private strangers like me (Periwinkle&Aspen)


Oct 23, 2022

[] The ground underpaw was hard, making even the longest haired cat shiver, and it felt like paws would just start to fall off. Though that was a bit dramatic for sure, but the cold wasn't as bad as anticipated. The mountain home he hailed from was much colder than this in the winter time but still the cold was well cold, and it sucked just as much. Prey though was more sparse here than back home and it was a wonder if they would even make it through the snow covered days. There was kits to be fed, many went hungry, and many just started hunting for themselves or those in their family.

That had been his plan at least; hunt for his mother and siblings only. Sometimes for Duskfire too but he was a more than capable hunter himself, and he cared more for his family in a way. While Snowshadoe did care for the deputy- he was definitely second to his family. Today he had been out on the moorlands hunting down a few shrews, they were scrawny and one was sick so it was no good to bring back. Still something was better than nothing for Periwinkle and Aspen. Tomorrow he'd hunt for Moonshadow, but his younger siblings came first in feeding.

The dual-colored tomcat pushed through the camp entrance and shook out his velvet short coat of gorse pieces. A gaze of the sun and pale flowers moved around the clearing before spotting those he had intended to find; Periwinklepaw and Aspenpaw. Snowshadow and his sibligns never really interacted, Wisteria was rather aggressive, Peri was usually sick and Aspen training with Weaselclaw. So, he didn't know much about them. What did they like? Were they excited to be warriors? Who were their friends? There was so many questions he wanted to ask, so many conversations that he craved to have, but it all seemed fruitless. They had their own lives before Snowshadow showed up, and he distrupted that peace for both Moonshadow and the three young cats.

Snowshadow gave a soft sigh through the shrews' fur before pushing those thoughts away with a flick of his feathery white tail- it would be okay. Just make an effort in a way, that what he was always told by Magnus. Couldn't make a relaionship without that of trying and errors. The half-white face of the warrior moved once more and then approached the pale tabby cats with a smile through the fur of the creature in his jaws, "Peri, Aspen," He greeted softly, then placed down the shrew, "I've brought you food, I know it is not much and it is only the one, but you must keep your strength up," Snowshaodw nudged the chrew closer to the two cats and flicked an ear awkwardly. This seemed easier in his head.
