, listening to others’ breathe and snore away the night. Yet paws found purchase on marshy ground as they traversed the territory in the dead of night. The moon above no more than a sliver in the darkness of the sky and allowed no light to infiltrate the great pines that surrounded them. It was darker than normal, more foreboding and it only made the anxiety in their chest prickle at their paws.

Starting to trot now, the young tortie cat huffed to themselves and willed them to slow down but it was futile. This wasnt normally the time to go out in the night to see another. This had to be something more surely- right? He wouldn’t just ask to meet in sliver moon time for no reason right? Maybe something was wrong? What did this idiot do now that it was so important? The worry formed into irritation as Valleysong wasnt sure how to process that something might be wrong with Cygnet. The seal point would say something if something was wrong wouldn’t he? The patched cat hoped so but the sinking feeling in his chest told otherwise.

Still, Valleysong kept up pace as the clearing they had met so many times before, had felt so safe in so many moons now, was closer. They paused at the edge of the fronds of the fern bushes and swallowed thickly as they tried to convince himself that nothing was wrong. Everything would be fine. Cygnet must’ve just missed him or something more than usual.

Valleysong shook their two-toned head for a moment in irritation at themselves and then pushed through the bushes without another thought, and he looked out across the clearing. Long fur relaxed from its bristle state from getting himself worked up at the sight of one-eyed seal fur. Valleysongs’ blue gaze flickered over Cygent Crys’ face for a moment as if trying to read him, as if trying to guess why they had asked him here at this time. Though there was more to it than meet the eye surely.

Hey- what’s up?” Valleysong started gruffly before flicking their tail behind him at how snappish that sounded. There was no need to be rough about it, but yet he couldnt help it. Eventually the tortie tomcat snapped out in more worry than anger, “Is everything okay? We don’t normally meet at this time- did you miss me more than normal?” A tail lashed behind him and he adverted his gaze downward.

Though as the patched ginger and brown cat was speaking, there was a darkness lurking around them. The scent was masked through that of sour, rotten prey as the figure moved through the bushes and drool dripped from foul jowels. Valleysong should’ve picked it up but he hadnt just yet as he approached Cygnet closer and looked at him with blue eyes. Before then touching his nose to his friends’ cheek as if checking if he was warm, or a show of affection, or more than likely both. Then a pink nose twitched and fur bristled on their spine, and through the bushes broke out auburn fur and a crazed look to dark, beady eyes.

The fox had lunged for the pair with jaws out stretched and it looked hungry.



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"Hello." Cygnet's Cry's voice sounded monotone through the quietude, like water stilled in silent season, swan's plume unstirred against moonlit reverie. Despite the perceived disinterest in his tone, he flashed the half-toned warrior with a closed-lip smile. He had come, despite the odds. Valleysong seemed to be on edge more than usual, and the rousant smoke point could understand such kindling worry - to deviate from the routine surely meant that there was a fissure in the system. Tail flicked behind him, signaling that there was little to worry about. There was nothing wrong, at least to narrow eyes and lover's tryst. "Ah, I apologize for pulling you away from your needed sleep. But I wanted to show my appreciation to you, somehow." To speak of fondness was quite foreign to the mercenary's tongue, like the verses drifted from his mouth, and dissipated into the spaces shared between the two. It felt wrong to do so, almost. He never felt himself deserving of love. If anything, he was a mere vessel for his vengeance, his grievance, his anger. Valleysong saw him as something other than what he was, and Cygnet gleaned some sort of comfort from that. (He loved him.)

"I brought you white blossoms from the Horseplace. I saw them just along the side of the strange leafless trees, in a Twoleg's garden. They... reminded me of you." One gossamer paw pushed the moon-touched orchids forwards, fragile fronds appearing as specks of snow flaked along a place it did not belong, as though the remains of a wondrous winter. It was true - the petals seemed to be tinge just the same as the white spotting of the Shadowclan warrior that he so pined over. Cygnet had never been one to give gifts, but no good deed went unpaid to the tom. If he were to contend with the whole of Cygnet's Cry, then that surely warranted some sort of award. He did not budge even as Valley tenderly touched his nose to his face. Foul scent wafted through keen nose, like a freshet weaving and pushing through the dirt, though this did not bring anything but dread. One good eyes fluttered as if it had truly been waked, eyes darting around for where it could have come from. It certainly did not originate from Valleysong, and not from him or the florets either. Before the tomcat could even utter anything more, slavering jaws hared towards the pair as a tempest of blades, a storm of depravity and desire. Beady eyes shone dewy in madness, slight yet glinting along the gaze of the moonlight.

Swiftly did Cygnet's Cry leap away from the ruddy fox's slobbering face, as though the smoke point's steps were a glissade, a dance an arm's length away from thrashing arms of disaster. Predatorial maw snapped at him, though he had been able to narrowly dodge each and every mortal swipe, though fetid and hot breath curdled just at the tips of whisking whiskers. Then, the crazed beast turned its attention towards Valleysong. Leaping with great bounds, he quickly stood in front of the warrior's larger form. "Valleysong! Get ou-" Cygnet shouted with a hoarse voice, though any harsh inflection from the snow-pelted cat suddenly fell silent, cut off ungracefully as though his verses were nothing more than a string of sinew to snap. Sharp pains clamped at his tail, sending a pained yelp of surprise out of the mercenary. He felt himself being lifted by the tail, as claws scrabbled against the gravel and then the wild air, like he tried to reach some edge to hold onto or some hope to cling onto. In the maw of the monster, there was no mercy for him. It would surely take him, but he declared himself a better man to lose than Valleysong. Gritting ivory teeth, the sickening snap of bone echoed harsh and howling in sensitive ears.

Cygnet's Cry was always most meticulous. He had painstakingly planned everything, but had failed to account for the greatest fissure in the system. Love, the unattainable and fatal thing. Following the moon, his beacon, had only led him here.
The tight smile still managed to make his chest pound a little harder despite the rather relaxed flicking of the seal points’ tail. Valleysong felt silly for being so pointed with his words but he was just not one for out of routine things. Though he wasnt ungrateful to be seeing him again, of course, he never could get tired of the mans’ face nor his rather annoying tendency to throw things out of line in his life. The young patched cat flicked his ear slightly and gave him a furrowed look, “You say that like i dont like seeing you” He huffed childishly and pouted slightly. He didnt need an apology and he tried to force himself to calm his rapid thumping heart.

Cygnet then went on with something that he hadn’t expected to be given- flowers? Blue eyes looked at him with this unreadable look, like a mixture of being flustered and also his grumpy self, and blinked a few times. Reminded him of Valleysong? The other thought about him when they didnt see each other? The thought made his pelt warm and he felt like he might explode from heat in an instant. The seal point pushed the white blossoms forward and he looked down at them, for once blue gaze seemed to soften slightly. Though it was reluctant as Valleysong had never been an easy one to show his feelings, to deal with them accordingly or anything like that.

You big sap, Cy-” He started when the wretched scent was all consuming suddenly. The thudding of paws pulled from the day dream that he felt like he walked into any time he was around the other tomcat. Suddenly Valleysong found himself springing away from his counterpart and scrambled with fur on ends.

The long muzzle seemed focused on Cygnet’s Cry as it snapped and heaved, focused on the pointed cat with a viciousness. The warrior had taken a too long of moment to push himself into gear, watching as the other cat stood in front of him- between him and the fox. This idiot what is he doing! He thought in utter panic. Though seemed like the ruddy creature had other plans as it slinked across the clearing and came for them once more. This time it was like things moved in slow motion as jaws clamped around a long tail, a dark tail, and a yelp of pain echoed through the night.

Horror crossed Valleysongs’ half white face and the older warrior had to think quickly. He couldnt take on a fox by himself, no that was would be stupid and lead to them both loosing their life. The moon was yet to be high so the moon high patrol should be out about now.


The sound of bone made the tortie cat puff out twice his size and he scramble backwards. He needed to move now. With as fast as his paws could carry him, the warrior turned and bolted into the tree line. Through the brush, and finally found his voice as he cried out desperately, “Help! Someone! Fox!




Cygnet's Cry felt snapping jaws close more and more upon the base of his tailbone, as though two great forces intent on fracturing his very spine, or at least intent to rip the voice from his gossamer throat. Snarls, muffled deep and raspy upon satin fur, rumbled from behind him. The smoke point feline swayed around, as though he could change his fate simply by thrashing around, or that fortune would prevail on by his fight. He knew, deep down, that destiny was hardly a kind mistress. Sickening crunch of broken bones pierced the air, like the only thing that held him to the fox were mere splints of wood and twine, and his release would come upon swift wings of excruciating agony. Bloodcurcling screech left his mouth, like he were expelling some great demon that had taken roost within his body, harsh crow as he had been struck down. My tail! Let go of my tail! Fruiltess, wordless bargain. Consciousness swayed in and out of the smoke point's eyes now, blackness flowing as though it crackled like a fickle fire, and it would sooner be extinguished than dance upon the light. By now, the pain had grown too great and had swelled up into every part of his body, fervid night that would certainly eat him alive. He would not let it - he had come this far, only to meet his end chasing the tail of a better life. Is this what befell all who dared escape from their own misery?


Ungracefully did the tomcat drop to the cold earth, pain seeming to cast ungodly knells through his ear canals, as blood pulsed through his body and terrible sensations seared white-hot and intense. To him, it felt like the very sun lived in him, brewing and boiling and so, so irate at him. He did not know if the bells he heard were that of damnation or of salvation, but the incessant pounding only continued like it was his own heartbeat. With one good eye, Cygnet's Cry saw the hurried footfall of his companion as he pushed past the underbrush, and the mere witness of seeing Valleysong leave wrenched into him like a driving knife into his gut. Come back soon. He closed his eye, willing the agony to go unfettered through his body, veins following through without recourse. He allowed the suffering to slip away from the hands that bruised themselves holding on so tightly, as though letting taut fingers release a balloon into the sky, until its form could not be found among the nebulous clouds and the unending fog. Cygnet watched himself, almost, as it all seemed like such a distant throb to him. Stupid, stupid cat. You let yourself dream a little more than you must.

( This is now open!!! The fox is gone, as it did not intend to eat the two and was merely defending its pups in a panic. He lost his tail with only splinters of the first tail vertebrae remaining on him )

Activity spurs in the territory's outer reaches. Agitated and nervous movement, a desperate plea. There's blood, fresh blood, a rusty scent carrying in the late night wind. The specifics of what'd been cried out is obscured by distance, impossible to discern yet vaguely sensed by the ShadowClan deputy. Distress intermingles with the metallic stench- something is horribly, horribly amiss. Smogmaw reroutes his direction and quickens his pace. Dire situations rarely leave time for leeway, especially in the dead of night.

Paws bring him to the makings of a gruesome scene. "Valleysong," he remarks through a heavy breath, fixing his clanmate with a dubious glare. It'd be futile to insist he divulge his activities near the border. At this point, it'd matter little. Obviously, something graver is afoot. Scutinising eyes peer into the tree cover in his wake, attempting to get a view from beyond its shade. Valleysong had bolted out from somewhere deep within the swamp's edge. Now Smogmaw's doing his best to extrapolate the circumstances.

Despite the despair written boldly across the other cat's entire being, Smogmaw's intuition informed him of no present danger. Not the slightest rustle in the foliage, the faintest whisper in the reeds. "C'mon," he mouthes, before plodding into the brush, expecting Valleysong to follow.

As he picks his way forward, muscles remain tensed. Regardless if the threat's passed, Smogmaw isn't taking any chances- he'll continue on at this modest-measured alert state until he has positive reason to permit relaxation. He does not initially notice the wounded bundle nestled amongst the low-lying grasses. A forepaw skims the tousled mess upon approach, and a loud hiss rouses. "Who're you? What're you-"

The question never sees completion. Smogmaw's breath hitches when he realises that this poor git'd just gotten his tail torn clean off.

Notwithstanding the blow that the frogs dealt on Starlingheart's herb stores, or the fact that the injured fellow is a complete stranger, the silver tom departs to fetch her at once. Her presence is most necessary here; and maybe a spot of honey to, y'know, stick the thing back on.

// ik it was mentioned in the discord channel, but tagging @Starlingheart !

how unfortunate that the place in which he got injured was here. had chilledstar been as cold as their name suggested, they might have very well held down the rogue who dared cross onto their lands, claws scraping against his skin, as they watched and waited for him to bleed out. they might have enjoyed watching the life leave his eyes, punishment for even stepping over the boundaries that kept them separate from loner and rogue alike. it's unfortunate, in this moment, that they have a conscience. even if it hardly is used for such rogues. smogmaw is already fetching starlingheart and from there, she can choose whether or not she wants to treat this thing. they won't force her. they don't care if he dies. he is of no relation to them.

"valleysong. you know this cat?"

why else would he save him? or was he simply in the wrong place at the right time in order to save him... shame he couldn't save his tail.

"and do not lie to me."

they warn. they're not in the mood. but when were they ever?

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
There was uncertainty that finding someone to help was a good idea. Now that someone had heard his calls and the fox was finally gone from the area, now Cygnet was laying on his side with Smogmaw of all cats poking and prodding at him. Valleysong flicked back his ear at the glare he got from the tomcat and looked down at the ground. Fury burn in his pelt as they had no time to waste, they must get him to Starlingheart before- before- he glanced over to where blood splattered blossoms laid.

Following behind Smogmaw, Valleysong lashed his tail back and forth out of his own defensive nature. Though the worst to come had yet shown itself and he felt his fur bristle slightly. Chilledstar. The black and white leader also seems displeased with him and Valleysong found himself having to bite his tongue. There was a strong part of him that wanted to snap at Smogmaw to stop prodding him, that he needed help, and to fret or worry for his dearest friend.

Yet he couldnt lie to Chilledstar and he was sure he’d be evicted from the clan if he so told the truth of who he was. The tortie tomcat flicked his ears back and forth idly, glaring at Chilledstar then at Smogmaw before finally his blue gaze fell on the seal point tomcat.

His heart ached in his chest like a pin-sharp claw had pierced it. The patch cat opened his mouth and closed it like a fish for a moment before finally giving in, he could not lie, “This is Cygnets’ Cry, he has been around here since before the clans where even formed” He admitted quietly and swallowed thickly for a brief second.

I do know him, a fox attacked us and he needs help,




Ivy leaf clutched firmly in her jaws, Starlingheart makes her way through the forest after the deputy on swift paws. The marshes were a harsh place, unforgiving and brutal to those who did not know how to respect her and her inhabitants. But while there could be danger in the shadows if one did not know where to look, Starlingheart knows there can be great beauty as well. Upon hearing there was a rogue at their border who lay dying, her first reaction is dismissive. Rogues had never shown them any kindness? So why should they in turn? This kind of thinking was not something she was proud of though, and as soon as the thought enters her head she wishes it away. It did not matter where a cat had come from, who they were, if they were injured and needed her help then it was her duty as a medicine cat to do everything in her power to save them. Right?

When she comes upon the scene, the stranger laying in a puddle of his own blood, his tail disconnected from his body, all doubt leaves her mind as her brain slips into the sort of stasis she enters in a crisis. "St-step back please" she says as she pushes her way through the warriors. Later, once she's stopped the bleeding, she would need their help to move him to the camp, to her den, but right now she needed room to work, to save.

She lays her bundle of herbs down nearby and immediately gets to work chewing a pulp. Horsetail to stop the bleeding. It goes on the worst of the wounds immediately. "Someone come hold this down" she says, stepping back when paws take over holding the cobwebs and the poultice in place so she can work on the other wounds. "Can you hear me?" she says, her voice gentle and soft as she addresses the stranger, stooping low so that she is next to his head. "I'm going to-going to make it better okay? But I need you to-I need you to trust me. Can you- can you eat these?" Stars, let him have enough strength to lap up the poppy seeds she pushes in his direction with a silent thank you to Berryheart. He had gifted them to her and she had saved them in case of an emergency, and this was an emergency if she had ever seen one.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
A late night outing between mentor and apprentice would have been a great opportunity to strengthen his nighttime hunting and tracking skills. And it was going well, relatively; Sneezepaw was using to rely on his scent and touch versus direct eyesight.. it was going well. Until a shrill cry of help called out from somewhere in the distance, and the two abandoned their work to investigate. It could have been a Clanmate..

The scent of blood hits Sneezepaw before the scent of rogue does, and it causes him to recoil. The scene before them, a strange cat freshly missing a tail covered in his own blood, is enough to make his stomach churn. It serves as a rude awakening to a boy who lives in a fantasy, to see his first dose of bloodshed and violence. He stands frozen for what feels like several minutes (but is likely less in reality), processing the situation before him with bewilderment and fear.

And so he stays.. until an order is mewed out into the night air, and Sneezepaw moves forward with rigid automoticity. He finds his paws where Starlinghearts' once were, holding the poultice into the rogue's wound. The apprentice remains silent with round eyes, watching in a daze as blood seeps through the poultice and stains his paw-fur. His fear would surely consume him once the shock wears away; but for now, he's content to follow orders to prolong his absent-mindedness.

// mentor tag @SHARPSHADOW
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 7 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a

*+:。.。 "What!?" Singepaw's fur bristles with rage as he bounds over to the scene not long behind his brother. Boiling blue eyes look upon the blood with little sympathy, although his stomach rolls anyway at the sight of open wounds, "we're seriously going to waste herbs on a loner?" if no one else is going to say it, he ought to! Being the last on the list of those anyone would gossip with, Singepaw had no idea that Starlingheart's storage had taken a brutal hit during the frog invasion - but even without that information, the boy glared daggers at the stranger. Having slept a moon in Starlingheart's den, he'd seen firsthand how many herbs it took to keep a cat alive - had watched with mounting guilt as so much of it was used on his own foolishly earned injuries. Starlingeart shouldn't be wasting her talents on some...guy! What's up with Shadowclan taking in so many weirdos?!

The boy would grumble his complaints, but remain silent as he watched Sneezepaw rush forward to assist. As much as he hated his brother's involvement, he was quite proud of how brave his brother was. Still, Singepaw would stand protectively behind his tabby-striped sibling, burning blue hues never leaving the unfamiliar cat threatening to invade his camp.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]

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Sharpshadow's ears are keen to danger — Or maybe the danger is keen to find them. It's jaws are greedy, split open as wide as they can possibly manage, which unfortunately for them, is a lot. Sharpshadow is rushing to the scene alongside his superiors, Sneezepaw at his side. Sharpshadow expects the worst when Valleysong cries out. Predator's could have their different motives just the way that cats could. Sometimes, they'd harm, sometimes, they'd kill. A lump catches in his throat, when he glimpses the stranger.

...But that's all that they were. A stranger. As something inside his stomach plummets, simultaneously, he's glad to learn that bad things could happen to cats that were not ShadowClan.

It's a rare opportunity, he thinks. Should they really make themselves feel worse by treating them as if they were one? It would feel all too real then, wouldn't it? Pallid eyes glance Starlingheart and Sneezepaw sideways, a strange sort of weariness engraining itself in his sockets.

Singepaw's question is loud— as always— in direct opposition to Sneezepaw's silent compliance. Was it him, that taught his apprentice that? Or did he learn that all oh his own? He doesn't know what to think about it. On Singepaw's heels, his gaze finds Chilledstar. " ...Are we? " she doesn't protest as clearly as Singepaw does. Who would she be too? A frog - brained apprentice like him, and Sharpshadow couldn't stand to be that for another moon.

Cygnet's Cry was not dead, at least not yet. It seemed that he had outrun death and bought himself a little more invaluable time. How long could the rogue keep playing this futile game, he wondered?

Pounding darkness pushed through the sanctity of what little sight he was afforded, as though the gloom itself were to benight him, though he fought the never-ending pulse of the deep as best as he could. Sheer, white-hot pain arrived to him in waves from his hind area. The intensity of it threatened to completely incapacitate him, but he managed to hang onto his sanity. Ragged breaths heaved from the shock of his injury, as though he grasped for his very life at the obscurity and the uncertainty beyond the mortal coil - he did not give in, above all. Gritting ivory teeth, the tomcat attempted to at least lift his head, but found the strength waning as a neap tide of its former self. Unsheathed claws curled inwards onto pawpads, cursing himself for allowing himself to get into this state in the first place. After all, if he had not broken routine, he would not be here in the enemy's lands. Even as he heard the unmistakable voice of more cats flooding into the meager sanctuary that he had kept hidden for so long, he did not give in, as though the pall uttered such temptations to him. Damn you. He thought, half to himself and half to the Shadowclanners that had come to his aid. I would rather die than allow you tyrants to touch me.

A light touch to his forehead had come to brush away bloodied tousle and messy purls, his one good eye staring straight into Smogmaw's unfamiliar form, though Cygnet hadn't the power to protest it with a rousing cry. The pungent aroma of the swamp dwellers flooded his nose, though the mere fleets of nausea were far beyond him at this point. Turquoise eyes only stared upwards, to the stars that deigned him and to the smog-toned cat that mocked him from above. Beating heart calmed for just a little moment as Valleysong told them his name to his clanmates, scarce comfort eclipsing where panic would usually sink its talons, though he did not grant himself the honor of relaxation. But what would happen to Valleysong after such a grievous secret had been revealed? Cygnet knew those of the clans hardly took well to those that didn't follow their insipid rules to a tee. Above all, Cygnet hated that he would have caused his closest companion to be punished in his stead. "Help... Please." Ghastly voice emerged from a splayed maw, as though any sort of brilliant daylight had been taken out of him fully, and what remained was a mere husk of the husk that he already was.

Something pressed at his hind area, and if he were strong enough to, he would have kicked it away like a braying horse. It was some solace, at least, as what was on his backside seemed not to be of harm. A calmer, sweeter intonation had overtaken the knocking of death's door, almost milky compared to the harsher croaks and rueful murmurs around him. Why are you saving me? Eyes narrowed for just a split second. Did she aim to poison him, right as he was vulnerable? And yet, he knew there was little complaint for those at the lowermost rung of luck. Fortune did not favor him today. The smoke point lapped up the seeds in front of him, as though tenderness had bruised the man who trusted so little, had beaten him into a complacent beast who had to seize avail when it came to him. How pitiful, especially to be groveling at the feet of those he despised.
chilledstar snorts. they twitch their ears in thought before deciding to put the decision on the cat who would be most effected by this.

"if starlingheart says so. but he will not be staying in camp. he can stay where starlingheart will have access to him but it's not in camp. if starlingheart wishes to treat him, that is. personally, seems like a waste of herbs."

they don't hide the fact that they just don't care about the rogue. it's not a surprise that they're unwelcoming to rogues and loners. why would they be?

"sure there is a log or something you can lay in. valleysong. we will talk about you fraternizing with rogues later. for now, he's your responsibility. if he hurts a single cat within our clan, after I kill him, you're next. got it? good."

valleysong can be as pissed as he wanted. they don't care. they're not going to care. they said what they said and they're done. they huff as they simply wait for starlingheart to make the decision.

// all ic opinions of course!

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The anxiety building in his chest was strong as the urge to snap at his clan mates wove through his tongue. Having to bite down on his words as Cygnet was no stranger, he was more than just a rogue in the forest. He had been there before most of these young cats had even been thought of. Before the clans thought of them and accepted them into their ranks. He knew all too well Chilledstar could care less, he doubted the tomcat cared about anything in general, and his tortie tai lashed behind him. Starlingheart was thankfully there and willing to help, and he would have to make it up to the she-cat. She was doing more than she realized for him as he couldnt stand by and watch his best friend perish from a tail wound.

Sneezepaw came rushing over to help hold things in place and Valleysong looked to Chilledstar once more, barely listening to Singepaw and Sharpshadow as they too had words to share about Cygnets’ condition. They all voiced wasting herbs, on a loner and he felt his lips curl back slightly. The half-mooned tomcat looked down at the ground to gather himself and not allow his anger to get the best of him. No not now, now what Cygent needed help. They’d get an earful later. Why did non-clan cats not matter when they had all been non-clan cats long ago. Two years ago now they had come and up rooted everything in the place, or they’d be forced to leave. Valleysong chose to stay and now he felt like it had been the wrong choice. No one here care about the other, it was all faux vanity and chilled responses. Even from their own leader who was suppose to be a force of good for the clan, or well that’s what he had assumed things would be like.

Valleysong lifted his chin at Chilledstar as he was addressed by the black cat and flicked his ears back slightly. He knew the other would try to start a fight and he’d happily take over taking care of him. Cygnet had care for him so many times before and now it was his turn to repay the favor.

Yes, Chilledstar, of course” Valleysong responded coldly, his tone sharp and his tail flicked behind him. Not in camp but in a log would do and he would make it the most comfiest log. The tortoiseshell cat then took a small step back before heading over to where Starlingheart was with Sneezepaw, “Can i help in anyway?” He wanted to do as much as possible for his seal point friend and he was determined to do so.
