A ballet of brutality, spinning in the air urchin black hairs, pale keratin and the dust of snow. A churning momentum, limbs splayed as a cardinal is driven to the ground from the nettle canopy. It squawks and flutters rapidly, flapping pale brown-tinged red wings. Thistleback lands hard, springs coiled and haunches dipping with the force of his landing. A jaw crushing around a successful catch.

Nothing between his teeth had ever lived to tell the tale. He drops it to the frozen ground, eyes laid upon the mismatched fence lines of the twolegplace aimlessly until a sudden feeling presses him. A familiar one. Being watched, like bug legs needling under your fur.

Daggers peer sharply now, up- down, around and finally latch. His paw lifts and hangs with a crook at the wrist, as he steps forth. Tongue darting over his bloodied jaws.

A koi fish pelt silhouettes the sun, eyes peering at him just as his superstitious nerves had suggested. He lifts his chin where he had been slouched over his landing, knuckles shuffling as his hackles rock like a bramble halo. He stalks toward the fence line. Silver optics narrowed, tail tip twitching. " It’s awfully rude to stare. " hoarse vocals tuned by battle rip upward, and suddenly he springs upward. Claws extended and nose bridge crinkled in a scowl, he clatters as he climbs up the fence to join the stranger.

" and not introduce yourself " his scowl shifts into a pensive softness, despite the natural hard lines of his skull white maw.

  • @Johnny

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



Moving houses. It was always such a bittersweet thing if he was honest.

Johnny didn't understand why they did it, but like clockwork, every ten moons or so his people would uproot themselves and take off to find a new nest somewhere far away from the last, leaving behind everything and everyone they'd taken the time to get to know in the months prior. And he'd be a liar if he said it didn't hurt just a little to have to so suddenly leave behind the many friends he'd made and the places he'd grown fond of. But that was the job, wasn't it? As much as he loved his friends and home, at the end of the day his duty was to his twolegs. Because who would guard the property while they were away during the days, if not Johnny? Who would greet them when they finally returned home late in the evenings and replace their frowns with smiles by acting just a bit too much like an overgrown kitten? And who would keep them warm at night while they slept, or walk them to the porch to see them off in the mornings?

As much as it hurt to keep leaving things behind, he had a job to do, had people who relied on him.

Which was why, when he'd spotted movement in the treeline beyond the fence, he'd decided to investigate. It may only be his third day in this house, but make no mistake, it was his house and he would most definitely protect it from anything that wanted to prove itself a threat. He may not have been some big rough-and-tumble stray, but Johnny was no stranger to a fight, nor was he a coward. As he took up a watchful position on the fence however, amber eyes trailing the dark figure of something in the trees, he came to realize his property wasn't being stalked. In fact, the other cat -because he could see now that's clearly what it was- wasn't even looking his way, too focused on the bird they were stalking.

And maybe he should have left it at that, because blatantly staring at a total stranger was definitely a good way to start a fight he wasn't meaning to, but for all his smarts, Johnny had a habit of letting his impulses win from time to time- only when he felt the consequences were something he was willing to bare. And if he pissed off a stranger for staring and took a few licks, well, that was fine with him. He'd been cooped up inside since before they'd even moved, and aside from the cat that lived to yards over, he hadn't had a real interaction with anyone outside of his twolegs in well over a week.

So he may have been a little restless, a little eager to finally see another cat who was wearing a collar.

Johnnys own collar, red with a golden name template, hung proudly around his neck from where he crouched atop the fence, and he could make out the purple of the one this tom had on as well. It put him a little at ease because seldom in his experience did other housecats pick fights over things like territory or status. There just wasn't a need for it. And so he remained on the fence, and he watched, because along with the fact that this was most likely one of the cats from the neighboring houses, Johnny had never lived near a forest before, had never seen another cat hunt it's own prey before.

He wasn't sure he could look away if he wanted to.

He couldn't help but take note of the others movements, how despite the tension in coiled muscles ready to spring, there was a relaxed confidence to go alongside it that suggested the inky and ivory feline was well versed in this particular dance of predator and prey. Johnny had never hunted for himself before, mainly because he'd never had a need to do so, but he found himself silently willing the other tomcat to succeed.

He almost let out a satisfied hiss of his own when the other finally made the kill.

While the hunt hadn't been his own, he shares in the sense of satisfaction the other must surely feel at a job well done- a challenge overcome. And maybe it was because Johnny himself had never killed live prey, but there was a flash of interest that came at seeing someone do something he couldn't. Well, couldn't was a strong word. He was sure he could do just about anything if he wanted to- with 'want' being the keyword there. He'd just never had a reason to land the killing blow when half the fun was the chase itself- not when he had a bowl of food waiting for him back home. It'd be a waste.

And he probably should have put an end to it there- the staring, that is- but for some reason molten eyes stay fixed, observant and curious, watching even as the cardinal falls from their jaws and silver eyes find themselves landing on the line of fences, on him.

His shoulders tense beneath the others gaze, but he doesn't flinch or break the look once caught, too stubborn to act as if he hadn't been watching them now that it was so obvious. It's too late to pretend he wasn't, and he's only half surprised when the white-faced raven leaves his kill to stalk toward the fenceline. And the closer he draws the easier it is for Johnny to see that this stranger isn't like the other housecats he's known in the past. While the toms collar says 'cared for' his body says otherwise. It's rough and scarred, wild like the woodland he emerges from, and he feels the fur on the back of his neck raise when their voice carries up to him.

"It's awfully rude to stare."

His tension is rivaled only by his curiosity as he turns to face the other cat, not willing to leave his side exposed to the stranger as they settle on the fence beside them. Had they not had the purple collar hanging so obviously around their throat, Johnny may not have let it get that far. Strays and rogues had only ever proven to be dangerous to housepets like him, and he would have never allowed such a a dangerous individual to settle on his twolegs fenceline like this with him- not because he hated them, but because he'd never been in a situation where things didn't quickly devolve into violence.

For some reason, the strays and rogues had never thought very highly of cats like him and his housepet friends, and he had learned to expect the worse from them.

But this cat was collared, and even as Johnny watched in the heartbeats that followed, the steel in their gaze seemed to soften, the edges no longer blade-sharp as they settled on him and with a scowl that seemed to lessen in its intensity.

"and not introduce yourself."

And cautious as he is with strangers, Johnny isn't the type to condemn without reason. It isn't in his nature to start pointless fights or to act coldly toward others, and maybe -just maybe- there's a part of him that's even jumping at the chance to finally fucking talk to somebody and do something interesting for the first time in a week. So he decides to take the opportunity he's being given and run with it, flashing the larger tom a crooked grin as he forces his shoulders to relax a little.

"Ah, well I wouldn't want to be rude, would I?" he replies, bright eyes watchful. "They call me Johnny. Who're you?"

future skyclan warrior - male - 29 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a short, stocky tomcat with patched fur, amber-gold eyes, and no tail
  • Love
Reactions: ThistleBack
The clank of metal on wood as the fence rocked under the weight and settle of his perch. Battling in the trees made confidence out of facing a potential enemy on the railings. Only, this man seemed to keep his hackles down.

Studious eyes, boldly unmoving upon the possibilities. A prospect warrior around his moons, if not a bit younger. His gaze upon strangers from the twolegplace is ambitious, burning with the chance to train for soldiers for the forces of Skyclan. To the other, perhaps this just looked like a size-up.

They are muscled under their red collar, but the softer life of the kittypet is as noticeable as kitten-fur on an apprentice. This is not what makes Thistleback doubt, however the tail of a rabbit sits at the base of their spine. A pinch of his brows, as the tail was the lifeline to a Skyclanner. wouldn’t want to be rude, would I?, a verbal dance- a salsa of pleasantries if you will. Johnny, the golden-eye introduces which earns a hum in reminiscent of his own former stray name. " Johnny. I like it " he rasps with a ghost of frosted breath.

" Once upon a time, I was Tommie " eloquent and slow, he introduces himself in turn. " However. My path has renamed me. It always has" he smirks toward the pine kingdom now. " I’m called Thistleback, now. I’m a warrior of the pine forest you see before you. Well- " he pauses to shuffle his hooked claws over the edge, " … lead warrior" he shrugs,

" I haven’t been to the twolegplace in some time- but our daylight warriors travel back and forth. You are new aren’t you? I’m certain I would’ve seen you by now on patrol. " he queries.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

  • Love
Reactions: Dizzy


There's a rush that comes from the unknown, an excitement in the unpredictable. It's what's made the constant moving around bearable for him, because he knows that for everything he has to leave behind there's something new to gain waiting for him just up ahead. A little insane, when you thought about it, and he isn't sure if he was born with that insanity or if it was something he'd developed later on out of necessity, something to keep him sane when the time finally came to give it all up and move on.

That part of him is alive, here and now, as he stands on the fence with this stranger. It's an anticipation that he's learned to love, weather it ends in casual conversation, a fight, or even a new ally.

" Johnny. I like it "

There's a spark of something akin to satisfaction that lights in him briefly at the others words, because as quickly as things could topple into the realm of hostility between them, it doesn't. Neither of them have crossed that line yet, which means Johnny had not yet marked this cat as an enemy whose opinion meant nothing to them. had not shifted their status from 'the interesting neighbor cat that hunts in the woods behind my house' to 'a threat that I have no interest in beyond chasing off'.

When the other speaks again, Johnny finds himself compelled to listen, if only to satisfy his own curiosity, one that's been itching at him like ticks in his fur since he'd first spotted the other. His first instinct is to brand the name 'Tommie' to the face of this creature, but no, because he isn't Tommie anymore. He's Thistleback, a warrior of the pine forest- whatever that means.

He feels his brows pinch together in confusion, his curiosity plain as day on his features as he tries to rack his memory for some mention of lead warriors and forest cats, but there's nothing for him to recall. He doesn't appear offended or annoyed by this information, simply listens and soaks in whatever the stranger -Thistleback- says in that moment. Daylight warriors? Back and forth- from where?

You are new aren't you? I'm certain I would've seen you by now on patrol.

He's burning with questions, but he isn't without his suspicions either. He'd lived a lot of place and he'd never heard of anything like what this tom was talking about before, and there was a small part of him that coiled in irritation at the thought of possibly being teased or toyed with by a stranger, that Thistleback might be trying to make him look stupid by weaving a fairytale for him to chase after with his questions. And Johnny would chase them, because he was bored and curious and this tom was interesting if nothing else, a taste of that unpredictability in which the patched tomcat had so come to crave.

"Aye, I am." he confirms, unable to help but sound a little impressed. Most cats aren't so observant. "Just moved in a few days back with the housefolk. Was one hell of a trip to get here, too." he chuckles, though the sound is bittersweet as he recalls the cage and the darkness and the noise. How many hours had he spent like that? He chooses not to dwell on it, pushing the thoughts from his head as his thoughts and attention turn back to the tom beside him.

"Can't say I'm very familiar with the concept of 'forest warriors' though. Just what exactly does that mean, Thistleback?" he asks, allowing himself to take the bait as he willing reaches into the beartrap, waiting for it to spring shut on him.

future skyclan warrior - male - 29 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a short, stocky tomcat with patched fur, amber-gold eyes, and no tail

Suspicions confirmed, Johnny looked a bit surprised about that. Thistleback sways his bottom jaw a bit victoriously, casually wondering what traveling with twolegs entails. Furless fingers on the scruff and shoved into a growling rubber footed metal belly sounds most unappealing. " I can imagine " Thistleback offers with a flick of a nicked ear. " never could trust them enough to live with, let alone…" ‘’ They never wanted me, and recently I was shot by one but that’s neither here nor there, yeah?, he jests to himself mentally as he trails off, doesn’t continue. Luckily, the man had questions. Onehe’s answered a million times, only this time he’s delighted to tell.

A breath of gravely chuckle ticks from his lungs, " curiosity is the sign of a good cat. Or at the least, one with a proper head on the shoulders " he praises as he exists, cold with relatively warm intentions. His tone reveals little, but his eyes stay studious upon them. The stalemate continues, the fence beneath them groans quietly but for once in the history of the forest, there is peace where it probably shouldn’t be.

" A warrior is a cat trained to fight and hunt to support a colony of cats which we call a clan. Not the ruffian sort that writhes like maggots on those streets. " he gestures with a look on his maw that suggested filth toward the smog of the city behind them. " In the forest, are five large clans. Thunderclan, they own the oaks and the brambles to the north-east… Shadowclan, they dwell in the swamp to the far noth-east past the thunderpath….Riverclan the fishers- own the island to the west .. To the north-west you have the scum of the moors, Windclan. And finally. You have my clan. Between here and where the pines end.Skyclan." he points as he speaks.

" have I provoked your interest, Johnny ? " Thistleback smirks sideways, waiting for Johnny’s answer.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



Can't trust them? His brows pinch together in a mixture of confusion and curiosity before landing on the purple collar around his neck. "Can't be all that bad if you let them collar you though, right?" he asks, and while the words are light-hearted and the corners of his lips tugged into an easy going smile, there just a hint of concern hiding beneath him.

He isn't so naive as to think every twoleg in the world is as kind as his own, and he's met more than one cat in the past who'd suffered some unimaginable cruelty at the hands of one, but surely whoever Thistle is with now is taking care of him properly, right? His eyes itch to roam over the other once more in search of clues that say its so, but he's already pushed his luck one by staring and he doesn't want to ruin whatever strange civility had fallen over them.

" curiosity is the sign of a good cat. Or at the least, one with a proper head on the shoulders "

He tries not to let the random line of praise from a total stranger affect him, but its hard not to sit just a little taller, difficult to keep the satisfaction from sparking in his eyes- because it's unexpected, and something a part of him has always craved. He's spent his entire life trying to do the right thing and act the right way, but it's not like he's ever had a guideline to follow or someone around to tell him he was doing things the right way. He'd just had instinct and a moral compass to go off of, working to develop the skills and traits in himself that he thought would serve him well.

And so maybe Thistleback managed to catch him off guard with that one, and if Johnny knows it and lets himself have it anyways, that's nobodys business but his.

"Where I'm from, curiosity gets the cat killed." he jests, mischief sinking into his gaze as he goes on to add, "You can imagine the kind of reputation that gave me."

Because Johnny was no pure source of 'good'. As much as he tried to do right by others, he was still mortal and sins and vices that came with it. And, aside from a need to stay active and a near-constant hunger for purpose of some kind, he was a curious guy who liked to take risks. If the reward outweighed the consequences and he liked the odds enough, Johnny was known to be a reckless little shit at times, grinning in the face of death even while cut open and bleeding.

He has his scars too, after all.

And stories Thistleback does, indeed have, as the patched tomcat comes to learn. Stories not of twoleg place, but of the forest beyond it- of Shdowclan, Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Skyclan, a word spoken with such reverences its hard not to be intrigued. Because Thistleback is an interesting cat, and perhaps learning what intrigues him can help Johnny understand the spiked enigma better. And a part of him is still telling him its all a stupid joke, that this stranger is just fucking with him and wanting to get a laugh on the new guy, but screw it- he likes the odds, so he plays them.

" have I provoked your interest, Johnny ? "

Again, he feels the hairs on the back of his neck raise at the sound of the others voice, not disliking the languid way in which his name falls from their scarred lips.

"Aye, Thistleback, you have my attention." he chuckles, relaxes as he sits on the fence with ears pricked in the toms direction. "Tell me about this Skyclan of yours- I'm listenin'."

And he was.

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Amber eyes stare, but the black and white warrior is unbothered. Johnny’s presumptions are expected, as they are intended. The stranger’s smile earns Thistleback’s attention, silver eyes mull over the display of tense ease.

" I’ve actually-… never been touched by one. " Thistleback chuckles but an old wound is surfaced, when he was a stray kit he had done all he could to find a home and trust them. " This actually. Belonged to a friend " Thistleback’s stare falls distant. " A good man who deserved more than what this pathetic world offered him. " He’ll leave it at that." It pays respect… I guess. At the very least it reminds the kittypet-prejudiced ones that Skyclan is better for their presence. A lesson in underestimation. " he speaks low, conviction within each word yet still so vague.

Truth be told, he still hadn’t mourned properly. Wasn’t a code in his genetic makeup. He himself- was learning. where I’m from curiosity gets the cat, killed, Thistleback raises his brows and cocks his skull to the side if but by a whisker. " don’t let others define you. " he sniffs toward the word reputation with humored petulance.

With Johnny’s attention, the piebald’s tail flicks in silent victory. Watches as the taut shoulders shift with the slightest hint of comfort- even if false.

" Cats with housefolk and cats born wild, make up Skyclan. Some with housefolk do their bit with us then return to the twolegplace when the sun drowns on the horizon "

" I used to return to the rubbish yard, but my responsibilities have made that redundant. "

" There are some of the kindest souls you’ll ever meet in there. Granted I’m not one of them- but, my job is to train warriors, serve, and protect. We have a leader, of whom I serve as a council member too. Blazestar. He’s a good man "

" No matter who you are or what you’ve done. Skyclan is a place worth fighting for, a place where it is worth leaning new things. Masters of the trees " he clears his throat, but then turns back toward the koi pelted stranger once again.

" have you ever felt the thrill of the hunt or soared through the canopies? " he asks.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



What a strange cat, he thinks to himself, to wear a collar without ever having been touched by a twoleg. but it's a mental musing that's cut short in the reveal of where the purple accessory came from and why Thistleback wears it. It's hard not to feel a pang of sympathy for the other, because that's just the kind of cat Johnny is. He understands how important friends are, can appreciate the loyalty and devotion that this tom still carries with him.

"The world can be a right bastard sometimes. I'm sorry about your friend." he says, knowing that words from a stranger mean little -if anything- in the long run, but compelled to say it anyways. "I take it the other groups aren't so kind to us kittypets, then? Can't say I'm surprised. Haven't met many strays that are." he huffs, the words holding a touch of bitterness to them.

"Not you, though!" he adds quickly, shifting his paws on the fence as amber eyes met silver. "I'm actually a bit surprised to hear your not one of us. I've never met a cat without housefolks who was happy to just sit an talk. Most of the time they come around lookin' to tip the trash bins or tear up the gardens. Makes it hard to befriend 'em, you know?" And it really was as simple as that for Johnny. He couldn't care less about where a cat came from or how they spent their days- if they were kind to him he'd be kind in return.

It just didn't usually go that way with strays. They were standoffish and hostile, and and too many bad experiences in the past had made Johnnys patience with them thinner than it probably should have been.

" don't let others define you. "

The words are a bit unexpected, but the other tom wasn't wrong. Johnny had spent a lot of his life under pressure from the cats around him, friends and neighbors who never quite understood why he did the things he did. "That's good advice. I'll have to try and remember it."

When Thistleback begins to talk about Skyclan, Johnnys sure he doesn't do it justice in the image he paints in his mind. He doesn't know the forest, doesn't know the lifestyle, and so it's hard to get the details just right. What he manages to paint isn't bad, though. He has questions though, more than the piebald tomcat probably cares to answer.

" have you ever felt the thrill of the hunt or soared through the canopies? "

And it's here that Johnny feels himself hesitate, and it's uncharacteristic of him but he likes talking to Thistleback and these questions make him wary. He isn't stupid. He knows the reason most unowned cats dislike kittypets is because the two are so different, one getting to live an 'easy' life while the others have to work for everything they have. And the patched tomcat knows what side of the line he stands on, and it's not the same one as the cat sitting beside him.

"I haven't." he admits a bit sheepishly, his uncertainty bleeding through just a bit. "I've chased squirrels and birds out of the flowerbeds, but you could hardly call that huntin'. Didn't see the point in killin' what I didn't need, and the trees that grew in our yards were always small."

He expects to see a change in the other, watches for any hint of tension in their frame or judgement in their eyes and hopes he doesn't see it. He just never had a need to kill birds and mice he wouldn't eat.

"Your skyclan sounds nice, though. Never heard of cats living like that before, all grouped up and working together. Sounds like hard, honest work."

Not every cat could have humans to look after them- not every cat wanted humans to look after them. This system that Thistleback and his leader - Blazestar- had worked out seemed smart. Had Johnny not had a home with twolegs who loved him, he couldn't imagine wandering the streets alone all the time, every cat a potential rival and every day filled with the pointless monotony of tipping over trash bins and stalking through empty alleys in search of shelter or an easy meal. It would have been far better to have a group of friends out there with him, cats he could rely on and who'd look out for one another.


this world can be a right bastard sometimes, Thistleback nods, and his kind expression pinches a bit at the seams as a sorry is given in condolences. " no need. This place didn’t deserve him anyways " Thistleback flicks his tail, but his chest still aches so strangely with the memory of him. Or lacktherof now, seeing as he couldn’t quite recall Rhinnon’s voice anymore.

Johnny talks of strays as if he tastes something sour, Thistleback couldn’t blame it. It had once upon a time been him, and if times were different they wouldn’t be having such unorthodox yet peaceful casual conversation. " disrespectful. They can’t understand, so they hate. Just as a bird born in a cage might think those who fly have some sort of illness. " he shakes his chin, obviously tired for having to advocate for that of which he never was.

Not you though!. The mild scramble to correct, the burst of words earn a breath of surprisingly gentle laughter. Johnny’s revelation bringing a small smile back. " Well. Some of us have to learn our manners. I will admit I did my fair share of mischief… now I’m content with- pleasant conversation with… interesting strangers " he offers in turn.

Good advice, Thistleback wonders why he hears that so much. Was it really advice? It was more of an order, he thinks comically on all the times he had offered some more in-depth commentary.

Not killing for sport, this part absolutely pulls Thistleback’s attention but he doesn’t show it. How intriguing of a predator, to not fall victim to temptation over principle. Points to this stranger, incredibly difficult ones that the lead warrior would hardly ever dish out so easily.

sounds like hard, honest work, that settles some sort of decision for the urchin pelted tom and he raises his chin suddenly.

" Well, then why don’t you come see it for yourself? " he offers, " I can have you back home before nightfall. " he leaps from the fence with an expert spring, landing and turning to look back up at Johnny. " safe and sound " he wouldn’t blame the man for turning down the offer, running off into unknown territory with a stranger? That was a risky seal of fate.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



He was glad his comments hadn't caused some sort of ire in Thistleback. He wasn't trying to insult anyone, but he knew he had a habit of being too open and honest about his feelings sometimes. Johnny had always been that way- quick to share whatever parts of himself he could, eager to make a connection. His emotions were usually on clear display for those around him to see, and he was very clearly intruiged with the piebald tomcat sittin on the fence with them, happy to chat with the mysterious stranger who'd come out of the woods.

" Well, then why don't you come see it for yourself? I can have you home before nightfall. Safe and sound."

The offer catches him off guard, but his surprise is quickly overwritten by a jesting grin. "Are you trying to lure me into the woods, Thistleback?"*Not seaming anywhere near as nervous as he should have. Johnny was confident in his ability to hold himself against another cat despite being outsized, but he couldn't help the hesitant look back toward his house as the wild tom lept down from the fence.

He bit the inside of his cheek as he seemed to consider the offer, amber eyes lingering on his twolegs home as indescision tore at him. It wasn't in his nature to abandon his post. Normally if he wandered it was well within sight of the place so that he could intervene with any trouble that came sniffing around, and yet, he found himself sorely tempted by the tom looking up at him. He'd never lived in a place with a forest or groups of feral cats living entirely independant of the twolegs, and he wanted to see this place that he'd been told about.

'Recon. he thought to himself, a perfect excuse to let himself break his own rules.

Yeah.. that's all it was. It wasn't safe to have so many wild cats allegedly living so close by to his twolegs home, so Johnny had to scope things out for himself.

"Alright." he agreed after a moment, hopping down to join the other. "Guess it's time to see if curiosity actually kills the cat." the bobtail mused with a smile, a nervous sort of excitement sparking to life inside of him at the prospect of doing this- of wandering off into the woods with a total stranger to meet an alleged group of cats who would -presumably- be okay with him walking in there next to Thistle.

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" of course I am. As I should. This spider doesn’t wait in his web to catch flies " Thistleback returns with a tail flick of a charmer’s tease. " How else am I to make friends, if not by plucking them from their gardens and leading them into the mysteries of the forest " he carries his hackles in a sway of sluggish swagger of limbs. Grey eyes never quite leaving his new companion fully as they make their decision.

Teeth trained to clamp and squeeze life, claws curled like coiled vipers designed to tear tendon and flesh- a monster weilding his thorns so boldly beckons and Johnny follows. Bravery blossoms in the form of the patched pelt tailess cat landing on the ground.

" It’d have to kill me first " a promise of safety, and something the Skyclanner knew he could offer well. " to the skies " he barks out hoarsely and kicks off. Limbs pumping like rapids over riverrock and he tears his way up the nearest pine, and plants himself before sailing to the next branch and twisting in a spiral back to the ground next to Johnny’s flank. An acrobatic display, a rare show of talent from a gentleman willing to enthuse. " Skyclan is as diverse as the spring flowers…we’re all so different but we work as a family. In fact, I raised my own here…you may have the chance to meet them if they’re not off on patrol. My daughters Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw are grown and training to be warriors. I have a son too, Coyotepaw. " he allows a small ray of light to cast into his life for the stranger’s eye.

" I have apprentices of my own as well Snowpaw, and my recent successfully trained- Quillstrike. " he adds.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



Thistleback was truly an enigma, one that had ensnared Johnny attention in a way that hadn't been done in a long while. Everything about the tom screamed 'danger, danger, danger, and yet the patched tomcat seemed unable to obey his instincts. He was sure that if any other cat had come along trying to lure him from his station that it wouldn't have worked half as well, but there was something in the way the other spoke, something about the air they carried that had snagged Johnnys interest. He knew that Thistleback could be playing him, that he might be buying into beutifully woven lies in order to charm him away, but..

But he wanted it to be real.

He wanted to believe in a world where cats who didn't have twolegs were still able to live in harmoney and support of each other. He wanted to believe that all cats had some good in them somewhere, and that somehow his twolegs had managed to find this rare, almost farytale sounding place where he might be able to see it first hand.

Maybe he could even help?

Maybe he was already a bug caught by the spider.

"It'd have to kill me first."

The words were offered so easily and with such confidence that it was hard for Johnny not to believe them in some capacity, but it was still unexpected. The patched tom had made a lot of friends in his life, but the strays weren't exactly wrong in assuming most kittypets had a softer edge to them, more likely to turn tail and run out of instinct than to throw themselves headfirst into a fight, especially one they might not win. It wasn't all kittypets of course, but he could only name a pawful who could have actually relied on to have his back in a true altercation, only a few that could have been depended on in a time of true crisis.

"I believe ya." he assured them with a smile, trying to mask the sense of pleasant surprise.

He hoped the other Skyclanners were as kind as Thistleback.

Amber eyes couldn't help but go wide when the other tom suddenly lept into the trees, gaze bright and sparkling with unabashed awe as the inky and snow tomcat landed next to him with a practiced ease that had Johnny practically bouncing on his toes as he turned to face them.

"That was pure dead brilliant!" the shorter tom exclaimed with a grin, "Think you could teach me that? Could come in handy next time i'm in a fix."

Johnny was always eager to challenge himself with something new, and even if Thistleback wasn't interested in handing out pointers, you could bet the patched tabby would be practicing it all the same in his spare time. His mental musings of becoming a master of the trees was cut short when the other began to speak again, more alluring words of Skyclan falling forth to entice him farther.

It was only a few sentences, and yet there was so much to decipher and make note of, so many things that had Johnny brimming with excited energy. It had been a long time since he found himself looking forward to something this much, and he seemed to soak in the information like a sponge.

"They all have 'paw' at the end of their name- is that for a reason?" he inquired, curiosity getting the better of him as his questions spilled forth. "And apprentices- that means your in charge of training others, right?" He wasn't all that familiar with the word, but he knew that apprentices learned from the ones they were apprenticed under. "I won't lie, Thistleback, it sounds like a right amazing place if everything your sayin' is true. I'm looking forward to seeing it for myself and meeting some of these cat of yours."

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