pafp Strawberry Lemonade || Shadowclan patrol

Another day, another patrol. The simple things in clan life were starting to become boring and irritating, especially when it came to the usual banter between their neighbors. It was fun at first, but now...You could only insult the other so much until it became boring and repetitive. Maybe something would happen soon and spice things up a little. He'd probably regret that thought, but for now, he was at the Thunderclan border, rubbing his face on the trees to leave his mark.

And of course, he could not forget his wonderful, esteemed apprentice, Poppypaw. He WISHED he could have the level of confidence and energy she had. Oh, to be young and careless again. Not that he was OLD, but he felt like it sometimes around her. She was so exhausting. He wondered if she would mature more as she grew, but....He couldn't picture it, honestly.

He found himself gazing into the oak forest. With each patrol here, he wondered if he'd see Stumpybounce again..And have to prepare for another compliment. His comment about his eyes threw him so off guard it was almost comical. It really made him realize how....Socially stunted he was. Emotionally stunted? Both, probably.

" Maybe if we're lucky, some dessert will show up." He said.

He thought the cannibalism jokes were weird at first, but now......Why not? Thanks, Smogmaw.

(( @Stumpybounce ))

(( Apprentice tag! @Poppypaw ))

"I bet ThunderClan cats taste bad! Like chewing on pinecones!" The red and white apprentice declared cheerfully, trotting along after her ghost-white mentor with her usual pep in her step. Why they were checking this border alone she had no idea, but she wasn't going to say not to being able to get out of camp and not clean stuff! She was so tired of cleaning nests, it was her least favorite apprentice task and she ended up doing it so often because she liked to talk too much and it always got her in trouble. But Frostbite was a lot more tolerant of her than her other clanmates so he was okay, even if he was a stick in the mud sometimes.
As always, nearing the Thunderpath brings an assortment of unpleasant scents. Skypaw finds he’d rather smell the acrid tang of the hard black earth, the stink of monster fumes, than he would be in a ShadowClan patrol’s presence. The cat leading it today is a dour-faced white tom, a loudmouthed ginger and white she-cat trailing after him.

The lynx point smirks; his dark ears angle, just catching her chirping. “Think you’re thinkin’ of SkyClan, actually,” he drawls. He steps into view, blinking faded denim eyes as light glints off of the Thunderpath’s surface. “We probably taste more like leaves. If I had to guess.” He turns to the cat next to him, curious. “What would you say? Maybe I’ll take a bite out of ya and find out.

// mentor tag @Dewfang

"If you feel the ground start to rumble, move away from the thunderpath as fast as you can," Crowflower instructs, gesturing to the oil-black path with a flick of her tail. "A monster can appear in a matter of seconds."

Although she's sure that Cherrypaw has heard similar advice countless times (no doubt from her own mouth), the black-furrred molly is always careful to reiterate the knowledge until she's certain that it sticks in that young brain of his. It's tempting in a morbid sort of way to venture close to see what manner of unlucky creatures might have been struck dead by the monsters. All it takes is one moment of distraction to become just another macabre road-side decoration. Her attention shifts to Shadowclan's side when she hears the voices of Frostbite and his apprentice. A frown mars her expression, disturbed by their humor.

// apprentice tag @Cherrypaw
Wolfwind pads alongside Crowflower, the motions more familiar than they might've been a couple moons ago. She's happy to call her a friend. An easygoing smile rests itself upon Wolfwind's maw today, though she unconsciously slips into a more serious mindset as the thunderpath comes into view. She thought it funny that she was more easygoing around WindClan these days, with their possibly tyrannical ruler and all. ShadowClanners were just a different kind of weird, though.

Their faces were familiar, even! A pair of cats, one staunch white and another bright red. Even the crowfood in there must see them both coming from fox - lengths away, yeesh. Leaning toward Crowflower, she would whisper. " Bunch'f weirdos, eh? " before raising her voice. " You guys start thinkin' bout new and unusual murder methods ev'ry time you see a ThunderClan cat, or is it just me? " she calls from across the border. Her words are light, but there's an obvious edge to them. Crowflower takes to bein' a responsible mentor so Wolfwind can whip out the response. They can take turns.

She can't help but mentally note the irony 'F Skypaw saying they're mixing their ThunderClan and SkyClan tastes, blessed by that fantastic name and all. (She doesn't think she'll ever look at Little Wolf as a sane woman again) Wolfwind tries to ignore it. " No one's eatin' no one on my watch! " ...She ends up failing, though. " Not sure if Little Wolf got the same message you did, though. " Poor dude.
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